We need to turn our backs on 2049

>'Look mom I'm directing!'

Alongside a juvenile, and frankly garish aesthetic, Denis injects his film with just enough pretension to validate the excercise as important, then pisses all over the
aesthetic and pacing with peverse neo next gen bioshock affectations as video game meta- inversion.

The shortsightedness of 2049 sycophants is alarming: they fail to realise the inherent end-of-history-as-cultural-homogeneity their auteur presents through autistic neo-capeshit meta narrative. But as they say, you can't spell Dishonesty without Denis.

I seriously hope we're only pretending to like this film to expose the neophytes that suck its cock.

Attached: 2049poster.jpg (1000x1414, 296K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Positively Post-SoyBoygian

>autistic neo-capeshit meta narrative

I know you're trolling but you should seriously consider killing yourself.

You just outed yourself as a complete and total newfaggot.
Feel free to go back to whatever degenerate site you crawled from.

If you don't recognise Sup Forums as once hallowed intellectual grounds then you're the zygote here, your prenatal reddit ethics won't work on me kid.

>once hallowed intellectual grounds
You just keep outing yourself as a crossposting tourist newfaggot you are, this just cements it.
This board started of as a mere shitposting site for LOST fans, it was a pleb meme central from the start, you would know that if you weren't such an obvious post election tourist, combined with the "we" personification that was hated here and denied as not a part of board culture from the start.

Like I said, just tuck away to that next tab in your browser, go back to your baby home site.

Hi! review screw

Whatever. The movie was a mess.

>Board culture regulation

Why so pedantic, there's quite literally nothing you can do to stop me being here, you're throwing shit to a glass screen, hilarious.

>Bumping your own thread

based syncophant poster

Yes, I can only point out how much of a flaming tourist newfaggot you are while simultaneously denying the board and indentifying with it as "we", which shows your complete ignorance to what this board is, which renders all of your posts as empty of substance as one can be.

>What is sage

You got me user! Now what are gonna do to me : ^ )

Hey, hey, hey. You already have a thread up you asshole.

Different conceptual grounds, both should be up to support eachother .

Fuck off and die, uridon

That's retarded logic for having two threads up with the basic premise of 2049 being a dishonest film.

This thread is a discussion of ideas and the other a battle. They must work in tandem.

>*tips fedora*

Obvious bait, 1/100

Uridon is the guy who posts a link to his YouTube videos every thread. OP is ReviewScrew

The failed proto-soy project of conflating my voice with this infant is dull, and intellectually offensive. Reviewscrew makes no comment on the failed aesthetic of Blade Runner and its kinects as ghastly video game voyeurism. As expected a comic book and reddit fan.Next time you attempt debate do it honestly.

And yet you post exactly like he does with the same key words (Soy, video games).

>Exact same post everytime

>The shortsightedness of 2049 sycophants is alarming: they fail to realise the inherent end-of-history-as-cultural-homogeneity their auteur presents through autistic neo-capeshit meta narrative. But as they say, you can't spell Dishonesty without Denis.
i laughed so hard i was screaming

Attached: 1517465877586.jpg (480x640, 12K)

>being so literal in it's interpretation
you just dont understand the theological undercurrents.
The movie is essentially poetry.

Attached: dennis kino.png (500x318, 127K)

He's the hero this board needs. Even if he's 100% wrong about BR2049.

Honestly i wish the movies was all about K and his virtual waifu, i think its weakest when it fallows the overarching plot.
I would make one or two short detective cases for him to work on, and only then go into another big one.
Also i would leave even a more open ending, i dont get where there has to be some big resolution by then end, one of my fav films Memories of Murder ends in a failure by the police force, yet it feels complete.
Just have that fucking clown Harrison ford who cant act for shit in one scene and be done with it
I wonder what young ford from 30 years ago would think of himself now, what a fucking lazy hack.

So this guy is confirmed to be Razorfist, right?

Absolutely not Razorfist is a pseudocritic he never touches on aesthetic or kinetics like I do.

No its Review Screw. Check his twitter

>That picture of 2049 vs Tron legacy implying Legacy was the better sequel
>"Ghost in the shell is an overlooked gem"


itt: pathetic soybois SEETHING

God I wish I didn't keep scrolling
>Homecoming is better than Raimi films
>FF 2005 is under rated
>"Give yourself into cinema" with a picture of a Nolan box set

>Thinks that collider is informative and RLM are just bitter old men for making fun of them
>Thinks Netflix Death Note can stand on it's own
>Shills himself by saying his review of [insert capeshit here] is coming soon.
>Among other shit
God damn it.

lmao its clearly an elaborate gag

has one OP ever been more wrong?

>He's the hero this board needs.

>this board needs more shitposting

Attached: 1365659368823.gif (400x276, 1.33M)

>everything I don't like or fully comprehend is shitposting s-stop destorying muh movie.

