This confirms it

Colbert is for high IQ people

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>le current year
the absolute state of the left

>the same website that featured an article defending pedophilia


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>because debating is hard

This, unironically, is the exact kind of shit that got Trump elected. Fucking hell, they really doubled down on their bullshit instead of any kind of introspection. And I don't even like Trump.

>people criticizing the right is what got the right elected!

Fuck off. It was a class of retards who will vote republican no matter what because they're racist.


Holy cow. I know this is an edit to showcase (((liberal))) hipocrisy, but it irked me the fuck out. I guess I'm not a racist after all.

Yes. Criticism is not writing fake news, making straw man comics and capitalizing BAD words in your HEADLINES like right wingers think.

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Grow up, and I'm not talking about age.

wtf i love salon now

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I have been a fan of colbert for years and I know never to trust 'comedians' with politics or opinions

>itt: salty people who still don't realise "Colbert" is a comedic act and not a real person.
Why are you all so brainlet? If he was making fun of the left you'd be all over him.

Learning to laugh at yourself is the sign of having a sense of humour.

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Jesus fucking Christ, you are the exact kind of elitist echo chamber cunt I'm talking about. And to reiterate, I'm not happy about the election results at all.

>tfw the doctor prescribes you to watch john oliver

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Facts and logic are fucking gay lmao

>employed a pedo defending """""alt right""""" gay faggotman who only fucks black dudes.

See. We can both do it.

What you just REEEEEEEE'd about is exactly what he meant. You're defending Salon for fuck sake

Editor change or something?


So kike controlled nigger faggots are still here.

why do they do this? Im the dummy in my family. My sister is getting her masters at MIT my brother in law had a multimillion dollar facility built specifically for him at a prestigious university, and im learning how to make a website. Half my family are scientists the other half doctors and lawyers and successful businessmen.

The one thing I have noticed is that the smartest of them, never not once ever mention their own intelligence. We all argue about abstract shit or politics, and they never say 'hey, you should listen to me because of my success.' so why do these bloggers and lefty readers do it? Why do they constantly try to make it seem that they're the smartest people in the room. I know many of them are smart they're articulate and eloquent, so what's different about them than the smart people I know. Do they just hate everyone who doest agree with them and want to hurt them. Its so frustrating to read or listen to. Just argue your points for g-ds sake, without the histrionics and personal attacks and without pointing out how super duper smart you are.

>equating homosexuality with pedophilia

Those people are already outnumbered by Gibsmecrats.

a guy made an algorithm to change every use of the word white to black on the site

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If he was making fun of the left he would be deplatformed. They dragged Fallon over the coals simply for interviewing Trump and not calling him a nazi

"Consuming us means ur teh big brain, buy our shit"

>insert "cuckold is the intellectual fetish" article jpg here

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Nuke America.

I unironically love Colbert and hate Sup Forums fags

nobody mentioned breitbart dickhead, nice try tho

>this thread will hit bump limit

Hehe epic bait

Sup Forums is Sup Forums

While the headline may be exaggerated, you're certainly not going to lose the same amount of brain cells watching late night as you would listening to Trump run his mouth.

I probably would agree with the intent of the article, but that title font is hilarious. Just make it comic sans at that point.

>400 replies on page 10 and then the mods decide to delete it so that it doesn't archive
It's so obvious.

BASED Colbert

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See? Brainlets.

Milo defended having pedo relationships. The fact that he's gay is irrelevant. Except for the thing with him being alt right and their hero Hitler wanting to mass exterminate gays and race mixers.
Like Milo himself.

Yes, the posterboy for the alt right is an openly gay man who sucks black cock while defending 13yr old boys getting fucked by grown men.

And they say the left are all mental.

>inb4 alt right aren't fascists
Try telling them that.

Was it salon that tried to normalize pedophilia with the "Educate Yourself, I'm the Pedophile, You're the Monster" thing the other year?

"If you use an algorithm to change the headlines to make them racist then it looks racist"

Salon libtards got EPIC BTFO!

where the fuck is dennis miller did he like lose his mind or something? he was good at this kinda show in the 90s. i guess hes too from the far left for anyone to wanna watch him now...

Nice debunked image. It had nothing to do with him being white or Christian.

Poor b8, you need a different angle on that

Colbert has literally become the frothing-at-the-mouth walking cliche talking head he was "parodying" for so many years
He has no more comedic edge, all he does is make stupid voices and act like a screaming retard caricature
At least during the bush administration he was able to make valid jabs

Damn you got me, no one actually has liberal beliefs, we're all just trolls!

>posterboy for the alt right

sounds like someone's a Salon/Vox/Atlantic etc reader wrapped up in year old boogeyman "Oh No Le Evil Queer Conservative" opinion pieces....

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>doesnt even address the image posted
really made me think

>demotards are still unironically bitching about milo

how does that negate salon being shit? isn't breitbart's misconducts entirely independent of salon?

Read the link, dipshit. It completely proves that your little image is 100% bullshit.

stop being a caricature, you're like a boomer posting fox news

Hate Snopes all you want but if you actually read the article then you'll see they cite actual sources and evidence to prove the claim that Schumer rejected someone for being Christian is false.

I'm not sure who that article was written for since right-wing people don't read Salon.

>poster boy for the alt-right
>the alt-right even exists at all


No it doesnt you fucking retard, the article is about a completely different thing. Good job proving just how wrong the Salon article is you low IQ dumbass.

