Reddit in a nutshell

Whitey BTFO.

Racism is not power + prejudice no matter how many times the regressive left will try to tell you it is.

I wonder what they call blacks who murder whites purely because of their skin colour.

>racism = prejudice + power

So does that mean a Mexican calling a black person a nigger isn't racism because he doesn't have power?

What if i traveled to Africa and started calling everyone niggers? White people are a minority in Africa so that isn't racist right?

>Sup Forums falling for Sup Forums bait on reddit
Sage this cancer

pretty much, according to the left

I'm totally down to go to africa and call everyone there a nigger just to prove this point

Disenfranchised youths.

I always love to see googles bend logic and science to their liking. It's refreshing, really. ,,Racism isn't bad when I do it" is still a reasoning superior to ,,ooga booga fuk dem whiteys". An improvement was made.

Murder = Violence + Power, since only one of those factors is present, it's not murder.

>What if i traveled to Africa and started calling everyone niggers?
I hope your affairs are in order.

Racism = power + prejudice
Racism - prejudice = power
>yfw race realism is the most powerful ideology

I swear to god, none of these fuckers learn anything in college. I took two SJW classes when I went to school and the formula is simple.

Institutional Racism = Prejudice + Power
Racism = Prejudice

The user that posted this was being ironic I just looked at his account, he talks like a Sup Forumsack.

I want any cuck that says this anti-white stuff unironically to walk in or even live in some ghetto, let's see how you'll like to be treated like trash.
This whole power+prejudice meme is just an excuse for unacceptable behavior.

Daily reminder that this kind of thinking will be taught to your future children in school.

Whites can't be racist.

I thought racism is the belief that all members of a certain race share a certain attribute? Libshits are sure changing definitions a lot.


Here's a redditor justifying the TPP even though nafta made us lose most of our manufacturing.

>Institutional Racism = Prejudice + Power

>Racism = Prejudice

>Institutional Racism = Racism + Power

>Institutionalism = (Racism + Power)/Racism

>Institutionalism = (Racism/Racism) + (Power/Racism)

>Institutionalism = 1 + (Power/Racism)

>Institutionalism - (Power/Racism) = 1

>1 + (Power/Racism) - (Power/Racism) = 1

>1 = 1

There, I created Equality

Racism = Melanin + Watermelon.


Define the kind of power that all whites have, and nobody else does. Pro-tip: it doesn't exist.

Trying to make sense of liberalism is like trying to square the circle. It's about justification of beliefs you already have, not actually making sense of the world.

They wouldnt understand unless he said it in clicks and dirks


I'm alright, but i wouldn't consider myself a "powerful" person. Is it okay for me to just call blacks niggers?


My thoughts exactly

nice one romania

>Racism = Prejudice

why does the word prejudice even exist than.

aspiring rappers