>School in Long Island has a mock vote for president
>has to cancel it because the students were chanting "Trump" and becoming racist
>School in Long Island has a mock vote for president
>has to cancel it because the students were chanting "Trump" and becoming racist
Other urls found in this thread:
>chanting Trump
>Muh racism
When do they teach mental gymnastics?
>.025 hopes for the future has been deposited in my account
This is why we don't let kids vote. They're morons clinging to whatever is edgy or meming at the time.
you have to appreciate the efforts they went through to give the kids an authentic experience of democracy
>who do you want to vote for
>NUH-UH Try Again
>Trump Trump Trump!
>Ok, We're cancelling the elections. Also, no icecream tonight.
That was one of the best, most accurate real world reflective (though malgré lui) lessons they could have taught those children.
Nobody argued otherwise.
If trump loses everyone is going to become more radicalized.
I grew up on Long Island and remember doing a Bush/Kerry mock election in elementary school. Kerry won but now it seems like Trump is winning with the kids. That's a reflection of the parents. Trump will win New York.
Lol those little white trump supporters are based
>here kids, you'll have to pick option A or option B in a exhibit of our democratic nation
>Option B! Option B! Option B!
>No, no! You're doing it all wrong! The vote's off and you're all getting detention
What did these shining examples of American democracy mean by this?
Kids tend to go against what the prevailing narrative of society is at the time. This is why stinking hippies appeared in the 60s after the ultra conservative decades previously. The pendulum continues to swing.
I told you that LI was going to be red.
I went to a ghetto elementary school back in 04
98% of the kids were black and voting Kerry. Everyone had a "Bush Lied" sticker on their desk
I wasn't ashamed of saying I was pro Bush but damn in hindsight that was bold
Fucking this.
>Oh wait you little shits, don't you realize your vote doesn't count?
top kek
If by that you mean bitch more on the internet yeah.
Which school?
I also grew up on the Island. We did a mock election in elementary where we went to a mock voting booth and voted on a computer. It was Clinton, Dole and Perot. Voted for Perot. Now I'm voting for Trump.
Jericho Elementary
>mock election
>vote Trump
>vote Hillary
This is why you don't put middle aged women with liberal arts degrees in charge of indoctrination. They don't even know the definition of subtlety.
>Americans are this unhinged
truly a barbaric people
hey, thats kinda like you bro!
>they're not going to vote for who we want them to vote for
>welp, let's just cancel it
t. Alberto Barboosa's nigger half breed.
No way! I did the same thing. They read the results over the intercom. And there was a single ross.perot vote. And i voted for him. You're literally the only other person that Ive ever met that voted for perot. Well done perotbro
Back to the favela with you
liberalism failed, thats why its swinging back. it has nothing to do with fads, and everything to do with logic
This anons is true bigotry.
Those kids did a pretty damn good job!
Keep an eye on that teacher. He's pro-Hillary, who knows what he's capable of doing to your kid?
sounds like an european referendum to me. Legit!
That's exactly what I remember school being like, too.
>cue monkeys
good one brazil
>Teachers at the school aren’t avoiding conversations about the election, however. Many of them are just addressing it in the classroom where they have more control over the discussion.
>oh of course wouldn't want to avoid this we just need to have the discussion in the venue where I hold all the cards.
Exactly what I thought.
Looks like the kids actually learned something, they are now aware that elections are a farse, that freedom of speech is being taken away and that being called a racist is a good thing.
this is your candidate Sup Forums
a meme person retarded kids support just to piss people off
>wow even these children know trump is evil, truly, out of the mouth of babes
>fucking kids dont know shit, stupid idiots
choose one
Same here, except maybe 5 kids voted for Perot. I went to JFK Intermediate in Deer Park. My dad was always red pilling when I was a kid, so I have a vague idea of who Perot and his policies were. He told me "better to vote for a millionaire with no ties to Washington then some hollow suit." Most kids voted for Clinton, but I think the ones voted for Dole because it made them think of bananas and it was before lunch time.
We are both 3rd world countries basically
I really like that candidate. Can I vote for it?
I'll also say, not just as a Trump supporter, but as an American I would be furious if this happened to my kid(s) at school. I'd be the first parent in there calling this suppression of the 1st Amendment. Then again, my kids would probably be in private school anyway, fuck the public schools here they fucking suck dick.
Most of Trump's supporters are former Ron Paul supporters.
They keep striking the shepherds and expecting the sheep to scatter.
But the sheep keep finding more and more dangerous and radical shepherds.
If they beat Trump, this army will only grow ten fold and come back with that much more powerful and dangerous of a leader.
Do they really want to fight the guy who makes Trump look like a pansy and has millions more supporters? Because that's what's next.
The majority of teachers that I've met are disgustingly liberal. Degenerates, every single one of them.
The good news is that most people tend to hate their teachers. Most people when they're young to push away from work to society is telling them. All of these liberal factors with their tattoos, their virtue signalling, and their overwhelming support for Hillary could actually redpill an entire generation of people.
I remember we had a mock election in high school and said I was voting obama to trigger the rednecks but really voted McCain
What the fuck, I voted for Perot.
