this video could prove the answer is YES
Is atheism a mental illness?
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I don't understand, your just a machine!
atheism is fear of destiny and denial of the idea that some things are simply not coincidental
They sodomize themselves with banana's what more proof do you need
Pshhh...nothin personnel....kid
Atributing a whole group to isolated cases is a logical fallacy. Can't remember what it's called though.
Religion is a mental illness.
>He worships a dead kike
Not only is it a mental illness its the ultimate bluepill.
In short it is the immature response to rebelling against mommy and daddy
That faggot kid is a Christian, you retard.
Religion is the ultimate bluepill nowadays, only dumb chimps (such as mudslimes) believe in this shit
He's a Nazi?
apparently logic is a mental illness?
atheism is the one redpill you queers need to take
and muslims are about to take europe retard
Mental illness is an unfalsifiable, pseudological concept. Psychopathologists and psychiatrists are modern-day witch doctors.
Atheism is just an edgy teen's first jab at philosphy. Anyone that has gone through the nihilist rabbit hole has eventually reached the point where they either decide to kill themselves out of disspair or decided to create their own meaning to life.
When you choose to create your own life meaning and choose ony objectively good virtues and morals to follow you will find yourself with a philosophy of life virtually identical to Christianity. At which point you will realise the legitimacy of the chuch when it tried to guide you the right way in the first place.
remember that God takes lost sheep all the time tho, so the whole journey is not in vain
So we should aspire to be more like them?
Are you saying they aren't dumb chimps?
>Implying that christcucks aren't the edgiest little teens of them all
What do you mean? What are you talking about?
Kevin O' Leary might seem like le evil business man, but he really takes care of the businesses he owns. Probably because he wants them to turn a profit for him.
cherry picking
redbull me on masturbation
I don't believe in the existance of God, but I like reading the Bible and other religious texts. I respect Christian rituals, I think they're a beautiful thing. A lot can be learned from various religions, or a single one, but I just don't buy into the whole afterlife and God thing.
hey i go to this school. its very gay
I hate atheists like this. Coming from Quebec, where churches take up half the cities, the architecture and history and contributions from the Christiandom are undeniable and should be remebered and honoured
it makes jesus cry, but if you don't do it with soap and water you get knob cheese
I can see atheism being an inborn trait.
I was raised Christian and found my time in the church very pleasant, but I could never muster up any actual faith.
I'm also probably somewhere on the autistic spectrum.
oh i bet u are big guy
>I like reading the Bible
No one does. It's garbage. The only reason atheist read it is for ammo against Christians.
Soap irritates my urethra. It's really painful.
It's a queer irony
MARK MARK MARK was a good meme
I like reading it because I feel like I'm absorbing knawledge.
No, it's a condition of modern culture.
For a long time, everyone went to church. Every single normie faggot. Every single average loser. Every single person that needed an excuse to look down on people, to judge others as less than them.
This is just normal human interaction, everyone is trying to belong to somehow and signal to others how righteous, intelligent and aware they are.
At some point l, being religious became uncool... All the smartest, funniest and most powerful people were casting off the "shackles of oppression" and leading an atheist life... It became the new normal, it's now the default.
So, what happened to all of the average normie followers and their judgemental demagogue leaders? They still exist in the church, but not as in as large numbers. No, the normies and their judgemental mother hens and the cocks of the roost are atheists now...
And they're decrying the intolerance and bigotry of the church... But the truth is, they're intolerable bigots. The people that gave religion a bad name still exist, but now they are atheists and they are doing the exact same thing that they would have done if they were Christians.
My brother is an atheist, his excuses are science, which doesn't contradict the Bible... And intolerance. He is ridiculously intolerant, though. It's pretty funny.
Atheists are the same judgemental shits that would have been appalled by some guy listening to heavy metal music. They're normies that follow the herd... The church is healthier without them.
Other way around, believing in make believe things into adulthood is a sign or mental retardation.
I'd say believing in things for which you have no evidence (scientific evidence. Logical arguments are not evidence).
i use soap to jerk off in the shower sometimes and it doesn't hurt wtf
Best argument against God is the First Cause thing. If everything has cause, and the Universe is part of that, then there exists a creator that is not bound by this rule in order to avoid the infinite regression of creators and in order to create the Universe. But then you say if there are exceptions, why not take out the middleman and say the Universe is just, itself, the creator.
Leaning towards pantheism with that stuff, but it doesn't really make sense, how could the Universe create itself, shouldn't there be this Great Exception to predate it?
Then there's the belief that the Universe always existed, maybe it could also be like the Architect in the Matrix, it's just a simulation or another run at a simulation. Not really sure.
I think the whole Christianity thing is more of a cultural glue, a way for people to be humbled and look up to Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice. I do admire the whole story, it is humbling and makes me want to be the best version of myself for Jesus (I try, not always succeed, though).
