> Conservashits
two wars didn't cost as much as Obongo wasted while getting nothing done
Pretty fucking retarded argument considering they were both shit presidents.
bush started 2 was and yet during obama presidency 2 times more people died in conflicts all over the world. makes ya think. THis is policy of appeasement Raegant was talking about desu, but let leftist pander each backs about how good people they are
My taxes actually went down under Bush
Do liberals still think that if we don't like Obama we must've liked Bush?
W was way FUCKING worse than Obama . That is an objective FACT
Gas prices dropped. Healthcare costs skyrocketed.
Try harder next time.
They're likely part of the same Cabal. Obama surely is guilty of war crimes in Lybia and Syria. So what's your point, faggot? Trying to play party politics on Sup Forums?
Nigga Obama went to a shitoload of wars and didn't even had to sell them to a bunch of peasants like yourself.
>objective FACT
States this. Does not provide the argument. Back to community college----->>>
>implying anyone on Sup Forums will unironically defend Bush Jr.
wars were won till Obama showed up
Can I think both where shit presidents?
How does this validate obamacare though? Two wrong dont make a right.
>Hillary voted for both
Do you enjoy posting the same image and thread over and over again, or are you just retarded?
Bush and Obama were both fucking terrible, establishment candidates loyal to Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and a host of other special interests.
Conservative and liberals have both been screwed by their respective parties.
That's why people have been flocking to both Bernie and Trump.
> pedoliberals
>being forced to pay for anything
pic related?
OP rekt
I just like triggering alt right FAGGOTS
Occupied wallstreet is beyond obvious controlled opposition, mocking Obamas shutdown of the occupy movement, but liberals are such damn sheeple they have no idea.
Iraq, Afghanistan, and 9/11 alone solidify him as one of the top 3 worst presidents of all time, and that's not even mentioning his awful education reform, his tax breaks and deregulation that directly caused the 2008 global financial crisis, made lobbying easier, and colluded with Cheney's friends in the military-industrial complex to prop up conflicts all over the world. He was a monster, and you fucking retards actually gave him 8 years. 4 and you might be forgiven, but anyone who voted Bush twice is going to burn in hell
Yeah, both those things piss me off.
Also, am still for single payer healthcare. Too bad neither candidate is for it.
So I'm voting Trump
This is why libshits are losing the battle now.
They can't see past party politics.
They genuinely believe that Dems are good and republicans are evil
They don't understand that it's the establishment on both sides that's the real enemy.
made you buy what you had for twice the price. just cap the medicine cost, tax deduce failed drug production research, voila, cheap affordable sustainable healthcare. policies are easy as fk you just make it hard. cus some rich fuck wants 2000% roi
>it's and liberals think most conservatives still like bush
>Mad obama gave you aids
>Bush gave you 2 types of cancer
thanks obama the cancer was already pretty bad but at least you only gave me aids to compound my problems
Retard bill clinton signed the iraq liberation bill that gave bush the authority to attack iraq.
Clinton and bush = same
Beyond obvious is right
It's globalist v nationalists. Not rep v dem.
This thread is fucking pointless.
Moving on.
No, that doesn't fit the idiotic narrative the left has created
Hillary is coming in with that bubonic plague to end it all and put us out of our misery. Only doctor don and noble sleepy doctor ben Carson can save us now.
> Bush: 2 wars
> Obama: 5 wars AND obamacare
What did he mean with this?
Bush sucked cucks
>5 wars
All correct, but wasn't it Bill's deregulation of banks that caused the collapse?
Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen.
Obama also made us pay for a continuation of international spying on our allies and domestic spying on the populace, and overthrowing the government/bombing the shit out of libya, and bombing yemen, and continuing to bomb afghanistan, and now we're still bombing Iraq so it's like we never even left, and pushing to overthrow the government in Syria, oh and don't forget destabilizing several more middle eastern countries like Tunisia and Egypt.
Oh, and making everyone buy health insurance and then drastically raising the rates.
But yeah, Bush was a bad president so that excuses everything that Obama does, right?
I don't directly pay for war
Question for Americans;
When you talk about ''socialized healthcare/insurance'' and other social programs,
it seems to me that the idea is getting large corporations to provide the service instead of a government agency/department like in Europe.
Slide thread. Nobody here gives a fuck about Bush.
I don't remember paying Bush $2,400 dollars a month after taxes.