Is Faggon of Assad an ally or enemy?
I can't tell by watching some of his videos.
Is Faggon of Assad an ally or enemy?
I can't tell by watching some of his videos.
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hes a populist.
His crowd are all anti liberals and his crowd started being made up of pro Trumpers so he changed his position accordingly to pander to his audience.
He's pro-Trump and pro-Brexit but all you fags care about isome the fact that he criticized the alt-right and shitposted interracial porn on Twitter.
Fuck you guys are faggots.
Enemy. He's a democratic socialist lurking as the voice of reason.
He's a complete cuck dude. But most of all I really wish that faggot britbong would stop using fucking Sumeria-Babylonian imagery because its badass and i really dont want it to be associated with some faggot pundit and it turn into some kind of le epic bro army signaling
Why do people keep bringing this idiot up
He seems to be more of an ally however still clings to the feint idea of democracy being the best solution.
When it comes down to it, he despises Hillary, trendy leftism and every faggot marxist in tertiary education. He supports Trump and Brexit as an user said. He isn't perfect, but he's a compelling voice out to redpill the masses.
He's a good way to start getting into all this shit. A lot of people on Sup Forums started getting redpilled with anti-feminist stuff when we realized how many lies the media and even our schools tell us. Even though I don't even give a shit about feminism anymore.
no, you're a faggot
quadroon of mossad is a pseudo intellectual cuck who takes weak shots at low hanging fruit and he's never done anything merit worthy in terms of advancing any good ideas
the fact that he's able to get so cripplingly trolled by anyone who calls him a cuck is just a further testament to how intellectually weak he is
Ally, by proxy
how is someone not even remotely close to being redpilled himself supposed to redpill the masses?
He's a marxist.
Hes having an increasingly hard time keeping calm in his later vids.
Full 1488 when?
Post more sarcuck memes
By the way the kid isn't his. He is a LITERAL cuck.
>not posting the response where he denies this
He's still a cuck but this is dishonest
you alt-right fags should love it he just bashes 'muh sjw'
watch any of his encounters with the alt-right
he hates islam and feminism
that's it
on all other counts, he's a liberal cog in the progressive machine
Hardon of A kid
how do you know he gives a single penny to his wife's son?
Also isn't it noble of the white man to support his loved ones?
>not posting the response where he denies this
I haven't watched the response, but it is an undeniable fact that Sargon was literally thinking like a marxist in that video.
Yep. I believe he is a subscriber to tabula rasa as well. He's a full on denier of race realism.
Because he's babbys first redpill. He was pretty huge during GamerGate which attracted many into adopting a strong anti-SJW stance which later led many into the altright, trump or Sup Forums.
So it's not weird to see him pop up even though he's not even close to be redpilled enough to be a Sup Forumsack
He raises his wife's son as his own. Do you not think food and rent money comes from him?
>support loved ones
>raise someone else's kid
Define Marxist because you clearly don't understand the difference between conflict theory and Sarcuck's literally uneducated opinions. I'll wait pleb.
>hours upon hours of mumbling like a fatty about fucking nothing
Who gives a shit
>He's still a cuck but this is dishonest
He went full SJW outrage tier in that chat. I know exactly the type here. There are a ton of these closet Marx cucks lurking around the UK. People like Sargon and John Oliver, who think they are vindicated because they are part of the pseudo-intellectual, "academic", fart-huffing class.
He's a Marxist and fuck Marxism. It's a cancerous ideology that has killed millions through ignorance.
He's a pink pill, he's not "on our side" but he's valuable in breaking the first layer of indoctrination of your typical libshit normie. He often goes for "low hanging fruit" such as SJWs and neoliberals just like alot of "youtube skeptic personalities" but they're still useful, enemy of my enemy and all that.
He works like a gateway drug, once they see him and start thinking "hey, Trump isn't so bad" and the next thing you know they're trading in those pink pills for red pills.
>wealthy are evil who don't deserve their money
>spreading wealth around through the state is better than punishing people for being greedy and destroying the nation to make shekels
>assuming we need to help the mentally inept and not just physically remove them
>capitulating to the economic left so as to appease them, thus turning yourself into a useful idiot who just pushes the door open for more leftism
>not physically removing the leftists who get riled up and implementing policies that don't stifle innovation at the source
In what ways are these not marxist lines of thought? He's not advocating for protectionism or Hitlerian socialism. He's advocating for outright wealth redistribution and capitulation to the left. It's shit logic and he's thinking like a marxist AND an idiot.
He's pandering for views. Just like Molyneux.
He realizes Trump is the popular vote and is pandering because if he didn't "support" Trump he would literally be talking into a mic in his cuckshed with 10 subscribers.
Same is true with Molyneux taking a hard authoritarian turn. Maybe his views legitimately did change over the years, but more likely he's tapping into social trends.
Given that he has stated that the alt-right are his enemy and he is going to destroy them after destroying SJW I'd say he's an enemy.
He's an economic Marxist. He just hates the cultural Marxists.
>alt right
Wasn't it the stalinists who were like that?
Traditional in most ways but economic pinkos.
not really, stalinists were pretty supportive of abortion and homosexuality
Kind of. Stalin advocated "socialism in one country" while Leon Trotsky wanted "world revolution" so most of the people in the communist party supported Stalin because they did not want to start a war with the west now (1920's) which Trotsky would have likely provoked (he wanted to arm revolutionarys in western countries to overthrow the legitimate government)
Stalin also had the job of appointing people within the party so he just promoted Stalinist loyalists until he could just have his supporter out vote all his opposition
During ww2 Stalin relaxed the culture destroying polices to motivate people to fight
soft ally.
but repetitive, boring and uninspired.
he literally just reads articles and does over the top reactions to them and then makes the same old arguments against them
what % of his video time is even his own content as opposed to him reading or laughing?
He's either hit or miss. Sargon claims to be intelligent and rational but is a mere egalitarian creationist who denies biology and genetics with the fervor of a Bible thumper denying evolution and dinosaurs.
Lean ally.
at least i didnt have 120 tb interracial gay porn
:3 Im a Jill Stein supporter
Pro-Brexit for Sovereignty/antiNeoliberalism
Liberal against SJW's perversion of civil rights/free expression.
big fan of Sargon of Akkad.
This. It's crazy how many "new atheists" are egalitarian creationists. Pretty sad they are only Atheist as an identity
Aren't he supposed to be militant gaytheist ?
Paul town your feud with Sargon on Twitter was hillarous, that guy is so easily triggered kek
Aa much as I like trolling the guy, I do see people like him as useful first steps on the ladder for nornies as if he was full on holocaust denier at that stage Normies would get scared off. I know he does most of it for shekels but hey that's business, can't blame the guy. No one listens to his points about economy etc really anyway, most people start listening to him because they started to realise feminism was batshit.
He's a dumb stoner who lucked out due to Gamergate and is way in over his head, but his fans think he can do no wrong because they're even dumber than he is.
Basically The Amazing Atheist 2.0
Do not believe in these fairy tales about fighting SJW. Every militant atheist is our enemy because they support "free love" and pornography.
>Sargon of Akkad
moar like Sarcoon of Islamabad
So, only his YouTube videos count? His other stuff is not serious and it's just joking around. This is what you're saying?
He has devolved into an edgy kid that is contratian to everything except "Muh Empire" and "Muh Britan".
He strawmans human biodiversity as something only white supremacists believe in. He's fine outside of that though.