So they were actually planning on starting the film this way. With another case of subverting your expectations. Embarrassing.
The Last Jedi Deleted Scenes (Youtube)
I loved TLJ, but most of those deleted scenes are pretty terrible and I'm glad they were cut.
That said, pretty much every deleted scene in all of star wars is shit and was cut for good reason
>152 minute runtime
>10 minutes of deleted scenes
>opening in on the Finn waking up gag
>fucking stupid party scene
>Tom Hardy stormtrooper bullshit
It's amazing how this film could've been even worse than it already is.
I honestly don't mind this movie at all. It was much better than TFA I will never understand the fanboy outrage. Especially when it was so absent for TFA.
TFA, outside of a few interesting ideas like Kylo Ren, was deliberately constructed to be as safe and formulaic as possible and make everyone happy. TLJ, for better or worse, is actually a movie made by a writer/director who wants to say something and that's upsetting to the autists who just wanted yet another safe and predictable star wars movie about Luke being badass and killing stormtroopers before saying REY I AM YOUR FATHER and then they go fight Snoke (who is Plagueis btw)
>this movie could have been even worse
Jesus fucking christ
that luke leia scene should definitely have stayed. thats amazing
At 7:00, her reflection shows a red saber. Is this intentional poetry?
The bitch storm over Rey's parentage discredited the SW fanboys. Rian was right, the fanboys were wrong.
>the finger bite scene
> TLJ, for better or worse, is actually a movie made by a writer/director who wants to say something
Yes. Unfortunately, what he wants to say is, "I'm a complete fucking retard."
I would guess so. But even in the deleted scenes, TLJ suffers from the same fundamental problems.
At first when watching the party scene, for example, I thought "that's actually a pretty clever way for Luke to teach something to Rey", but then of course, Rey being without fault, turns the lesson around against Luke, making him look like the idiot.
If this scene had stayed in (with the visual poetry), the caretakers weren't happy when Rey got in and she actually understood something, I would have been okay with it. Don't act rashly without thinking, without getting your facts straight. You could injure someone or even worse.
But no, she's awesome and Luke sucks, and even in the deleted scenes that still happens.
>who just wanted yet another safe and predictable star wars movie about Luke being badass and killing stormtroopers before saying REY I AM YOUR FATHER and then they go fight Snoke (who is Plagueis btw)
What's up with these strawman arguments I've been seeing? Is it true Disney has shills here or what?
>writer/director who wants to say something
Bullshit he tried to make something that'd please the fans, i.e. moving target. What a hack fucking director. Make the movie that YOU want to see, the reason why YOU were hired to direct Disney's vision to being with. It's just that fucking simple.
>that first scene
its been a while since i saw the original trilogy and such, but has there always been so much unnecessary slapstick?
Ok you asked for this:
1. The plot was a modern corporate “set-piece” showcase that made up “cool scenes” and wrote a story around them instead of creating a plot that could generate excitement through it’s narrative.
2. Rey is bad not because she’s a powerful competent women, she’s boring because she is a generic paint by numbers “insert-here” protagonist meant to be as inoffensive as possible so no possible merchandising demographic would not like her.
3. Finn had a good arc in The Force Awakens. Shame then that he apparently forgot it all between movies and repeated it all this movie. That why he was so pointless, not cause he’s black.
4. Canto Bight is a thirty minute waste of time that does not effect the plot. It has no “anti-capitalist message” it has a toothless “hurr greed bad” message.
5. Holdo is a bad character because she is a walking plot device that makes decisions only so others have to take action. She was created backwards. Where they wanted Poe to learn a lesson about “not being a hot-head” but didn’t want him to actually do something wrong because then the audience wouldn’t like him (and buy his merchandise). therefore she makes contradictory and nonsensical moves because she isn’t a character, but a plot-object. None of this has to do with her purple hair (it’s space, some planets have weird hair) or being a woman.
6. Hyperspace ramming as elaborated in detail elsewhere invalidates the entire franchise.
7. Luke had all his character development from a whole trilogy wiped out. All so they could do a cliche “fed-up with life kung-fu master” cliche who then dies from thinking too hard.
