Star Wars Obi-Wan vs Vader duel

Okay Sup Forums, it's been over 10 years since I've first seen this scene, and I still don't understand this. What's happening here? Why does Obi Wan just... "surrenders"? Why is he COMPLETELY disintegrated, and not just cut in half? Someone explain this Lucas DEEPEST lore to me, because I can't understand what's going on here.

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Something something sneed can I go home now?

yes you can, but you haven't explained what happened there so it's only C, as in "see me after class"

>”If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
He explains it right there, OP. He had to do it, because there was no way he was going to win the duel with Vader and escape the Death Star, but he knew Luke wouldn’t leave him behind. He transcended the physical realm so he could help Luke from beyond.

Admittedly, that scene always makes me sad, because I put myself in Luke’s shoes when watching that movie.

>it worked the last time

The better question is what was up with that "fuck you" spin he did in the middle of the fight? It was like a videogame taunt. Was Kinobi just messing with Skywalker the whole time?

No, really, I don't understand.
I just watched it again
>the "force" music starts playing
>Ben Kenobi is smirking, as if he had it all planned beforehand
>Just fucking disappears

was holding pretty good against Vader, blocking all strikes, all that stuff. He only got hit because he "forfeited" there and then.

>was holding pretty good against Vader, blocking all strikes, all that stuff. He only got hit because he "forfeited" there and then.
He was playing defensively the whole time, since Vader was stronger with a longer reach. He was also surrounded by troopers at that point as well. He probably did plan to transcend into the Force from the beginning as his trump card, because he would have sensed Vader’s presence on the Death Star the same way Vader sensed his presence.

My nigga he wasn't walking out of there alive it just wasn't gonna happen.

Makes sense, but then, why not yell something edgy like "I'm not leaving this place alive and neither are you" and start hacking at them troopers?
If you're going to die anyway - might as well take some bastards with you.

If you power-level as a Jedi is high enough, at the moment of death you disincorporate and become one with the Force. Ben, Yoda and Luke all died this way.

If you need an explanation, well, this is a universe with laser swords and telekinesis. Ain't gotta explain shit.

Because he’s a wise old wizard, and he wouldn’t be able to transcend into the Force if he had been killed by a blow to the head or something. He basically did it as a final taunt to Vader, so Vader wouldn’t have the pleasure of actually killing him after all these years.

So basically a giant middle finger to Vader, his ex - apprentice, ex-best friend, ex - "you were like a brother to me, I loved you"? Or was there a deeper motive than to just make him mad?

That guy is a dipshit, see You don't get to be a Force Ghost if you're a vindictive asshole.

This. Only way to unlock the sweet lightning strike attack is through bonus force ghost power as shown by Yoda in The Last Jedi, available on Blu-ray in stores now!

So at the end of original movies, Anakin becomes force ghost because he redeemed himself during battle Luke vs Palatine, right?
I mean he blew up an entire planet worth of innocents, then saved his son from evil Palatine, thus redeeming himself, and earned enough "jedi points" to become a force ghost?

>his ex - apprentice, ex-best friend, ex - "you were like a brother to me, I loved you"?
Well, none of that had been written or fleshed out yet, but it was pretty much to rub it in Vader’s face that he could never defeat him. It’s been a while since I’ve watched ANH, but I don’t even think the Force was even described as having a “light side” or “dark side” with specific attributes until ESB. Vader was simply described as being a Jedi who turned evil. Lucas had already written in a mention of the Sith in a rough cut of ANH, but they were never mentioned in the final cuts of any of the OT films.

>and start hacking at them troopers
Because back then troopers weren't just living memes and ultimately killing a few more troopers would do nothing but prove that he was just a spiteful asshole instead of a wise old man.

>You don't get to be a Force Ghost if you're a vindictive asshole.
No, because then all Jedi in the history of the galaxy would have been force ghosts. Canonically, it’s a technique that Qui-Gon Jinn partially learned while he was alive, then taught Obi-Wan and Yoda between ROTS and ANH.

Even though he was a murderous prick for a good chunk of his life, he redeemed himself by killing an even more murderous prick and saving his son, who would go on to save MaRey Sue.

>Canonically, it’s a technique that Qui-Gon Jinn partially learned while he was alive, then taught Obi-Wan and Yoda between ROTS and ANH.
Sorry but none of that stuff is canon anymore :^)

Canonically, Anakin became a force ghost by Obi-Wan speaking to him in his mind to teach him the technique before he passed away in ROTJ.

You may be right that not all of that has been made into the new canon, but Yoda specifically mentions to Obi-Wan in ROTS that they are able to communicate with Qui-Gon through the Force.

he gave up when he saw them boarding the ship and didn't have to stall for time anymore you fucking retard

>can I go home now?
we are here forever mate

I disregard all Special Edition nonsense.

He was really force projecting to Naboo to talk to Jar Jar one last time, and the effort is what really killed him, and thats why he disappeared so quick.

>Special Edition
I’m talking about the PT, which explains the logic behind a lot of stuff in the OT. The OT was written as a fantasy hero story about a boy becoming a man. Lucas wasn’t concerned about if the Force made logical sense at that point.

>Why does Obi Wan just... surrender

He was sacrificing himself, to guide Luke through the force. He knew he was too old to do any physical good in the Galaxy anymore.

But didn't Yoda tell Obi Wan he could talk to Qui-Gon at the end of Episode III? I don't remember it well, but I assume he was implying he was a ghost. And I don't remember Qui-Gon disintegrating when he died

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Meant to reply to

My bad. I saw the prequels a grand total of 1 (one) time when they came out, I can't remember any of the dialogue that hasn't be memed.

>And I don't remember Qui-Gon disintegrating when he died
Supposedly that’s because he never finished training in the technique used to disappear into the Force and become a ghost at will. The afterlife is never really explained in Star Wars, but clearly some form of it exists for Force-users.

Obi Wan never really existed. He was part of Luke's psyche.

Leia is aware of obi wan though

Aye, Qui-Gon could talk to meditating force users, but could not actually become a ghost.

I think...

She didn't know he was dead. It was all a fever dream.