I don't see why Science and Religion have to be divided, though. Evolution can exist with God, I don't think Adam and Eve and all that stuff was literal, I think it was more symbolic of the first civilized Man and Woman, not really from clay. A lot of the teachings are for the ancients, not always applicable to modern man. I think we should take from it what we will, use it to avoid degeneracy and moral relativism.
Do it under running water then. Gotta wash ye willy m8.
Of course you are, you're here. If you weren't, you'd be gone by now.
Everyone's body is different. I don't need lube to jerk it anyways.
>he spouts out a lie again, slandering Christ
Does blasphemy pay extra?
It's just ancient fairy tales. There's no real knowledge in it.
not believing in and old man in the sky, who created the earth in 7 days and has angels and other magical creatures as his servants, makes me mentally ill?
really makes you think...
I hate faggots that don't press charges.
>He doesn't know about Gödel's Ontology
I never like it either, and found it too hard to understand, but then I got the "Easy-To-Read" version, and now it's a complete turn around, I actually like the bible now, it's so clear and easy, I would definitely recommend this bible.
>old man in the sky
Do you really have to misdefine God?
>magical creatures
No more magical than a moderator or janitor is to this site.
>It's garbage
Barring its being historically captivating, much of it is beautifully written- that can depend upon the translation, maybe you're reading a translation that focuses on clarity and being easily read by inexperienced or undereducated people.
r/atheism raid on pol?
The elections have them on the move.
Try to further your understanding of atheism.
Atheism is not only achristianity, it's the belief that there is no sort of any deity around.
Considering how big of a mystery life itself and how the most basic question, "why is anything here? Why does anything exist?" is completely unanswerable, I'd say it's not too big of a stretch that something, someone, some group, made us.
I wouldn't insist that there is, but I also wouldn't insist that there isn't. It's why I think Atheism is kind of short sighted. They, like you, only think about established religions.
Why are Christian on Sup Forums so smug about their religion ?
Sup Forums is a board of Islam, just like France is a nation for Muslims. Don't be bigoted.
>I'll take the GEP gun
>nerves of steel
Mythology and fairy tales can provide quite a bit of historical perspective in and of themselves, and much of the New Testament and even more of the Old Testament are deeply anchored in the history of the day, it's historically invaluable.
That's everywhere, not just Sup Forums. They have the same smugness as leftists and insecure atheists. What seems to me is that this smugness is a sort of self affirmation on their beliefs. I think ultimately everybody knows that they can not know and therefore want something to hold on to, and try to justify what they've chosen to hold on to, be it atheism, pantheism, monotheism, deism, etc, with every rationale that qualifies under the definition of "delusion".
Is that Gru from despicable me
>No more magical than a moderator or janitor is to this site.
what? so angels are fat neckbeards eating hot pockets?
That comic is hypocritical because in liberal society supporting traditional church does not stop the islamization. Actually it needs another panel where priest whisper from some dark alleyway "psst, hey kid, wanna deus vult?"
are you fucking stupid? it's obvious what he means
>le final hour i have been a bad man so better think god doesn't exist :^)
Why don't fat people realize that they cannot look cool as long as they are fat?
I can get along better with a Bible thumping Christian than arrogant, bitter atheist.
>"Waaah! My parents used to make me go to church on Sundays! Waaahhh!
islam is good for yall
No, they're just pterodactyl in disguise.
praise kek
Hasty Generalization fallacy. I would say most autists are not atheists but most atheists are autists, and the new atheists are sperglord supremes
Please kek show them your powers
PLz kek plz
PLz kek plz,you must allow a miracle to happen
this is why you are a non-country
watch this
fucking newfag, you are like a child
shut it leaf...all hail atheism
what do you mean?
They do this every fucking morning.
Mostly with atheism hate threads too.
Hey Fedora... Whactha doin'?!
This perfectly illustrates the problem with atheists. They don't have any sincere metaphysical beliefs. They are just traitors selling out their nation, culture, economy and state in order to look good.
I'm an atheist who can get along with bible thumpers, and I think you're a faggot.
kek for atheism
Everybody has at least one unprovable base metaphysical assumption that their entire worldview is based off of
>be me
>try to greentext
>fuck up really bad
Roll the Panzers already for fuck's sake.
>most atheists are autists
The majority of people in Estonia and Czechia are autists then.
Daily reminder that the USA and Poland are the only 1st world countries in the world where being an atheist is viewed as something weird.
I'd probably preserve a historically significant church, especially if my community was more threatened by mudslime invasion than it is.
You don't have to believe in god to see the communal and cultural benefits of assembly and socialization.
I was only half kidding and was specifically talking a jab at the annoying, and sometimes intellectually dishonest, new atheists. The arrogant gnostic atheists who circlejerk each other in their echo chambers. Also forgot Estonia was a country plus their food literally looks like a turd.
If you asked me if Kevin O'Leary should be prime minister a year ago, I would have laughed in your face. Bitch nigga has to change tack, though... I'm not impressed by his willingness to outsource.
Bullshit. In Czech republic most of people believe in afterlife or some form of higher power. Not know what about Estonia, but Czechs aren't mostly atheistic, rather irreligious.