>tfw fan edits are already coming out
8. The First Order are illogical, apparently they built a fleet and accompanying super weapons as big as the Galactic Empires without having a galaxy or empire to fund and build them. Somehow the entire galaxy is fine with them rolling up and taking charge without so much as a shrug because they blew up one system with a weapon they no longer have. The OT empire was well presented in how they ruled and operated the galaxy even in A New Hope. The First Order has no characterization beyond “remember the Empire?” Nothing the First Order does is even remotely related to the Republican party, their pretty generic space facists. They never rant about immigration or healthcare or really anything political other than the same "We hate Freedom" that the original Empire did, and they have a diverse multi-racial and gender equal approach to evil, more so even than the original. Unless you think being obvious pulp-Nazi stand-ins is an accurate depiction of the GOP they're pretty toothless when it comes to current political commentary.
9. Snoke is stupid, lots of critics claim “we knew nothing about the Emperor” but the viewer had no preconceived knowledge about the Star Wars universe in the original films. It stands to reason that powerful characters existed, unknown to the viewer.
In the new trilogy, the universe is established, The evil was the Empire, Vader and the Emperor. For a character of Snokes immense power to exist is contradictory. It requires an explanation. And for characters such as Luke and Leia to refer to him by name, on multiple occasions, and for others such as Rey to never question this, is disconcerting, unnatural and entirely immersion breaking.
>look mom I posted it again
>I hate starbros rian is brainlet
>here copy pasta
>answer pls
He has some nice ideas about the concept of heritage and past that the fans flat out misunderstood. It wasn't his point that Luke was a thing of the past that they needed to ditch. He was saying progress should happen taking the past into consideration, not mindlessly killing it. Which honestly is an anti-leftist statement.
aren't shields pretty unusual in star wars, why does the raddus have one
10. Bad costume design, In the OT and PT everyone has a unique look and silhouette that is both easy to pick out in a crowd and memorable. From the Rebels on the Tantive IV to the Tatooine/Jedi robe look, to the Naboo guard outfits, to the Troopers in the Hoth Trenches. None of the costumes in The Last Jedi do this. I couldn't tell you what most main characters wore much less the extras. Everything is so generic and uninspired you could use it in another movie and no one would notice they were reusing Star Wars costumes.
11. All the ships and vehicles are just the original trilogies with some extra lines painted on. Both the prequels and Rogue One managed to have designs that were simultaneously unique looking but still thematically similar to the original movies. everything save the salt-speeders is just a repainted original with some flaps.
12. Finally It's funny hearing people complain about "fanboys" wanting TLJ to be a retread when TLJ dedicates it's entire runtime to nullifying any changes to the story since ANH. It has been 35 years in-universe and everything is now at exactly the same point it was during ANH, Empire has uncontested rule of the galaxy, Scrappy rebels (They even change their name from Resistance to Rebels in the third act!), Dark Lord ruling the aforementioned Empire, One half-trained Jedi to keep on the Orders legacy (which has been otherwise wiped out), and so-on. The entire original trilogy might as well not have happened now because the universe has been reset to a merchandise friendly timeless limbo.
>still can't refute it
Shill tears always taste so sweet
>I loved TLJ
>Finn had a good arc in The Force Awakens
I don't get this meme. He start as a bad guy who hate violence but 5 minutes after deciding to quit the Order he's just another somewhat cowardly sidekick that has no problem firing at the ennemy and him being a traitor only come up at convenient moment. The stormtrooper who fought him 1vs1 was legitimatly a better character.
Shields have always been in Star Wars, but never actually seen as a bubble around a ship.
>I loved TLJ
stop repyling to copy paste,newfags using this kind of stuff to bait other newfags
fans wanted fanservice the movie.
It had some potential, it's actually SUBVERSIVE in a good, not retarded way. The Stormtroopers being actual people instead of walking shooting targets is not a bad idea
rian has such a high pitched weasely voice
No, this is 100% legit and I will engage in any discussion related to it. It became a copypasta because shills couldn't refute it and would SEETHE for 200 posts afterwards
>what are those things?
Mary Sue my ass. Rey is a fucking racist asshole, that's her flaw.
I don't come on Sup Forums that often.
