How do we fix Hank Pym?

I love Hank, but the dude needs a revamp. What I'd do:

>give him a solo
Relaunch Tales to Astonish with him

>give him a new name
Or return to Yellowjacket. Ant-Man at this point is too disconnected from him, Wasp was creepyand Doc Pym... is actually good enough.

>grow him out of his edgy phase
When they ask you to be a Godfather and your reaction is "REEEE I'm an atheist, I can't be a Godfather, change the name, REEEEE", you need to reevaluate yourself.

>proper rogues gallery
Marvel has tons and tons of mad scientists. Zarko,the Intelligencia, Egghead, MODOK, all these are ripe for a revamp.

>supporting cast
Move away from Janet, Scott, etc, etc. Bring in Vision and explore the grandpa-grandson connection. Give Pym some actual friends from the Avengers for cameos, like Tony or Banner. Create some new folks.

>new direction
Just let him run amock and do mad scientist stuff. Don't downplay the fact that he's a bit nuts, just have him use it for good. One minute he's Frankenstein trying to take AI to the next level, the next Ultron bits are emerging like Jekyll and Hyde. Play with those archetypes.

Pymtron saves the avengers and or meets his daughter finally

>How do we fix Hank Pym?
Make him not a wife beater

Make him into Marvel's Rick and Janet is his Morty.

Unstoppable Wasp should've evolved into that with Nadia as Rick and Jan as Morty

Poor guy, you hit a bitch once and thats all anyone remembers you for

just make more pymtron

Hank as Wasp was great

Great costume, great attitude, great use of science

>Move away from Janet
More like reboot with muh fetish teacher-Hank/student-Janet like that Avengers Academy game.

It's what he'll always be remembered for, so just embrace it, have him be the guy who beats wives. His own wife, other people's wives.

Hank needs redemption. I'm talking true redemption.

I had an idea:
Have Janet assemble a team with the purpose of saving Hank from Ultron. Make it hard to find people willing to help because of his history.

Tell the story in a way that stresses that despite what Hank did to her, she still loves him and believes in him.

In the fight against Pymtron have Janet be the last one standing and Hank refuses to let Ultron kill her.

Hank's consciousness begins to overtake Ultron to protect Janet, Hank says that he will always love Janet and he will protect her from anything...including himself and he finds some way of destroying Ultron that kills him too.

I like it, it's a simple power of love saves the day. But with the added benefit of exploring hanks influence on people thorught the marvel universe

i'm so fucking mad no one read or cares about anything in The Trial of Hank Pym except that fucking slap

Let his wife be the one who abusive because all white cis males are the devil in marvels eyes so make them cucks

>Tell the story in a way that stresses that despite what Hank did to her, she still loves him and believes in him.
That's not going to work user, it's just going to make Jan look like a battered housewife. This sort of thing just doesn't go away unless it's ignored for decades upon decades until people can shrug and say "eh, not canon, I guess". But Marvel writers just LOVE to bring up the slap. He gets more crap for that than for building Ultron.

kill this meme. hank was in the middle of a mental breakdown brought on by egghead at the time. also, janet and the rest of the avengers thought it was a great idea to marry janet and him while he was crazy. this gets glossed over while the rape of ms marvel, from around the same time, is the greatest crime in history.

People will never let anyone forget the slap. Hank's character is permanently and irrevocably stained by the slap and nothing any writer does will ever erase that stain.

yeah like before the slap he fucking shoots a guy! that's why he was almost kicked off the Avengers in the first place!

>xavier mind rape the whole student body every morning
>xavier knows exactly how each of the the girls looks naked
>everyone still loves xavier while Pym is the wife beating scumbag

>Tell the story in a way that stresses that despite what Hank did to her, she still loves him and believes in him.

We had tons of stories that addressed the fact that Janet forgave him for hitting her even if she didn't forget. That she didn't hold it against him and that they were able to be friends afterwards.

But writers just keep beating the fucking dead horse so much that they deserve the "dead horse beater" title way more than Hank deserves to be called "wife beater"

Also there's a ton of "homages" to Pymslap and other characters making jokes and references to it and as long as that keeps happening people won't forget it.




Also the "Lol Hank Pym beats women" jokes



Maybe make Victor Mancha his Morty, he's technically his grandson.

>It's what he'll always be remembered for, so just embrace it

The best part of Secret Empire was when Pymtron was holding Iron Man's good Avengers and Hydra Cap's bad avengers all prisoners at a dinner party and Tony (who is an A.I. at the time) just randomly brings up Hank hitting Janet. I lost it.

I can already feel the tears coming.

Sounds great, would read.

Busiek spent his entire run rebuilding Hank and it all got bulldozed immediately after he left.

And then Pymtron calls Tony on his shit being worse and everyone letting him get a pass.

Honestly if it wasn't for Scott being a decent human being and being Hank's friend no one would have made it out of that dinner.

Exactly. Any writer is welcome to try, but it's a futile gesture since whoever gets a hold of Pym after them will immediately throw it all away and turn him back into the "wife beater."

And the saddest part about it all, was that it was a miscommunication between the writer and artist

Just going a year without bringing it up is enough. Every time he makes any progress some edgy faggot brings it up out of the blue.

>Actually believing that Shooter couldn't have gotten it fixed if that was true.

Shooter's story calls for Wasp to get a black eye from being him. If the artist made the slap look worse than intended, why is this part of the plot?

This feels like Shooter throwing his artist under the bus to try and escape blame for a controversial story that won't go away.