Knowledge Bomb. Goodluck & Godspeed

Hillary will kill MILLIONS if she gets in, and I'm not talking about just WW3.

With that being said, never stop fighting.

No matter how many shills/CTR try to mess with you, or how many DNC people try to burn down churches, firebomb places & beat up people.

Evil only wins if Good does nothing to stop it. If Good fights back, Evil is stopped.

But remember, Evil can also be defeated if you turn other Evils against it.

Sup Forums you are a amazing place, I'm glad I was able to do as many Knowledge Bombs as I was able to here.

I'll be around, watching ripple effects & looking at puzzle pieces to see the chessboards in usage.

Hillary rides a pale horse of death that no one will be safe from(including her own family & the Obama's). Which is why its imperative she doesn't get in to power.

Goodluck & Godspeed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Goddamn you're still doing this shit?

Worse than those tv psychics who say obscure bullshit to people

The world is a complex subject.

Good luck & Godspeed.

Hillary leaves a trail of death & destruction everywhere she goes.

If she gets into power, you better get some connections to some bunkers.

What pathetic fearmongering

This isn't fear mongering if you have been watching things overtime.

A corrupt machine tends to collapse in on itself when the corruption gets to much.

Get out and Vote & keep up the good fight.

Bump for interest. Knee-jerk reactions are usually signs of CTR shillery

Do you think the new Spirit Dinner (satanic rituals) that Podesta has taken part in will be the final bow to the Hillary campaign?

All the pizza/pool party threads recently have been flooded with 1 post by this ID shills screaming tinfoil, disinfo, or distraction from the real issues. Threads keep popping up trying to tell anons they're getting played, but in my opinion all of this is just drawing more attention to it.

What's your take on all this? You've said CTR = sick kid fuckers in past threads, is this confirmation? What's the best course of action to take against this?

I've already seen articles saying "lol it's just a reddit conspiracy goys!"

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of Kek
I take one look around and realise there's nothing left
Cause I've been restlessly kiking so long that
Even my rabbi thinks that my life is gone

Thank you for your Knowledge Bombs. To all critics, he linked CTR with CP more than 1 month ago.

To yesterdays topic, Bryan Cranston raped Dewey of Malcolm in the Middle, Bryan Cranston took him to his apartment during the weekends.

1. Is Barack Obama Osama bin Laden?
2. Why did Hillary Clinton change her obedience from house of Marlborough to Soros?
3. Do you agree that Obama bribed Trump with the Old Post Office in DC to stop him question Obama's past?

How deep does this occult thing go 5....Since Korea all this child/occult/pedo news keeps coming up out of the woodwork and I'm beginning to think we are close to something really big. Not in an expected way me spooped, but I have come a long ways from what I believed in since January. Meme magic was, well, just a meme. Now we have concrete evidence that our world leaders and elite practice satanic occult shit on the reg like its no big deal. They obviously underestimated a Mongolian throat singing boards ability to propagate 'memetic' warfare against their agenda and still haven't figured out what makes us tick, when quite simply we seek the truth. Wikileaks seems to be keeping Sup Forumss pulse for new info on the cheeseworks while the FBI seems to be readying all troops in DC for BIG raids, and handing out FOIA requests like candy.

Is the swamp about to be drained?

Is the DOJ/FBI/CIA holding out until after the election so Obama can't pardon those involved or is he implicated as well?

Who are 'the good guys"?

is this goodbye, anon5?

It's never goodbye, only see you later

and your understanding of it is absolutely infantile, fuck off you larping faggot


The world isn't "good versus evil". It never has been. We're just a bunch of monkeys with pants fucking around with each other for their own short-term benefit.

He's butthurt because his last thread he got BTFO immediately since we aren't buying his LARPing shit anymore.

And then someone impersonated him last night to show how much of a faggot he is. It was pretty funny.

Anon5 has predicted a few things and they have actually happened

But he still won't tell us about DMT ;__;

A few things ya, but not anymore than other /pol users have figured out either.

The difference is that this fag claims to have insider info, and never provides evidence to back up his claims about literally anything.

What is DMT?

Well he was the only one to predict that there would be a tonne of "gas leaks" before they actually started popping up everywhere


It's basically the molecular portal to the god world

He's genuinely psychotic, I hope he gets some help soon, it really sucks to realize afterwards what you did in your psychosis, it also doesn't matter what we say because of severe confirmation bias in his mind

Are you leaving? Thanks for everything, Anon5. You opened up a lot of eyes and minds. Will miss your posts, though.

Anon5 is legit, if this is indeed him/her.

Predicted the celebrity stuff that's coming out now. James Franco, Gaga, and Jay-Z with the Spirit Cooker.

>Hillary will kill MILLIONS if she gets in, and I'm not talking about just WW3.

Fuck off, kike shill.

Do you have any insider info to how deep this rabbit hole is going to go with the podesta emails and the pizza/hot dogs/pasta/cheeses?

Any insider info to how worried they are about this?

Is the media already saying Al-Queda is planning attacks November 7th to set us up for when the false flag hits?

What have we awoken and where is this taking us?

Gas the kikes race war now niggers.

Goodbye, knowledge bomb guy.

He will be back today evening or tomorrow

Ok, you should know this. Is there any truth to all this pizza shit on Sup Forums right now? I'm willing to believe in massive corruption and pedophillia and such. But all this luciferiean cannibalism stuff and talking in code with words for food seems a bit too ridiculous to me.

There is a docu from the ex-FBI agent Ted Gunderson about child abductions and sacrifices

Is there a link to the roleplay thread?

I tried to roleplay a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't do a very good job. I'd live to read this one.