Guys, I hesitate to start a new thread with all the happenings, but what the fuck is is shit?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a cute little girl
Kinda obvious m8
What do you mean?
Who is this loli?
go to min 23, prepare for some heavy shit
Come on guys, what the fuck is this???
Ookay, I'm done investigating this shit. Have fun, nobody is going to chop my head off. I'm leaving Sup Forums until next week.
hey idiot lemme look one second
shut the fuck up lil nexican jumping bean beaner midget
wtf i love satanic lolis nao
I remember when this was first breaking and all over Sup Forums a year or two ago.
The mum uploaded heaps of vids where the kids were explaining what happened.
I think the mum got in trouble for abusing the kids herself and forcing them to make the story up
It could have been believable but they went tok far with the baby eating and statanic cult stuff.
>I'm leaving Sup Forums until next week
no fucking way she is making this shit up
This shit is old news, where have you fags been?
Relevant to current happenings though, I suppose.
I'm afraid to click, what is this?
I missed it the first time around, been here for over 10 years and this is the most fucked up shit I've come across and that says a lot.
It's bullshit.
ya this girl is lying lol
i can't believe you guys are so gullible that you're wasting all this time doing pseudo investigations of nonsense when there's other more important things going on, bad self eater all over again
this story is like over year old
newfags baka
It's bullshit.
Wait a minute...that couch
a loli
Literally just that
This is not new
We need to focus on the happennings of 2016
OP here, yeah I was afraid of derailing recent happenings so we can close this. Its so fucked up though my brain is having issues discarding it.
Her details are off the scale.
>everyone says it's fake
>can't believe you guys are so gullible
It's the future you chose
God shield me from this evil
Jeremiah 7:
32 “Therefore behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “when it will no more be called Tophet, or the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter; for they will bury in Tophet until there is no room. 33 The corpses of this people will be food for the birds of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth. And no one will frighten them away. 34 Then I will cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride. For the land shall be desolate.
ignore these two CTR dumbfucks. the girl in the vid sounds smarter than both of them put together.
I've been through a few interrogation and interview classes in my day and its my opinion shes being truthful. for whatever thats worth.
>lil nexican jumping bean beaner midget
I kek'ed
what the actual literal fuck
@minute 36 shit gets even more real
>hesitate to start a new thread
>Sup Forumstard
for anyone interested in satanic ritual abuse interesting read:
documentary uncovering all this shit:
I thought so too. Especially with the early videos the mum recorded. The kids are convincing and go into great detail.
But analyse what they are saying and look past the kid its too amazing to be true
>their dad sees them at school every day
>because hes the chosen leader of a school satanic sex cult
>they get unwanted babies from government services and behead them
>they drink the blood, eat them, serve the flesh in the school kitchen, make statues from the bones
>all the teachers in the school are involved for no reason
>they routinely fuck 20 select kids along with other parents
There is just no way in hell this happens. Especially at some local school.
The police concluded the mum was the one abusing the kids into believing the story
Far more believable
I want to be able to sleep tonight. I aint watching it
Holy fuck its like half this thread hasnt seen the Pedowood materials and are aware of all the revelations about these topics in the late 80s and 90s (which led to the Satanic Panic)
This shit is real. Its so outlandish for that precise reason, no one would believe it should people come out with the truth on it.
Similar slandering happened to the witnesses in the Dutroux case and the Franklin case.
Hell look at all the Westminster allegations too.
This shit is all very very real
>This is a summary of my salient findings:
>There was no satanic or other cult at which babies were murdered and children were sexually abused
Okay, next retarded conspiracy theory, please.
>Free masons doing satanic rituals involving paedophilia and child sacrifices.
How surprising !
>Implying BSE wasn't black bagged and replaced with a le faggot anonimoose to discredit the whole thing
Alex jones is bill hicks.
B-but... there's no habbening dude
>Her details are off the scale.
that's because it's bullshit
we /x/ now?
OP read Programmed to Kill
that's when the justice system learned that kids don't make reliable witnesses because they're highly prone to forming false memories when asked suggestive questions.
Stick to the emails and what was found there those are real but this is a proven hoax and there were many others like it in uk so DO NOT ASSOCIATE THE TWO as it will discredit the email findings
>that's because it's bullshit
I'm more qualified than you and I'm not convinced.
Like I said, I was a professional investigator/interviewer. Not bragging or anything, just a fact. I see no signs of deception whatsoever.
This one is quite old. There's so much stuff about this. Google Ted Gunderson, franklin coverup, this thing has been happening worldwide. Pedowood, satanic ritual abuse, etc.
If you speak spanish, google also Bar españa, tecnico preocupado. Has ties with el caso alcásser. This goes all the way up even monarchies are involved. Prince Andrew was involved with Epsteins stuff too.
I'm so done with this world. Satan reigns.
This is just as messed up and extemely relevent to current happenings
There's too many details though. This kids is clearly remembering these details.
It's not that far a stretch for a town to be infected with a child sex cult.
