>if Hillary wins Sup Forums gets massively asshurt
>if Trump wins libcucks get massive asshurt
Who here looking forward to the shitstorm?
>if Hillary wins Sup Forums gets massively asshurt
>if Trump wins libcucks get massive asshurt
Who here looking forward to the shitstorm?
I'm finishing a massive amount of memes to trigger drumpftards.
That's not ass pain. He is just so addicted to the red pill he shoves them directly up his asshole.
Whoever wins, Sup Forums will be against no matter what eventually. We feed off the butthurt. We love being miserable.
i already invested in butt-hurt ointment. sure profit
Libcucks have been smug little gits for at least eight years.
I'd rather they get their comeuppance first, but I'll take what I can get.
Best way to get it directly into bloodstream
haha le butthurt voting lmao!!
ignore the fall of civilization vote hillary for butthurt xD
Best part about being irrelevant
Liberals are already stealing signs, committing vandalism, paying agitators and firebombing campaign offices.
and they haven't even officially lost yet. Now Clinton is threatening to have her Saudi friends commit a last second terror attack on top of it.
>the fall of civilization
I dunno I would like to see butthurt Burgers here but on the other hand I would so love to watch horrified terrified leftist cucks at my university screeching and being thrown off their pedestal
I'll prefer Hillary winning because of possible uprisings. Either way it's going to be /comfy/
This post just reeks of butthurt.
>I would so love to watch horrified terrified leftist cucks at my university screeching and being thrown off their pedestal
This. Just got out of uni and my asscucked lecturer was talking about how Brexit was because the public was misinformed and they voted leave because they hated politicians, I was loving every laugh.
>fall of civilization if my meme candidate doesn't get elected
first election Piotr?
This. If trump is ever positively received by the mainstream for whatever reason we'll just pretend we never liked him lmao
Yeah Sup Forums are just a bunch of contrarians.
I wanna see how scared Mexicans are more than anything
I had a dream about the shitstorm last night OP
I was in a town by the ocean and people were happy so assuming we won
hope hillary wins, this place will be in full meltdown and it'll be hilarious
couldn't care less what some normies on twitter or reddit or whatever think so them getting triggered by trump winning means nothing to me
I don't even know what I am looking for anymore
>hillary wins
-Sup Forums gets upset, go on full meltdown for a few days and gets made fun of for a few months
>trump wins
-entire left gets massively butthurt for YEARS to come, dozens of videos of faggots crying and screaming over how they can't even
I've trolled Sup Forums before, play-shilling for Clinton and that's fun and all, but honestly the internet will be a much funnier place for a long while if Trump wins
you forgot your progressive blanket today. maybe they'll give you a hotdog to play with, afterall.
also i hope you shills die in the uprising lol
No matter who wins this is going to be ebin. I plan to role play being butthurt and being a troll, depending on what the thread calls for
>Drumpf BTFO
>Hillshart BTFO
Prepare your angus Drumpftards and Hillniggers
If Trump loses we can meme the US into a civil war.
>Is this our Samson option?
>Trump wins
>Hillary wins
You retarded, OP? You new here? Sup Forums always wins.
There's not going to be any assault because once #pedogate goes viral a Trump landslide will be the only way to secure a peaceful transition of power.
They'll have no choice but to let it happen and pick up the pieces later.
>the internet will be a much funnier place for a long while if Trump wins
or to say, internet would not be fun at all when Hillary get (((elected))).
This, Sup Forums will be a leftist board within a year if Trump wins just to be contrarian.
only if he fucks it all up like Geroge Bush
>Sup Forums will be a leftist board within a year if Trump wins just to be contrarian.
This would only be possible if the state of the left becomes less sjw. The left in its current state does not tolerate racism, ironic or not, or the type of humor that Sup Forums naturally draws itself to since forever. The left has made itself incompatible with this site
Sup Forums can be more "left" in the sense that it can become less pro-capitalist, but I don't think it will ever go progressive
>Who here looking forward to the shitstorm?
It'll be an absolute joy browsing /pol after the election, whoever wins. I'm rooting for Trump but the emanating saltyness from this place will keep me warm for weeks should [the other candidate] win.
>Field continues to narrow
>Clinton wins 272 to 268
>Wins the last state by ~10,000 votes in an area where Democrats are likely to be committing voter fraud
>Dems don't manage to retake the senate
>4 years of everyone impotently raging at one another
>President Paul Ryan in 2020
Sup Forums will only get depressed and disappointed for a few weeks.
The left will act like Hitler was just elected.
>Thinking the right will win another election after this one if we lose.
Were fucked if Trump loses, unless something "deplorable" were to happen.
>Trump wins, everyone wins
>Hillary wins, Sup Forums loses
Either way, everyone wins.
Link pls