St Patrick troughton edition
/who/ doctor who general
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Doctor Who is dead.
Fuck off prog
I know there are lists of recommended audios for each Doctor but are there ones for books and comics?
Which Trout should I watch today?
Why do people cling to a single doctor so furiously? There are still some who whine about Tennant or Smith leaving. Do they not understand the show?
I support of a twink companion
The War Games part 3
is anyone writing a twink companion story for ST2.5?
I can't believe the BBC junked every episode of classic who. I keep hearing about lost classics like Twin Dilemma and Time of the Rani and my eyes water up.
excellent deduction skills
t. General Staal
Forgot the photo
the only reason i'm holding off watching recons of some of the missing episodes is the off chance that some of them are found
nth for Jodie.
S9 soundtrack when?
Will there ever be a better critical analysis of classic who than pic related?
worst doctor
>Last surviving frame from the pre-Nuclear Holocaust epic Love & Monsters (circa 2006)
Yeah, I can't even think about any good episodes she's in.
>hundreds of years from now, people will be trying to find Doctor Who episodes to preserve for the outernet
>Love and Monsters will be one of the most sought-after missing stories
How would this make you feel?
I unironically think it'd be a good representation of our culture. Shows what we were capable of creating.
The Croutons
Why are the Cyberman voices in The Wheel In Space so fucking shit when they were GOAT not long previously in Tomb?
I think they changed them slightly between episodes two and three because they were SO bad it was unacceptable, but they still sound like shite
Lemmetellyousummin, Dalek.
Apparently the voice modulator fucked up for the first voice.
It being a fuck up makes it more excusable desu, I can't imagine anybody heard it and went "yes this is good"
One thing weird is just how often they got redesigned in the early years when the Daleks stayed effectively exactly the same (expense, presumably). Considering there were only two full stories between The Wheel in Space and The Invasion (and only around six/seven months), they looked completely different.
Why did they need to use a new voice when the Cyber Planner had the exact voice they used in Tomb anyway?
Wait did he? I haven't seen The Wheel in Space yet
They changed the helmet to give the actors more headroom.
Yeah it's wild. Did people in the sixties tune into The Invasion thinking "fucking hell not the Cybermen again" or did everyone think they were GOAT?
Tomb and Invasion are GOAT.
Yup, the Tomb voice I think. Although I think the Cyberplanner itself gets a new voice in The Invasion.
I know why they did it, I'm just saying how weird it is they changed designs so often and didn't even draw attention to it when in NuWho they always seem to have full stories to explain the design changes (Victory of the Daleks, Nightmare in Silver).
He does. The Cyber-Planner voice isn't very good in The Invasion but I suppose they had to change it so casual viewers didn't realise it was the Cybermen returning.
Well done for making it to the front page of the Steam Workshop, Lym.
Well, that gives away the twist, dunnit.
The absolute state of Steam
My personal favourite is this one from the Tenth Planet version.
This is unsurprisingly on the Twelfth Doctor comments
*teleports behind u*
nothin personnel honey
it makes a hell of a lot of sense in universe. they cybermen are always upgrading themselves, the daleks already see themselves as pure
I'd teleport all over her behind if you catch my drift
What did he mean by this?
this is a comment on lym's capaldi model right? what the fuck does that even mean? holy shit
dark water reaction when
What plans do you have for St. Patrick's Day. /who/;/who/res and /who/oligans? Are you wearing green? Have you been pinched? Are you pissed yet?
No plans, listening to fringe history stuff on the youtubes, Not wearing green, but actually have a rather large shamrock 'prison' tattoo, no one has pinched me, and I don't drink but plan on imbibing something green and intoxicating myself accordingly. Cracker Barrel sold out of their corned beef and cabbage by 11am, so that was disappointing. Got McDonalds instead, that's Irish right? Mc?
irish user here
we don't do shit and we think americans are fucking weird for being so obsessed with it
It's a reason to drink as far as I can tell. The 1 day of bagpipes and step dancing is nice though.
pic related. did it last year, doing it this year too.
slamrock shakes.
Disgusting. Nice mug/tankard though. Truly jealous.
You can't taste the whiskey at all, it's just... minty alcoholic icecream.
Based mick.