Does anyone happen to have a link to a youtube video talking about the broader impact of the proliferation of these "satire" based news shows
Someone posted it here a while back and but I can't find it again

Humor and jokes no longer have context so lets just giggle at these cloned late night personalities and their riveting drump jokes while we pat ourselves on the back for being so smart. Great.

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Are you sure? Then how'd anyone from Sup Forums find this article?

>Schumer said before Thursday's vote that he's opposed to Quattlebaum's nomination because it "speaks to the overall lack diversity in President Trump's selections for the federal judiciary,"
wow im convinced

he's not anti white, HES JUST PRO DIVERSITY

"We have found no record of Chuck Schumer’s ever saying, “Candidates with deeply held Christian beliefs are unfit and disqualified from serving as a federal judge.” Perhaps the quote originated as a paraphrase of what someone thought Schumer meant when he expressed misgivings about William Pryor’s views.

But the quote attributed to Schumer doesn’t really hit the mark, even as a paraphrase. Consider the content and context of what Schumer actually said. As in the earlier case of Ashcroft, he didn’t raise an alarm about Pryor’s religion; he raised it about the potential for Pryor to become precisely what Orrin Hatch argued he would not: an ideologue who would make rulings based on his personal beliefs instead of the Constitution."

Feel free to post proof that he said that and prove Snopes wrong.

Trump himself is a liar no doubt, he's outright admitted to "truthful hyperbole," but this is straight-up propaganda and the people who are most susceptible are also the ones who also consider themselves very intelligent. Late night comedians are daily sermon for brainwashed ideologues who can't think critically and digest current events without being spoonfed under the pretense of "comedy." There's absolutely no thought or scrutiny involved, just breaking everything down to its basest and most agreeable form and reinforcing with a Pavlovian laugh response. Their viewership is also an incredibly tiny portion of the population, they have trouble competing with Talking Dead even, so fuck the idea that they're the voice of the public mood. Even the foremost Trump satirist, Alec Baldwin, expressed a distaste for the "grand jury" tone late night comedians have been taking.

no it's just pointing out how everything they say is a reflection of their fear, they're afraid that their multicultural project is going to fail and their new strategy is to force cohesion by scapegoating white people. it's peak brain-fucked lefty.
the stats are clear about which the most murderous group is and it's giving them anxiety attacks. they just flip the labels and talk about murderous white people to escape reality

>tfw too intelligent to win the election

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The candidate being white was not the sole reason for him voting against him, despite what you alt-righters try to paint it as. It was the least of many problems that Schumer and any reasonable person would have with the appointee.

Almost all of the people in power under Trump are white, including Schumer himself. It's not racist to notice a pattern and try to fix it.

>suppose to be a comedian
>pushes political agenda

huh? but reddit told me its all a joke

No really. What happened after 2012?

Why is everything like this now? How is it that me, a barely-functioning, asocial dweeb on Sup Forums 12 hours a day is so much more normal than the fucking degenerates we see put pedestals?

This wasn't like this 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.

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They've far more than doubled.

We're through the looking glass now

>including Schumer himself
fuck off jew

Go and actually read the original picture you were responding to you fucking failed abortion. It has nothing to do with christians. Its a completely different thing.

Once again, thank you for being a living example of the sort of unthinking waste of flesh that makes up the base of left wingers.

>class of retards who will vote republican no matter what because they're racist.
Either high-level bait or you proved his point perfectly

I have just one thing to say to all the alt-righters brigading this board: Убeйтe ceбя, вы, pyccкaя бoт тpaхaeтcя

How do you like it when I insult you in your own language, huh? Go the fuck back to your own shitty people and leave the civilised nations alone.

retard tier bait

very good comrade, its true: if you are not gay cuckold you must be russian

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>amerilards actually believe in the russia bogeyman

Dumb people cling to intelligence, smart people dont care

this is still allll from 9/11 imo

only getting worse

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>watch this to get brainwashed
They're not even hiding anymore are they

Cultural Marxism user. Its a slow creeping thing. slowly turning the heat up sort of thing

Insulting you in your own language always get instant responses, it triggers the fuck out of you Russki pieces of shit. You're fine with talking shit in English, our language, yet you can't handle it when we do it back.

Ocтaвь нac тpaхaтьcя oдин, ты, pyccкиe кycки дepьмa

take your meds grandpa

because they are literaly going "if you're on our side and buy our shit that means you're clever"

from the time they started the tranny shit it became obvious they're like the emperor's new clothes story

stop it comrad i'm busy mixing

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Finally, a cure for the Alt-Right.

Come over here, I've got a present for you Russians...

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>"Lol we never really supported him, lol"
Trumptards in full damage control.

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Nice, I can't wait for government-mandated brain modifications

If there's one thing we know Neo-Nazis love, it's gay Jews who exclusively date black men.

imagine brazil but instead of accepting the fact that you're a shithole ruled by a dominant minority of europeans, you're telling people that ethnic stratification will be a thing of the past and everyone, no matter their ancestry or gender, will become ceos, presidents, movie makers, stars and lawyers
we're in a pressure cooker without a safety valve

>reducing brain activity makes you more liberal
Who knew

>tfw Liberalism is legitimately a mental illness...

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Them bloody foreigners stealin our jobs! Disgraceful.

Wot 'appened to Britain for bootiful British people ehh? None of that foreign muck!

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I can't wait until we start putting it into phones and headphones etc that people put near their head naturally. The entire right wing would disappear overnight...

In the past the concept of using magnets to change people's beliefs would have horrified me but after the latest election, we've been left with little choice. If using magnets is what's necessary to stop the next Trump from getting in power.... so be it.

Chuck Schumer legitimately looks evil.