2nd grade. I was the only one who voted for Ross Perot, everybody voted for Clinton.
What the fuck, guys?!
To add on to my post and in a response to yours, every teacher that I've spoken to is terrified of the prospect of school choice.
Their logic is typical liberal bullshit. School choice is somehow racist, etc.
Sure thing Donkey Kong
Schools and teachers like this create Adam Lanzas. Prove me wrong. Protip: your cunt.
Literally way happened with brexit except instead of taking away their ice cream globalists banks traded the pound around for less and less and punished their economy instead.
perot is so based
Holy kek
You guys still aren't seeing it. We can use their own morality to cripple them. They've already set the stage by claiming Trump is a racist and only racists vote for him.
Now it's Hillary is a pedo and only pedos vote for her. We can seize the very memes they've invested so much in to silence us and use them to silence our opposition for decades!
And the kicker is, most persons in jobs with high levels of access to children are Democrats. They will be living in hell.
I agree, and I also think that, in the case of when I went to middle and high school, we had a lot of minorities, especially blacks, bused in from neighboring towns. The coons in Wyandanch burned down their high school so they started busing them into our schools. They don't want to do anything to offend them. I remember in my English class, my teacher who was the daughter of Sicilian immigrants who came here with nothing, had a nervous breakdown in the middle of class because the coons never did their homework, never read (probably couldn't read) and always fucked around in class. She just started crying and saying how sad it was that they never did anything and how they don't give a shit, and that her parents came here with nothing and made a good life for themselves. A week later she got fired for being "racist". Sucks because she actually seemed like she gave a shit.
Trump is very popular among school children.
Kids love memes and he is a meme president.
How's them jagerbombs, south shore guido? You in the zone, chief? MAH I TOLD YOU TA PICK ME UP MOAR PROTEEN
>"what do you think of immigrants students?"
>"we should have less immigration"
>half of the class gets sent to the principals office
Is it double think or cognitive dissonance? Both? I don't even know anymore.
Those kids will be forever red pilled.
Gen Z can't come any sooner. I can't wait for our saviors.
why do we let women vote then huh?
Just proves only underages support trump
I lol'd hard
Hard. Hard like me, bro.
I actually did vote for Perot.
>so many kids here
This is a very powerful tool if we can get it to stick
this post best post
You're STILL mad about the olympics?
That won't work because people know it's possible for a white male to be racist, but don't think it's possible for a women to be a pedophile.
>lul he probably got high fives from all his buddies for getting laid so soon
>le NICE xd
I voted Clinton, Perot won at my school
>30 years old
Feels good old man. Need some Rogaine and Viagra?
Back in 2010 the school I went to had a mock election and the BNP had 80% of the vote (we were fucking around, even the blacks and pakis voted BNP) but after that we had 3 assemblies in a week about racism and discrimination and they've stopped mock elections altogether since then. My younger sister goes the school now and she's had assemblies about Donald trump and why no one should aspire to be like him and another about refugees and how Russia is responsible for the crisis. State schools are cancer, all the teachers are lefties.
It's a good job all my money is in stocks and precious metals.
you're not going to get /x/ tier tinfoil hat theories to stick with anyone but other autists
>they're even rigging kid mock elections
So use it exclusively on the men until the Hillary pics drop.
(((liberals))) are blatant, proud hypocrites
you cannot use their logic against them because they don't follow logic
all you can do is eradicate them
Doubly doubs for truthy truths!
But you can make the teacher's union lives hell.
I live on Long Island and I can guarantee that school is run by Jews.
>Give two choices.
>"Oh, no, no. You can only pick x."
What's even the damn point? Is it supposed to be some kind of conformist test?
This reminds me of when i was 15 in 9th grade and the Sweden Democrats got like 87% of the votes in our mock election.
You'd be surprised, if we make it a meme that Hillary and Co are pedos
Even if people don't believe it, it will still bother many of them enough subconsciously to have an effect
I grew up in southern PA and remember they polled us in 4th grade for the 2000 Election.
The thinking at the time for kids was literally "well Bush's dad was president and that would be kinda cool"
My parents were Republican. Republican-ish town.
I'm imagine the current thinking, less political imprinting by their parents, would be "well Hillary would be the first girl president so that would be kinda cool"
During Russian hacking camp.
Of course it is, it's Jericho.
Jerico is always on top of the list when they rate long island schools btw..
We had a mock election at our high school and the communist party won with like 96% of the vote.
>girl president
Who actually thinks this?
now I understand how 96% of leafs post garbage here.
Top post from Germany
Pedo memes are about to install neurosis in children, wont be used in adult voting politics as you think they would, so that`s not the best idea you have.
It actually can backfire, as love towards ~12+ y/o with developed parts is 100% medically normal. I.e. a LOT of people are ephebophic. Pedophiles are people who want to fuck birth-incapable infants, like muhhamed did. That`s a different category of people.
>Alright kids, let's have a vote. Do you think guns should be allowed on campus?
>"Yes. My dad uses one and says it scares the bad guys away and it looks like fun."
>Well it looks like all of you kids aren't going home tonight.
>OY VEY! How dare the Goyimlets do non-kosher things! Dis is anuddah shoah!