What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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A night in the box.

a failure to communicate

I can eat 50 eggs

A car being washed


A movie women can't understand

I was named after this movie

Ol luke is a war hero , put on a chain gang for a relatively minor crime. He could just behave and serve his time. But they start fucking with him and luke has problems with authority figures.

Your name is cool hand?

one flew over the cuckoos nest, just an hour shorter and with better acting

Attached: fight.jpg (460x276, 36K)

>Movie released in 1967
I think we were all named after this movie.

>taking it off here, boss


Nice to meet you Cooly.

ain't no one can eat 50 eggs

he eats fifty eggs

great movie
great acting
very little CGI

Attached: Cool_Hand_Luke_50_eggs.jpg (335x229, 50K)

You have to eat all the eggs.

Best case scenario? A very peaceful nap.

>sees luke skywalker's robot hand in empire strikes back
>"cool hand, luke"

stopped watching there

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>Going 90 ain't scary cos I got the virgin mary

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>What am I in for?
Unironically this.

Attached: You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this.png (440x423, 82K)

luke, did I...

luke died for our sins.

Attached: large cool hand luke blu-ray7.jpg (1200x630, 72K)

a pretty boring movie.

>This is our son Failure To Communicate. We just call him Failure for short.

Attached: radio lel.jpg (599x590, 72K)

Boring is a state of mind, and says nothing of the work itself.


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shut your whore mouth

t. woman

the eggs of course

>tfw paul newman just forgot the lyrics, but turned it into one of the most touching scenes of all time

Was he, our guy?

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I got a tattoo of this movie because it's my dad's favorite movie and that way he couldn't get mad. It worked, actually.

>shooting a poor lil turtle

meh. a real /ourguy/ wouldnt do such a thing

Probably the manliest movie ever made. Also one of the most subtle and effective Jesus analogs ever put on film. Definitely both entertaining and thoughtful.

eggs and some milktruck washing a car

Not me kid.

Attached: helloboss.jpg (862x639, 33K)

What a guy