Why was Dredd a flop?

Why was Dredd a flop?

God tier soundtrack, great action, it's KINO

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Rated R. You can't pack the theater with families 3 times in a row with that.

He didn't show his face at all, you gotta have a character with a face! You just gotta!

>Why was Dredd a flop?

Alex Garland

It wasn't marketed well. It should've used all its marketing dollars shitting on the Stallone movie.

Most people thought it was a remake of the notoriously bad one.

I'm still ashamed that I didn't go to the cinema to see it

bad marketing, title too similar to the terrible Sly film, hard R rating in an era where PG-13 action mobies rule the big screen

It came out in a wrong time

The TV show might be good. They claim they want to combine the edginess of Dredd with the scifi and comedy of the comics.

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British can't into advertisement properly for films.

what TV series ?

have I missed anything ?


Had it come out after Deadpool (and distanced itself more from the Stallone movie) I could easily see it being a success

These. The Stallone movie is absolutely horrible.

insistence of shitty 3d in theaters

I have the 3d blu-ray and it is one of the worst I've ever seen. Movie wasn't made with 3d cameras, but remade in post.

dredd is not even a person thats the whole point of his character.
and you have anderson btw.

The mandatory 3D element, there weren't any 2D screenings. I remember wanting to see it but the tickets were 15 bucks each, and since it was 3D it had a limited amount of theaters. Not everyone likes 3D and not everyone wants to pay extra for it.

It flopped in the box office then made a profit afterwards.
A lot of films now days have limited theater releases and then rely on rentals/netflix sales.

>400 million people
>800 million people in the movie

Is Karl Urban even gonna portray Dredd?

fuck off, the sly version is fucking great on its own merits and it even aged gracefully in the effects department


Absolute shit remake

it's not even so-bad-its-good, it's just dogshit. Demolition Man is a billion times better

Fuck off, it's a terrible Dredd-movie and a subpar Stallone movie. He loves himself too much to keep his face hidden the entire movie

false dichotomy horseshit

they're not comparable

Didn't Stallone want to keep the helmet on because that was the character but the producers were like no way.

Action kino. Would argue it's better than Die Hard or RoboCop.

still better than that hollywood trash that came out in the 90's. leave it to the brits to make a good film on a limited budget.

danny cannon is british too, lad

>it's KINO
Opinion discarded. Movie is actually good despite your """praise""".

Didn't have a hamfisted feminist message...Rookie was just a brave Rookie and didn't kick Dredds ass to have sex with the hoodrat.

they're both silly 90's sci-fi action films with Sylvester Stallone going up against an over-the-top bad guy

the main difference being that Demolition Man is a fun time, and Judge Dredd isn't

I liked the robot. Hated literally everything else.

the dindu's of Sup Forums decided to pirate it instead of seeing it in theaters

for you

Demolition Man is one of the most intelligent action films ever made.

nice trips, though he was at the whims of a hollywood production company. dredd at least is a british production.

> Slykino + Snipeskino.
> Bullock has ass.

Fuck someone should stream this right now.

Yes and it had the director and Garland going apeshit with each other. It's nice that it managed to be a half-decent movie, but I think most of you faggots praise it only because Urban kept his mask on. The Raid did what it did, only better.

it had that fucking kike in it

>The Raid did what it did, only better.

Not another faggot comparing it to the Raid. The script to Dredd was written long before the Raid even existed, and it's not like the premise of the film itself is anything new either. It's babbies first martial arts flick too.

>The Raid did what it did
the raid was not a judge dredd movie
the only similarity between the two films is that they take place in a single building in an urban environment

The Raid > Dredd

Unless you're Deadpool.

dredd was a flop because shit marketing. i didn't even know it existed until it came out on dvd/bluray

I know right, The Raid INVENTED the idea of one man going against a building full of bad guys. The writer is a fucking GENIUS, just how did he come up with such a brilliant concept???

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That and it may have put a little too much emphasis on 3D when it was a dying fad

>God tier soundtrack
Look out for the theme from Snuffbox making a cameo appearance.
In the film:

Attached: snuffbox.png (500x541, 392K)

I've never heard anyone celebrating the Raid only for the concept itself

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I wish the Gatling gun scene was squibs instead of CGI, and without music

and yet I've seen thousands of comments about how The Raid did what Dredd did but better, and exactly how are they similar besides the concept?

