I fucking love Blade Runner 2049 and Annihilation

>I fucking love Blade Runner 2049 and Annihilation

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somebody post the fat spic named daniel who tweeted
>blade runner 2049 was kino as fuck

I loved Blade Runner and thought Annihilation was pretty good

I like both though, does that make me a soyboy? I'm fine with that.

>tfw didn't even finish BR2049 and won't be watching Annihilation because I saw it already and it was called Stalker.

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That fat fuck soyboy needs a liquid diet. And I'm not talking beer.

Instead of fucking what? Going with your girl to see Fifty shades? Or being a capeshit fag? Fuck off

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At least 50 Shades was an honest film. Something Bladerunner cannot claim.

>if you like the best movies coming out right now you're a soyboy
Nice bait OP.

both those things are preferable to being a soyboy or a cheetolad


I don't like this meme.

50 Shades of Grey was literally a Twilight fanfic attempting to masquerade as original ficition. It's as dishonest as you can get, Review Screw.


Found the soyboy

Jesus Christ the absolute state of anti-2049 autists

Put your trip back on, we all know it's you


Fuck those twats for being horrible operators, but fuck that fucking bear in particular

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Why does this insane reddit faggot keep trying to turn hating BR2049 into a meme?

capeshit is for soyboys though

>disliking dishonest films is now a "meme"

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an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
The word existed before it described internet jokes, champ.

>Le dishonest filmmaking
Worst meme this board has ever come up with

>I fucking love Blade Runner 2049 and haven't seen Annihilation
And deadlift 4 plates a side and only eat low estrogen whey isolate protein.
Why do you skinny fat cheeto dust posters think you're superior when I shit out your pitiful mass twice daily? If anything viewing tastes, diet and physical activity are all independent, mine just happen to all be superior.

I love Blade Runner 2049 but thought Annihilation looked awful

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give annihilation a chance, the monsters and the environment make up for the unlikeable characters.
i thought it looked pretty good, especially the monsters. except for that fucking alligator.

Mike Stoklasa from Red Letter Media loved Annihilation and called it deep and sophisticated.

But go ahead. Keep being contrarian, sweetie. And don’t forget to ask your mommy to change your diaper.

*pats head*

I knew Annihilation redditors were just RLM drones

I totally plan to watch annihilation, was just putting faggot op into his beta orbiter place.


Test (blackout text)

BR2049 is the undisputed soykino.

posting a picture of unattractive people is not an argument


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Blade Runner was great, Annihilation was not.


t. Disney Reylo general faggot

But Mike has an objectively incorrect opinion on the prequels. He also thoroughly enjoys super hero movies and Star Wars sequels. Hes wrong. His channel is bad. Youre wrong for putting him on a pedestal.

>hating on two of the best big sci fi movies in recent years because they are popular with a list leads
captain autismo at his finest

Do you mind if I save this picture, user?

It's actually a Sup Forums meme, often used to describe post-rock like Godspeed You! Black Emperor and calling them "emotionally dishonest".

>Going with your girl to see Fifty shades
lmao you fucking white boi no fucking woman went to see fifty shades
black panther obliterated that white shit at the box office. your women want to see strong muscular black men on screen.

>go to the soylent subreddit
>bring back something

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Hahahahaha fucking plastic in these shitty drinks.

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This faggot probably didn't even like those movies.

lel Sup Forums btfo

>>I fucking love Blade Runner 2049 and Annihilation
I liked Annihilation well enough ( although I thought the flashbacks were mostly pointless and hurt the flow ).

Blade Runner 2049, on the other hand, was dull as dirt. Turned it off maybe halfway.

great OP unironically I agree 100%

both are extremely overrated and extremely bad movies

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i liked both would not say love

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I really liked Blade Runner 2049. It was a little pretentious with Leto's character, but everything else was pretty good.

Annihilation was good, moreso really good near the end and meh in the beginning. Characters were "whatever" to me. Also why did they use the "oh no we woke up where did the time go!" plot point only once? If that were a recurring thing the film would have actually had more tension, in addition to it pulling an Atomic Blonde at the beginning where you already know she lives and who dies.

how can someone who posts such a cute picture have such shittaste?

i was suprised that i had to see BLACKED in the middle of annihilation, its like i got deliberately memed