>he tried to make something that'd please fans.
>goes out of his way to crush 2 years of fan theories and 40 years of predictable comfy conditioning.
The burning village/party scene is pretty nice and clever. I'm kind of tired of how Rian subverts everything though.
>I loved TLJ
Magnificent bait.
Honestly TLJ gets too much hate. TFA deserves all the blame for establishing the shitty characters and story, there was nothing Johnson could've done to salvage it.
Yeah, but the guy who 1vs1 finn did it all better in less than a minute. We learn that the guy is prideful, confidant, skilled and loyal. If he survived the encounter maybe he could have went on to climb the rank of the first order and be a reccuring dangerous ennemy until the final movie where Finn beat him or something.
That guy and Kylo were the only two characters I liked in this waste of a movie.
I'm glad they shot this on film. Rian might not be the best writer but he's a decent director. Visually TLJ was on point.
except give in and fuel jj's safe fanservice rehash machine.
Damn the guy for challenging the faulty foundations of this overrated to hell franchise.
I couldn't make it through the first three seconds
That soyboy face and voice is just too much
>who wants to say something
And what was that, should we sacrifice ourselves for the people we love like Luke or don't, like Finn and the ugly chink? Should we let go of the past like Yoda says or don't because Kylo says it too and he's a villain?
Not even getting into the retarded characterization, the abysmal action scenes and cringe quips. Great movie you have there Ruin Johnsoy, I'm sure Jew Jew with the scriptwriter of Justice League will save this franchise in Episode 9
both, the film was about balance in all things.
wtf am i watching
they're both bad movies for different reasons. They're not even just bad Star Wars films, they're bad sci-fi in general.
Terrio's script was never filmed for Justice League. He did BvS.
>Should we let go of the past like Yoda says
That's not what Yoda says. He says the past isn't strictly in old books.
Will you guys ever stop doing embarrassing damage control over this dumpster fire? Just be honest with me
not crazy about le internal conflict man, but the pickings are slim
probably not.
>hurr durr it's like poetry
I imagine the entire rest of the film could have been 100% different, as long as they hit this beat people would eat it up. He could have literally died from getting a train spike shoved up his ass but if he saw two suns
>it's just like the first movie this is great JJ btfo
No, fans wanted a good story, something that wasn't an insult to intelligence and a complete waste of time. Not actively shitting on the conventions of the setting would have been a nice bonus as well.
Disney thinks they can blow all their creativity points on marketing and just halfass the story. Fuck the very idea of them.
>show that the movie can't keep even the most shallow themes straight for two hours and a half
Answer my question
>I loved TLJ
Oh shit almost got me m8
>I honestly don't mind this movie at all
there is something wrong with people like you
>its good because its different
kill yourself brainlet
>Not actively shitting on the conventions of the setting would have been a nice bonus as well.
>I'm an autist obsessed with the literal word and """""""lore"""""" of star wars rather than the spirit of it and am butthurt that the movie called out my interaction with star wars as the obtuse retardation it is
>dat director intro
this guy is the hillary clinton of directors
What the fuck are you talking about
Whatever good ideas TLJ had were buried underneath absolutely terrible and lazy execution. It's basically on the same level as Prequels. Halfass the script, drown everything in bad jokes and special effects.
He was okay, which is better than everything else.
>>I'm an autist obsessed with the literal word and """""""lore"""""" of star wars rather than the spirit of it and am butthurt that the movie called out my interaction with star wars as the obtuse retardation it is
But the spirit of Star Wars was raped merciless by Rian, Luke Skylwalker is now a fucking maniac who runs away from his problems now for fucks sake
His dialogue was entirely overriden in rewrites and reshoots to make it light and fun. It's not his script. You can just compare BvS and JL and see the scripts are nothing at all alike.
>Luke feels guilt for almost killing Kylo with a lightsaber
>That opening
I'm sorry are they trying to spoof star wars? Like what the fuck, why do that? Did they forget this is a fucking sequel? This could be clever in a different franchise, but when its literally meant to be a different part of the same story, why constantly try to actively oppose the first film? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?
wow it's almost as if they realized it didn't work and that's why it's a deleted scene
>implying that "subversion" isn't a major driving force behind several sequences in this film
Here you go, shitheel. Remember to appreciate the "spirit" of this. Check this out, geniuses. This is the sort of shit you're defending when you say internal consistency doesn't matter.
