Pic related.

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Yep, I'd post pic related.

This film was so good OP literally cannot stop thinking about it.

Moot point, 2049 is adverserial and the only way to kill its influence (and manifestation as soy culture) is through considered consistent and high brow critique. Throw enough punches and you'll wear them out eventually.

>"high brow critique"
Embarassing. Either way you are too late, it's already heavily engrained in Sup Forums culture, maybe if you weren't such a torrent parasite you might've had a chance of shitposting it away, but now it's too late.
You don't even deserve a (You), delete the word file and go wageslave your life away to total obscurity my man

>I can't intuit aesthetic abstraction
I violently disagree and you are very behind the times: my project is give Sup Forums back its credibility a forum for an intellectual discussion of ideas. Your reactionary attitude is flaccid and provides no progress. I'm here to help people learn to how think a little better, you're obviously past the point of no return and for that I salite you sir.

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indeed that poster is dishonest it make Rick looks like very hardboiled but in the movie he was a godamn chickenhead. Ford play him like a real retard which its perfect in context.

>my project is give Sup Forums back its credibility a forum for an intellectual discussion of ideas
Stealing overused pathetic buzzwords such as "soy" or "dishonest" is certainly not what would an "intellectual" embarass himself with. Also, talking about videogames and Hollywood blockbusters are also things an intellectual doesn't bother himself with.

If you actually want to give Sup Forums back it's credibility you would start making threads about actual films, but since you literally only play playstation games you more than likely don't watch anything released before your birth year at all. The only subtitles you have seen are in the form of video player controls inbetween degenerate video game cutscenes.

>you're obviously past the point of no return
Says the guy who spends all of his free time copy pasting endless word vomit threads about a Hollywood blockbuster every single day



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Your view of intellectualism is impoverished - a true intellectual is a culture sponge and approaches each medium indiscriminately. With the freedom to cross-reference over all domain to express a concept. Dismissing Soy as a mere meme/buzzword is foolish and rings false to the reality of soy as cultural substrate - sediment of the unthinking 2049 crowd.

Dishonesty is also another term which has valid and deep rooted psychology that appears inexplicable to the neophtye and casually obvious to an academic of film culture.

>a true intellectual is a culture sponge and approaches each medium use
Yes, but from what you have displayed by all of these countless threads and posts, your "culture sponge" is dipped just into one single medium that is video games and nothing else whatsoever, playstation video games to be exact. Manchilds like you hear about Pale Fire by Nabokov first time when they watch this film, probably the reason why you never even mention it.
Your argument only makes sense if you in fact are approaching "each medium" and giving reference from multiple perspectives, but you aren't, you are approaching only one single medium (a juvenile "entertainment" medium for that) and nothing else. That is a first class supreme sign of a limited minded brainlet casual and literally a sign of autism, to be so lost in one thing that you have been completely detached from reality.

stop deleting your dumb posts

Maybe the exclusivity to which I discuss 2049 through Video Game ideology is less a fault on my part and more of an objective indictment of the film as a whole? I have diagnosed the film and its illness is the myopia it applies to culture, plying its aesthetic from the dead (yet bloody) hands of video game ideology. My critique is as circular as the films artistic influence. Try and be more perceptive the next time you watch a movie.

hits too close to home eh?

Keep this up and you can become Sup Forums's version of ACfag and Barneyfag.

Nah, I'm not a nihilistic pseud loser

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You neurotic vilenoid sycophants are so over concerned and pedantic its tragic you're all fluent in the art of subdued agitation.

See? This post is exactly what I'm talking about.
Just a brainless copy paste autist mindset where you reach into your word document for a particular set of a word vomit excerpt because of your total lack of any actual on the spot argument forming skills whatsoever.
And this one doesn't even make sense in terms of what I have asked you, why don't you never mention Pale Fire in your buzzword spewings? It's literally in the film, not just a small reference but a big part of it, from K's character, to Joi to even the entire baseline scene.

C'mon now, show the vast collected diverse data of your "culture sponge", show the "intellectualism", comment on Nabokov, he's nothing remotely obscure at all, basic literature really.. Or do you have zero arguments for that because the only thing you know is video games?

It's literally no use arguing with him. He thinks the movie apes visuals from video games and think any story about a dystopia is "soy" even though that dystopian stories have been both written by left and right leaning people.

Referential cinema isn't interesting and commonly indicates academic signposting - I'm not going to comment on its stale metaphors for individuality. I have no regard for what you have to say or investigations you're trying at. I know my critiques come from a real place and to correct Sup Forumss film theory void. Your short nearsightedness renders you inaccessible to my arguments and bizarrely motivating to bring my project full circle.

>Referential cinema isn't interesting
Then why do you reference bioshock, deus ex and assassins creed in your word vomit spewings?
Atleast be consistent with your shitposting, because now all of your posts are one giant contradictory directionless word gargle.
>I'm not going to comment
Ofcourse you won't my dear playstation player, ofcourse you won't. Maybe monday when you come back from wageslaving and type in a new copy paste defecation excerpt in your word file?
So much of your """""culture sponge"""""

I reference video game culture to elucidate on cinematic aesthetic which takes their pointers from next gen hang ups. If you're not already aware of this that's your problem, and my prerogative to correct it in penned critique.

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That still doesn't explain why you never mention the use of Pale Fire. I'm sure if Joi was holding a copy of bioshock you would literally talk about only that for countless posts, but now you remain silent.
I will take that as a confirmation that you are being dishonest yourself in your posts by implying how much of a "culture sponge intellectual" you are, while failing to prove so with even a single point, remaining short sighted in your childish video game world with no end.