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I planned on going when I had a free night but it was pulled from my local theater after week 2

Teased the potential sequel as well.

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>better than robocop

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I don't fucking know OP. Maybe we should also ask ourselves why John Wick got a sequel.

who else?

only as some guest star, or wtf thex call it), it wont be about Dredd

when is the premier?

Demolition man also had him in it

They didnt use and abuse of the ironic black humor from the comics.
They did the movie very serious for serious people almost grim tier.

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I never read a single Dredd comic but I got that feeling while watching it. First film did was even worse in this aspect though since even the suit exaggerations are taken super literally.

Hyped for that & or the series.

The Stallone film reminds of this
Has some good stuff in it, ABC Warrior - Cursed Earth, Block Wars sequence etc.
+ Jürgen Prochnow, Max Von Sydow = deece cast.
but alas close but no cigar.

Dredd is the better film.

these guys seem like total bros

>insistence of shitty 3d in theaters
Didn't they actually have to call it "Dredd 3D" for the theatrical release? What a horrible idea

Has there been an actually good comic tv show yet? Not just one that was decent. But a properly good one.

Nigga he's talking about the Nu-boCop

70s Hulk is pretty good, user.

I don't think it will happen but it would have been great. The Chopper stories were always my favourites.

I'd love to see a cool Nemesis The Warlock movie. I already sort of have, I had a fever dream that was utterly terrifying about it so I know it would work, maybe with CGI. It would actually be quite timely in some ways, Nemesis is a fighter for diversity but also something a subversion of it. The ABC Warriors exist in the same universe as well I seem to remember, albeit its their far future.

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Box office? Absolutely
As a film? No, one of the best action movies out there
Yes they did, Wagner wrote Dredd's dialogue to make sure it fit the character, black humour and all
>Confirmed for never having read any 2000AD products

Really horrible marketing.

>that chair

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wasn't marketed
literally called Dredd 3D so people thought it was a gimmick movie

nu-Sup Forums didn't like it because the protagonist was still a white male

I thought it was an Indian production? Or at least one of the studios was?

Happy! Is good
Made by the guy who did Crank

nah british film shot in south africa.

I didn't like it because the antagonist was a white woman.

Daredevil Season 1

>Dredd was the protagonist

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Hol up

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>fighter for diversity
>that nose

>Nigga he's talking about the Nu-boCop
Then he should have specified. Just like ghostbusters, i'll assume the original when mentioned unless properly addressed.

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>No fun allowed
The setting is so boring and far away from the vibrant world built in decades of comics. Apart from a few shitty quips there is no humour at all. This is what made films like Demolition Man and Robocop great. As a film Dredd takes itself way too seriously.
>Rip off script
Why this happened when the character exists in a world with so many characters and possibilities I will never know. Remaking the raid with a dredd reskin is a boring and uninspired idea.
>CGI blood
Such a small thing but when the special effects are all the film has going for it why fuck it up with this shit. Distracting in every scene.

The only thing they got right was the costumes and vehicle designs.

I’ve been reading 2000AD for decades and I honestly prefer the Stallone movie. For all it’s flaws it does a better job of capturing what makes the comic great. Visually interesting, good world building with the cursed earth, mega city, and the hall of justice all being well represented, an original plot that makes use of established characters to good effect. Autists upset about the helmet coming off need to fuck off.

Rob Schneider ruins it.

Stallone had the better chin

I didn't know it existed until a year after it came out

He wasn't supposed to be in it in the first place

>According to Rob Schneider, Sylvester Stallone called him and offered him the role of Fergie after first choice, Joe Pesci, turned it down.

>I’ve been reading 2000AD for decades
nuff said

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One of the producers is Indian


>Would argue it's better than Die Hard or RoboCop

Came here to tell you to just shut the fuck up.

>I liked the robot

Based Hammerstein

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Terrible marketing.
I only found out about it late and the way they marketed made me think it was a shitty 3D movie.

There's gonna be a Netflix series and Karl Urban says he wants to keep the role

Id watch it, but they really need to pull more from the source material . Considering that there is decades of comics this should not be an issue.

So many 90s movies were ruined by the insufferable 'comedy' sidekick character.

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