Well-known ways you can kill a vampire:
>Holy water
>a stake through the heart
>impalement with silver
>impalement with a holy symbol
>immersion in running water(baptism)
>Our desperate band of heroes runs from a vampire lord and his minions, slowly getting picked off while a dubious “hero” assures them he has a plan. They repeatedly ask him what the plan is, but he remains suspiciously reticent, leading them to suspect that he is, in fact, in league with the vampires. They rebel against him and overpower him, but one of the protagonists has second thoughts and frees him. It’s at this point he at last reveals his master plan:
>He manhandles their barricade out of the way singlehandedly, revealing strength never hitherto even suggested, throws open the door, and stabs his own hand through the chest of the first vampire to rush him, killing it instantly, because he’s been made of wood the entire time.
>And then in a further unexpected development, we discover that killing any single vampire kills all the rest, up to and including the master.
>And then we discover that both he and the vampires knew all this from the start, and literally all the people are made out of wood.
>t. Rian “Turbohack” Johnson
But how did they not realize until after shooting it?
>the answer to a situation created by a retarded muder attempt is another retarded murder attempt
Incredible, shills are just as dumb as Rian himself. It's amazing, they don't even remember how Luke tried to deal with LITERALLY THE SAME situation in RotJ
Guys, watched TLJ yesterday.
Why didn't they just turbo-charge-ram the ships earlier?
They apparently need a pilot for that (according to Holdo), and they didn't want to sacrifice ships and pilots like that.
>look mom I posted it again
>implying there are consistent rules about Vampires in the first place (Dracula isn't affected by sunlight in the original text)
again, you're a wikifag loreautist upset he didn't get a movie specifically catered to his tastes. You want Star Wars to be compartmentalized and quantified so you can write wiki articles about it.
Because Poe fucked up the plan of admiral purple head.
Because the writting of this movie leaves to be desired
They weren't close enough to the planet and they weren't done evacuating. Also because Holdo is crazy.
they don't even remember how Luke tried to deal with LITERALLY THE SAME situation in RotJ
By almost murdering his father, only relenting at the very last second?
Who gives a fuck. How did people not just crash into bullshit at light speed? Can we get a counter on light speed jumps in all 9 films? Not one person just crashed?
Why didn't they sacrifice one of the ship who ran out of fuel
And you liked BvS a lot, I'm sure
I just wanna take this moment to thank Abrams and Johnson for subverting expectation by making the black guy comic relief. I've never seen that done before and it was a brave choice.
Why did they cut out Jabba?
Oh no hes going to kill a someone who actual has committed mass genocide. This is very similer to him almost killing someone who he thinks might someday commit genocide.
Who even cares about lore? The movie doesn't work from the word go when they attempt to convince you that First Order is somehow as big as the Empire was now and "resistance" are some kind of 400-strong group (FOR THE ENTIRE GALAXY) despite it making absolutely no fucking sense not only in the context of Episode 6, but also Episode 7. You know Disney, the movie you JUST MADE two years ago. Nothing works after this realization. It's such a huge plothole it unravels the entire movie.
They didn't want the First Order to come up with a counter plan before they got to the salt planet? Idk, yeah, the movie makes no sense. I'm just trying to come up with head canon.
>sparring with space robot Hitler, trying to overcome his rage is the same as murdering a child nephew in his sleep decades after he learned to control his rage
>a bloo bloo why did my perfect idol make a mistake SHIT writing
>I don't remember it
I know, he threw away his lightsaber and refused to fight until they threatened to kill his sister. The same sister whose son he then tried to murder in his sleep and the same sister whose husband was killed because of him while he hid like a bitch for no reason at all
they cut those great Rey/Luke scenes and kept the casino crap. I'm done.
>Luke resisted temptation once so that means he conquered temptation as a concept and would never again be tempted by the dark side, especially in a situation where he could conceivably prevent greater loss of life
>SHIT writing
Glad you finally admit it