Just look at rotherham.
BTW what the fuck is going one?
It's all regarding to Podesta and Clintons?
From what I understand there is a underground Jewish-satanist pedo ring.
okay mister detective but kids are hard to read, ofc she is believable, because she actually believes all that she is saying. To her nothing she is saying is a lie, unlike an adult that shows signs when they lie.
How young are you fags?
Shit like this goes back, way way back. It's nothing new.
Felix the Baby Carver, WTF 25:40
Tell us something only an investigator would know
>she actually believes all that she is saying.
but she talks about pain of getting raped anally by specific rubber willy therefore I believe her
Ok this thread is 100% full of shit posting.
Why do pedo-investigation threads always yield autistic replies, come on
I just want to know if this shit is real, what else there is on it
about what?
Kids make all sorts of shit up. Child testimonies are fucking tricky. Did anything ever came out of this.
A gang of pakis raping girls because police were too scared of being called racist is a lot more belivable than beheading kids.
She remembers things such as what her school looks like which obviously she doesnt need to invent. She has had the story woven so deep that she lives it and can recall things that never happened.
I believed it at first trust me there were threads all the time on this. Go check out some of the videos the mum filmed which are quite disturbing.
FB is a favorite tool of LE
gee willy wonkers I sure would like some SRA hysteria again
Well, I'm not an investigator so I have no idea what that means.
We already went through this a fuckton of times during 2012-13
goddamn redditors
so i guess I answered your question, now fuck off
> /x/ shit on pol
> bumped to nirvana
> nobody calls out the obvious CRT shilling
have we lost?
Facebook and law enforcement? That doesn't sound too "in the know" if you know what I mean.
Can you say something insightful about investigating that we can all recognise as being hard earned experience but not something a non-investigator would know?
>/x/ shit
>child abuse
angela merkel lol
women lie
how new are you? BSE was a psyop to get you to dismiss any evidence of occultism as a hoax
>doesn't sound too "in the know" if you know what I mean.
>something insightful about investigating that we can all recognise
When did you first become an investigator sir?
>people don't remember the McMartin Preschool hoax
>I hesitate to start a new thread
Clearly you fucking didn't because there's a shit ton of threads about this.
Holy fuck. She talks about spaghetti and how it has baby meat in it.
When I saw my dad dressed as a fat red man
Dude, keep watching it goes darker.
I think this shit's all made up.
Wouldn't it be crazy if BadSelfEater was meaning this shit?
Yup. The story is too complex more like a script
Now this is how you pedo. All throughout the Podesta Pizza Conspiracy threads the alleged children being sexually abused were homely at best. If you're gonna pedo, might as well get cute.
What happened? Is it a jump scare troll video? Does she show signs of demonic possession?
Yeah I can't believe no one remembers all the p.edowood threads. Just suffer through this until the election is over and all the newfaggots leave back to /r/the_donald
Thats what i want to know did they find the secret basement
satanic lolis ftw
I don't know about that particular case but look up the whole Boystown Nebraska and Johnny Gosch case. Listen to Paul Bonacci's testimony.
He also took a guy out to the house in Colorado where he said they took Johnny and other boys. He led him right to a chamber under the house where they kept the kids and there's initials carved on the support beams and shit.
> BTW what the fuck is going one?
Satanic ritual abuse, it has to do with kids, sex, incest, ritual murder, cannibalism and a cult. Ancient.
> It's all regarding to Podesta and Clintons?
Sure it is, can it be proven? I doubt it, closest link is Epstein I think, that abramovic witch may have something to do. In my country it is totally tied to politicians, but people who tried to prove it ended up "suiciding".
> From what I understand there is a underground Jewish-satanist pedo ring.
Yep, has to do with templars somehow. Although it may be different groups engaging in the same stuff. Weird as fuck.
Afaik, this specific case doesn't seem related to the clintons. BUT, tptb are almost all into some weird stuff, it's just that it's so hard to prove it, if you take it outside of internet ramblings you will end up comiting suicide or having an accident.
As far as I know (based on information easily avaible on the internet) US and UK are heavily into this stuff, Spain, France and Belguim have really weird shit going on too. Some groups are more into boys, others into girls. Some more into murder, others just sex. Some are more jewish, others more druidic, others more templar.
Bro, follow the money for the FBI, Follow the weird ass shit for the people. This is a two sides war.
Look how her numbers are going down with people raging about this shit.
People can tolerate some corruption but nobody can stand satanic child rapist.
So, we need to dig in both stuff. money and batshit crazy stuff.
It's not, we have it here too, usually at schools preschools...
This one is where people investigated the tunnels and everything
They talk about how they do things crazy on purpose so the kids sound crazy, flying them into the mountains and having them back by the end of day
There is something about young British girls talking that annoy me.
so fuck thats wild, why is larry king allowed on TV? did this never tarnish his reputation?
if you dont reply you'll be aborted in your next life
>In my country it is totally tied to politicians, but people who tried to prove it ended up "suiciding".
In b4 Spain again.