Does this show pull a Community at some point?

Does this show pull a Community at some point?
Because I've seen 2 seasons and it's been absolutely great so far

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it gets a little weird around s6

The final season was shit.

Dobby marks the start of the decline and the last two seasons were noticeably worse than the rest of the series but regardless of the jumped shark it still had some funny moments and I'm satisfied with it. Pure fun kino, endessly quotable

super hands got more and more flanderized and basically ruined the show

>Does anyone know the scene were Mark tells Dobbie something about not leaving his shell and she responds by saying something similar like "Are you just scared of being happy because there's always the chance that happiness will leave you and you'll just end up more miserable then before"

I made a thread of this but no one cared

They make Jez gay for no reason in the final season pretty much ruined the finale

It's honestly great.
The last season of any show is in most cases not its peak, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The show as a whole is kino to a degree I've not encountered since.

It fits Jez to be bi though

Jez was always a little gay, remember when Mark suggests Jeremy go home and have some gay flings to try to forget about Dobby? Also he's "never lived" because he's never boffed a tranny. Lovely Stu. Gave the Orgazoid a hand. The bad thing.
The whole love trio thing was better than having Jez be a total fag, at least it added some superficial drama to try to keep the last series alive (which it didn't do well)

There were reference to Jez not being totally straight since season 1

The second half of the series is weaker than the first, but it's still pretty good


These. First 5 seasons are perfect. The second wedding episode might be my fav comedy episode ever.
"Over the hump" fkin lol

first 5 seasons is some of the best TV ever

He did nothing wrong

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Dobby was a pathetically awful character but everything else was good.

Super Hans was slightly overused considering he was basically Newman from Seinfeld, but he didn't hurt the show too much overall

Ugh, under the duvet. No one should ever see under the duvet.
t. shredded hamlet

>People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis! You can't trust people, Jez

what the fuck's a washing machine doing in a pub?
jesus, I need a drink

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The Swan...and Paedo.

Everything after the wedding with Sofie is bad.

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Gerrard loved the Reds...the red team
>There were three tiers of cakes cheaper than this!

>Well played, Gerard. You couldn't beat me on earth, so you're shitting on me from heaven. Like a dead, jealous pigeon.

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There were three different flavours of crisps!

No chance, Super Hans gets better the further he goes on, his whole monologe in season 5 I think where he comes off Crack and starts running is funny as fuck.

Tbh this show is one of the more brilliantly great modern British comedys. Yes it wasn't as good as it got to the end but name me a comedy that did.

Doesn't he get a BJ off Super Hans in the first series? It's clear he's a closet gay all the way through it.