Swedish bus driver bashes Iranian Refugee
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Not sure if bus driver, he wants photo of his face?
What the fuck is this
Why are there Iranian refugees? Is there some civil war I'm not aware of?
It's fucking nothing, CTR shills.
Has Sweden finally had enough?
Yeah he showed him, get back to your Shia hellhole Iranian dog, Sweden is a Sunni state.
Old news but a satisfactory repost.
>Sup Forums will defend this
That bus driver is a savage
>says a spic
You worry about bricklaying, bitch.
Takbir brother!
Iran is shit if you're not a muslim extremist
>I wanta food off your face?
Swedes, wtf is happening here?
So living in a shithole automatically grants you the title of refugee?
When did this happen?
The best part is when he was punching him in the back of the head
>Rekt by an old man who is sedintary for a living
Whites would physically dominate muslims and push them out of our countries without even using weapons. These sandniggers are so weak and spaztic. Just throw em out.
This is really old. I don't remember the context of it but if I remember correctly the bus driver had fractures in his arm after this encounter. He was fired ofcourse.
Saying "Sweden No" is a 2015 meme and it's used ironically.
Not CTR at all.
They hang homos, abuse Christians etc.
All the usual Muslim stuff.
>One Swedish person does something
>Hurr Swedes are standing up for themselves, this is a turning point
Until Sweden actually stops letting in migrants and kicks out the majority or all of the migrants they have they will still be a bunch of cock gargling faggots.
The busdriver is fucking retarded.
Living in a shithole automatically grants you the title of refugee and rights to just waltz into foreign countries?
When did this become a thing? Because back in the day you'd shoot invading hordes. Fuck them. They aren't your people.
Plus why are they refugees in Sweden? You seek refuge in the first country you come to that's peaceful? How'd he get way up to Sweden from Iran? Why didn't the other countries he passed through shoot him on sight?
This is really firing my neurons.
Lulz u mad
85% of the "refugees" are from Africa.
I mean look at his face. I never thought I'd see the day, but I feel bad for the mudslime.
Calm down Cleetus, go seek your sister or nephew for some 'secret fun time' and drink some moonshine...
Europe is for immigrants, we claim it now and we own it
We're aware. It just baffles us as to how and why.
She probably did get adopted very easily
Seconded. What's going on? Why is he going for the refugee's shoes?
Fuck off Ahmed. I can't wait to Deus Vult you.
>someone doesn't like being invaded so he must be an inbred hillbilly!
Nice meme faggot
i wil wreck you in a 1v1 fight you fucking idiot
Some swedish cutie I've got on my fap tumblr account has been posting tons of red pilled comments all of a sudden. Feels good man.
No you won't. You can't even carry a butter knife on you and I have a little device that can throw a piece of metal through your chest at 1200 feet per second.
Go back to Iran, Abdul. You're not welcome in the West.
>comments blocked
>100 dislikes
fuck off indio
Thats it ive had enough. may allah caste a thousand rodents upon you..
>Mexico hears of this NOW
>literally as old as OPs grandmom
Did you just recieve 60's music too?
It can't be the time zones can it?
he says I want a photo of your face
The English is hilarious
It happened when SJW's took over. Europa is doomed.
>Iranian Refugee
Fuck you Nigel. You had me going, hook line and sinker.
I need to stop getting baited so easily. But God damn it, I hate muzzies so much. Pisslam was never even a fucking thing on my radar until two years ago or whatever when Merkel opened the floodgates and the media constantly sucked the dick of Islam in response. Now it's constantly talked about.
I wish it would just fuck off already. I'm sick of hearing of those barbaric retards.
These slimes are so weak and pathetic when it's not 10 on 1.
Who the fuck whimpers like a little bitch after getting slapped by an old man?
Disgusting. They're not human.
we're approaching critical mass Sup Forums
you all laughed at us, we'll see who gets the last laugh!
allahu akbar
I will personally adopt these sad orphans and make sure they get food and education as long as the grown-ass men stay the fuck back in Syria or Mullahistan or Mali or wherever they come from.
Congrats Sweden, you are moved 1 point down on international cuck ladder. Now it goes:
1. France
2. Germany
3. Sweden
Iran is one of the few Muslim countries where my wife didn't have to cover her head/face/arms
Maybe if OBAMA didn't fucking help ISIS then her father would be alive. Fucking leftist. Want to help everyone, but never want to look at the root cause of the problem. Fuck this regime change bullshit. It never worked. You kill the fucking dictator, great, now his people will live in a hell on Earth. Fantastic work. For the freedoms. Jesus Christ.
Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend i suggest that you lurk more before you post stupid shit.
english not my first language. western pig
that's no fucking good m8.
>if I call him a newfag I don't have to address his points
BUILD WALL you fucking spic.
Hilleary is going to take that"gun" that you don't own, you fat piece of shit. I really hate the gov taking the peoples right to bear arms but you deserve to get fucking cruxified you fat shit.
>if I bring up guns he will instantly forget the point he initially put forth!
Better make room in your chicken coop. Cousin Juan is moving back in when we send him back.
Hey, you're the one using the word. Are you lower "caste" or something. I think you are.
mexicans need to get off our board
Keep dreaming you fat sack of lard, trump only made that all you subhuman niggers come out to be put on a no flight list and then take your guns, i hope you feel bad for falling for the long con.
Shut the fuck up somalian dick licker.
Good thing that such a list is unconstitutional and not possible :
you'll never be one of us
>Good thing that such a list is unconstitutional and not possible :
Are you ready to prep the bull Sven, it should be almost dark there.
Laugh all you want Jose. Doesn't make that statement any less true :v)
>2015 meme
>sweden NO
Just kill yourself you fat miserable faggot
Hey Mexico your skills are needed for translation, see the catalog.
Deep in your hearth you know that is not a meme.
Always. It's like Attack of the clones I swear.
So what's the context, what do they even say in the video?
deep in your heart you know you're just a smelly, stinky, dirty, wetback, now go pick up your uncle in your pickup truck from the 80's, his shift outside home depot is almost over.
OMA, skin! Time for a stining!
Your bull prepping is about to start Sven, dont get angry or the bull may not let you watch.
He took a "photo of his face". Took a while for me to understand "footo".
Also the squealing refugee at the end gets me rock hard
mohamad missed the bus and tried to stop it by standing infront of the bus almost getting ran over, got a ride and got on the bus at the next stop, took picture of drivers face, driver got pissed and demanded his phone, mohamed refused, mohamed BTFO by driver
refugees acted like conquerors and the bus driver snapped.
weak, you're so weak, must be that famous spic IQ
are you one of them.. mexican.. intellectuals?
Kek. Long live Putin
Do islam only have 4-5 boy names? or are females also named muhammad and such?
Jesus fucking Christ purge'em with fire.
I don't need to be an intellectuakl to know that you love nigger dick Sven. Anyway have a nice weekend in the cuck-shed.
I bet the Swedish girl recording it reported the bus driver to the police and then fucked the Iranian scum.
>all the eurocucks coming out in force to call the busdriver a faggot or an idiot.
This is why you people are going to be bred out.
We have Trump. You still cling to kike multicult.
Watch the Germans vote Merkel in again.
>that one shitty mexicunt in the thread
I bet it is the same one who wants war with whites here in the united states.