>bad dragon
The jameson is probably the best part of that combo. Getting hammered while consuming milk products has nightmarish possibilities. Godspeed.
Make models for every doctor except Tennant.
This desu, or make it a complete caricature.
>Getting hammered while consuming milk products has nightmarish possibilities
Fucking tell me about it, you're absolutely right, but for some reason never had any issues with this. Maybe because it's McDonalds and it's mostly sugary crap.
Make a Tennant just for me Lym bby
Nothing, it's not a real holiday, Americans are fucking weirdos about it. I wish they cared as much about school massacres as they do about leprechaun drinking day.
thats sad SAD feel when no notd McGann model.
Paul McGann’s joining Doctors after Holby.
Or use a Rowan Atkinson doctor model in his place
Ah heyor Cloi. Bagpipes are Scottish. We use Uillean Pipes here
oh daNNY BOI
Here's a free (legal) pdf of Times Shadow 2, a fan anthology. Add this to the MEGA, somebody:
>it's not a real holiday, Americans are fucking weirdos about it. I wish they cared as much about school massacres as they do about leprechaun drinking day.
None of them are real, this one less so, so sure. I wish they would too, but chocolate coins and green beer are apparently a great distraction. Things will change though. These last couple of generations will get it right, or do things better. I think we're seeing the last gasps of the boomers. I never though I'd see a black president, certainly not before I hit 50. Americans beat that by about 20 years.
That could work!
Fair enough. I actually didn't know there was a distinction, never looked close enough. They all blow and get squeezed by a fellow in plaid usually.
Any classic episodes that were steaming piles of dogshit?
hard mode: no Colin Baker
Just ordered a shirt.
The Web Planet. Everyone says thy see the effort put into it. I don't.
Time and the Rani
Ghost Light
Cat nip cat nip poo poo
Time-Flight and Dragonfire spring to mind
Also this. Tried to watch The Web Planet recently, got to about episode three or four and just couldn't go on. It's SO shit, not even higher production values and better costumes could save it, it's boring.
>Ghost Light
>Ghost Light
just had a shit, lads
Time-Flight is definitely one of the worst, the first episode is kino though. Dragonfire is a bit shite but not cataclysmic
Nothing happens and what doesn't happen is boring and doesn't make sense. The sets are nice but the cheap video look makes them look drab and the Doctor is at his worst in it with his smartass self importance and shitty "I'm so clever" jokes
>24.95 +tax and shipping
I think my collection of doctor who 5 dollar tees speaks enough about my autism, frankly.
>Time and the Rani
This one is tedious even if you enjoy clown like mccoy.
>Doesn't make sense
You fucking brainlet they explain the whole thing
At the end? Even if they explain it all at the end you still have to sit through extended periods of tedious confusion to get there
You prove yourself more and more to be the worst trip everyday.
I bet you hate murder mysteries.
>"hurr it doesn't explain it all in ep 1 so that makes it shit"
It's called ATMOSPHERE BUILDING, you cretin. Get out of my general.
I really enjoyed Black Orchid
Even on the commentary for Ghost Light the people who made it are making jokes like "so what happens here?" "None of this makes any sense lol", and in the documentary too. Its a poorly told story, partly down to editing and last minute script decisions
I'm sure the book clears it all up or something but the serial on its own is poor
They don't explain shit in The Impossible Astronaut but I still enjoyed that. I enjoy many mysteries, this one just happened to suck
They literally had to edit down the story for filming and they lost a shit ton of stuff.
There's literally no cure for being wrong though, so nevermind. You can't help it.
Worst doctor is on fire right now.
Watched final space by the way, first 10 minutes I almost turned it off 3 times. It got better. Tennant's character sounds nothing like him, also kinda menacing. Has cat people. Green Jelly thing aka E-232432234t3 or whatever a cute.
>They literally had to edit down the story for filming and they lost a shit ton of stuff.
This is an admission of the fact that due to these reasons the serial is unclear
Is there an extended version you've all seen which makes it better? Or have you all read the book?
>Worst doctor is on fire right now.
Shit, someone torched Pertwee's grave?
None of this changes the fact that the Doctor is written at his worst and most smug and annoying in GL and that the mystery isn't even that intriguing to begin with
*turns you into soup*
No hard feelings, bro.