why do brits have such a superiority complex about their comedy?
>b-but we made 12 episodes of Fawlty Towers 100 years ago!
And what have you done since? Almost every great sitcom after that comes from America and unlike you we're also capable of making seasons that last longer than 3 episodes.
Why do brits have such a superiority complex about their comedy?
UK transitioned to focus on panel shows And That's A Good Thing
Free the Paedos
The sincere shows are the comedies now.
>And what have you done since?
Detectorists is unironic kino.
Cant stand their comedians, they're not funny but they think geniuses and are so obnoxious
i'm British and i find it annoying. A bit up their own arse. although some American 'humour' is so forced and cringy/in your face. they treat the audience like retards.
Britain in the current year is a black comedy.
I can think of more good bong comedies from the past decade than yank ones
name a good american sitcom that ended well (not cancelled), or hasn't been ran into the ground, outstayed it's welcome with 400 epidoes and been completely flanderized.
30 rock is the only one I can think of that's ran for a long time and not turned to shit complete since Cheers, and even Cheers is debatable with the cast changes.
I've tried to sit through an episode of various American sitcoms. I can't do it. Utter shite. Complete women's 'humour'.
>Husband/male character made to look stupid
>why do brits have such a superiority complex
Because we are fucking superior pal
We have led the world for the last half a millennium, unrivaled scientific discoveries, cultural and historical impacts. You cant even debate this.
My tiny island unironically produced the most successful beings in the known universe
jimmy car is a pretty shit mainstream comedian, he does better presenting tv shows, explains why he's the only well known one in america.
I'll knock you silly if you are implying Benny Hill wasn't great.
and in current year we are fucking pathetic. a moody bastards and cucked leaders. we had a good run, but our cultural relevance is dying.
change that to France and it makes sense
*a bunch of moody bastards
Even American sitcoms that go bad have more good episodes than a consistently good British sitcoms. Our determined capitalist spirit compels us to run a good idea into the ground.
>french are not celto-germanics
>normans are not germanics
pretty much this and every reputable historian would agree. Pretty much every notable person from England was of French/Norman decent like Shakespeare
state your sources
Classic Brit comedy yes, and you don't have to go back to Fawlty Towers, Blackadder was superb too. It all went to shit when the classic liberals gave way to libtards, who are really Commie-lite plebs. American comedy is shit too, you've got too many SJWs and your comedians seem to think America should become the new Zimbabwe.
Also this but we're going to recover.
Your IQ is lower than my shoe size but you're amusing. And I say that as a person of mostly french descent.
Shakespeare was a working class British man, it's why the upper class started the 'he didn't write his own stuff' bullshit, they didn't believe a normal British man could come up with such beauty.
I can't stand US comedy in any form, their stand-up is terrible, and their sitcoms run far too long and have way too many episodes. UK sitcoms are short and sweet and generally of a much higher quality.
I'll take three series of six quality episodes all written by the same person over ten seasons of 26 episodes ranging from decent to irredeemable shit written by 40 writers with different ideas and agendas going through the motions and ticking boxes, getting rid of any chance of originality or quality.
Honestly the UK's approach seems obviously better than the US's approach with this. They know when to quit and leave a good impression whereas US sitcoms keep milking until it's cancelled or the cast demand too much money.
>sjw libtard commies are making us zimbabwe
jesus christ Sup Forums really needs to fuck off
They're all shit. There hasn't been a good comedy from anywhere for decades. Writers are given even less freedom than before so everything is the same shit regardless of country.
Shakespeare is a Norman/french surname, in fact none of his plays have anglo saxons in them
all you need to look at is demographic projections foe the U.S population (and Europe). It won't end well to be honest.
Can anyone recommend to me Brit comedies with many (or all) young and handsome main cast?
Fawlty Towers is pretty dated & cringe desu, although it has the odd moment.
Have I Got News For You is almost thirty years old, Mock the Week was alright for a while. Panel shows = good when fresh, but even this format is starting to feel old & stale + too many of them with the same faces & obvious left wing views/bias.
So no superiority complex here boss.
You can have too much of a good thing though, what season are The Simpsons, South Park currently on now ?