Such a sad existence.

shit thread

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My critique goes where it goes, I'm looking for big issues and have no interest in extraneous detail. If you prize a literary reference so highly as somehow being the conceit of the film then you expose adolescent blunted thought in mistaking academic superfluity for intellectual substance. Your patent neuroses shows that at least on one level I've been successful. I get views because I speak the truth, and the truth is: I'm the strongest voice on Sup Forums right now.

I hope you continue to follow me on my journey, you might learn something!

You never seem to answer my question on why do you keep reposting basically the same thread every day. Why? The only other time there are blade runner threads are when there is a baseline test.

Attached: Baseline test.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

>I'm looking for big issues and have no interest in extraneous detail
Again, then why do you reference literal video games? Why do you talk about them? I only mention Pale Fire because you use references, but now you claim that you don't. Contradiction after contradiction, what an undeveloped directionless mind you have.
>I get views because I speak the truth
Cute headcanon delusion you have there, I'm sure you know that the sole reason you get replies is because you have to spam literally 25 threads per day, with every single one of your threads ending at about 30 post range or getting completely deleted by janitors. So much of "voice" you got there.

This thread really showed your true undeveloped helpless autistic colors, complete contradictions in every post, utter lack of any actual cultural spectrum besides one medium, inability to form an original thought, helpless resort to copy pasting from a saved file because of the inability to form an original responding thought, confusing spamming for a "voice"... what a sad sad display.

If you consider my convictions shitposting you're almost certainly in your early 20s.

One thing I don't get is why Blade runner 2049 specifically. There have been tons of films claiming to be higher art when they are low brow. Now, 2049 is not high brow art, but it is much higher than most schlock modern cinema produces.

The baseline test thing was not concentrated onto you specifically. Still

You haven't answered the question. Out of the 24 hours of your day, why do you make at minimum 3 threads a day on the same topic?

Pic related is funny but honestly psuedo-intellectual and ironic rhetoric/banter is what keeps me coming back every year

Thank you for revealing the effect I've had on you, I knew not everyone would be ready for my radical lateral thinking, some people are too stuck in their ways. I suggest you reread my past critiques more carefully, make some notes and spend some time with them.
You're clearly stimulated by them, and I intend to correct the damaged Sup Forums psyche where it needs it most. I'm sure you'll be seeing me again, and maybe then you'll have some worthwhile words to spare.

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Because 2049 unironically invokes soy psychology, emasculated wanting virgins who coddle their own sense of isolation in dready navel gazing solipsism. It's the first film to do that on such a large scale and with so much patent dishonesty applied to the emotional and intellectual mood.

Ok, but why can't you contain it to one thread?

This implication of some kind of dominance after being completely brought down to a manchild spec of dust is just laughable, if you have no replies to all the things I have just asked you then I'm happy to report to you won't be hearing from me again, I can only applaud you for your own delusion and choice to ignore literally everything anyone has said about your work.
You had the chance to prove your precious "intellectualism", which isn't shown in a one way channel but through interaction, but nothing indicates that you're anything more than a playstation joystick wielding manchild with a ctrl+v mind, no less no more.

I can only hope you someday grow out of your manchild phase, or atleast get some help for your medical condition, until then feel free to degenerate further into banality of video games and Hollywood blockbusters.
Until then, enjoy your empty, but brain pleasing notification like (You)'s

For ideas to gain mainstay in culture there needs to be a snowball effect, I share my ideas and others pick them up, for this to happen viably ideas need to be dispersed omni directionally

Everyone thinks that you are a faggot and your threads never reach more than 100 posts. Now if you made ONE thread instead of spreading your autism across multiple, you probably would have a larger impact. Right now, you are acting like ACfag or Barneyfag.

I will do user, and I thank you for the many words you have spared on me. Sup Forums is starting to wake up and only the most tenacious will reach the vanguard.

If you are going to samefag, next time change your posting style.

>Everyone thinks
Stop right there, 2049 sycophants don't constitute everyone they constitute an overepresented soy culled minority who can't bear criticism of their holy grail. It's laughable a lot of fun, and deeply intellectually stimulating.

But everyone here knows you're ReviewScrew and everyone despises you. Why insist?

Even people who agree with your basic ideas would have a hard time agreeing with the way you are going around expressing these ideas. Your pseudo-intellectual posting patterns emulate higher order thinking and argumentation, but when deconstructed shows how basic and surface level your arguments are without touching upon deeper themes of the film. You say "soy ideology" when it is common knowledge that soy boys are "happy" beta males that are willing to be real life cucks. You say that the experience is cheapened by video game visuals and when you cite examples of this, it is 9/10 times visuals that said video games took inspiration from older movies or even other forms of works like literature. No mention of character motivations, how it works as a sequel to the original movie, camera work, lighting or anything of note just the same regurgitated "soy" and "video game" arguments.

And yes I am posting like this to show you how fucking tedious it is to read someone who pretends to be smarter than they are. You're on fucking Sup Forums.

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Pretension is an overused pseudo-criticism that people use to villify the erudite and the cultured.

Of course, I honestly wouldn't mind so much if you didn't use "soy" and "video games" which are two basic level descriptions of ideas.

I don't need to reach 100 points, in fact frankly I'm glad its that way my discussions last as long as they need to, I can reformulate my ideas to carry more meaning in each word.

Bump for discussion.

br2049 is for soybois, unironically, you guys are the enemy of cinema, worse then capeshit audiences. or you're probably the part of it