Loving every laugh.

copy paste machine autist

Criticizing a movie is not shitposting. Making multiple threads with the same buzzwords in between half baked arguments is shitposting.

Lmao please screenshot this, I actually can't believe it

>Half baked arguments
Learn to red between the lines amerifat.


>implying I am a Shart in mart

Attached: Reviewscrew1.png (620x573, 301K)


Just go to it.

Attached: Reviewscrew2.png (654x593, 460K)

So let me get this straight. The guy who's been spamming these threads non-stop:
>Thinks homecoming is better than the Raimi films
>Thinks Rogue One was a great movie
>Loves Call of Duty
>Literally uses Reddit
>Follows Collider
>Thinks Nolan is an amazing filmmaker
>Thinks Netflix death note is good
>Loves nu-ghost on the shell
But he has this autistic hate boner for 2049?

Not only that, found his youtube (You can confirm this because the profile picture was shown in one of his pictures on twitter talking about his first video review or some shit) and the faggot shows off his likes and subscriptions.
Bow down to the guy who tore 2049 a new asshole.

I want to punch you in the gut for this post, but Im guessing it would go like pic related

Attached: gutpunch.png (659x606, 451K)

>First thing I see when I click his channel is liked videos: Call of Duty WW2 tournament
Fucking l m a o

He writes nothing like me. Capeshit is a blight on this planet right now but neo-capeshit of the like of 2049 are toxic to intellectual faculty, and corrode both mind and body to raw soy provincialism, you're happy to attack reviewscrew for his tepid taste.

>No its Review Screw. Check his twitter
random coalburners have more folllowers than him lmao why would anyone waste time with him?

>Gets exposed
>Uhhh t-that isn't me
You're a complete embarrassment

>He writes nothing like me

Attached: Reviewscrew3.png (615x470, 539K)

Except it's so obviously you?

Stop exaggerating yourself its so clear to see..
But anyway as you wish! I'll see you in the next seminar!

Somebody better be saving these because I don't want these on my computer.

Attached: Reviewscrew4.png (595x479, 454K)

Seems familiar.

Attached: Reviewscrew5.png (583x625, 734K)

In fact I see you game, you know what yeah he's me, I'm reviewscrew just not using a trip atm. So what do you wanna know? Why I'm such a faggot?

>Why I'm such a faggot?
Pretty much, yes. On the off chance that you're not, I still want you to answer.

I want to know why you've spammed the same thread over 100 times in the last week

Thats actually a fair observation and "sad boy" is a tired gimmick. Leto says like 10 words in Outsider, reminded me of Mr. Goose the whole time.

I engage in the battle of ideas as often as I can, my aims are well intended and Sup Forums is sick with Sup Forumseddit providence and its time to restore our former majesty



But you literally use Reddit, like Capeshit, Star Wars, and play video games. You're the cancer that needs to be pushed


Lol. Piss off nick nak.

Intentions may be well (Even though I personally disagree with it), but how you are going about it is not. I would enjoy having a debate with you if you didn't make multiple threads at the same time and straw man every argument I make or dodge any flaws in your own argumentation.

It's the perfect Saturday night movie

>thesaurus fag

Attached: 1369521176582.jpg (448x448, 165K)

Butthurt Blade Runner 2049 fanboys lacks any knowledge about cinema to even TRY DISCUSS with OP, or defend BR 2049. They cant do it, because in their heart they are aware that Blade Runner 2049 is indeed absolutely dogshit flick.

>daily reminder thread that only soyboys, underage kiddies and manchildren dislike BR2049
thanks reddit nail, but we already know that. Also, stop the samefagging you retarded plebbitor.

daily reminder thread that only soyboys, underage kiddies and manchildren like BR2049

Literally u are reddit. Check them, they love Soy Runner vel Reddit Runner 2049.

>word salad the post

I checked but found nothing in /r/cod_competetive nor in /r/playstation
show me the way reddit nail

>neo-capeshit of the like of 2049 are toxic to intellectual faculty, and corrode both mind and body to raw soy provincialism

>culmination of K's story is his forced abandonment of Joi's ephemeral comforts and committing both to a cause larger than himself and a more modest personal goal of reuniting a man with his daughter

Movies are better when you pay attention to what's going on in them.

Attached: DrLexus.jpg (480x342, 27K)

That's it ReviewScrew, you post some more to try and make everyone ignore that you're a call of duty playing, Capeshit loving redditor

It's sad to think he probably picked this up in some sort of college or other.

For society's sake, I hope it was community.

some thread, huh?

Mawkish sentiment only managed to pry beneath soy countenance as it rouses self pity, pathetic emasculation (isolated) cowled in autistic reticence and aimless sexual frustration. It's an adolescents idea of thematic but since that's Denis's only audience works its magic like clockwork. Nobody really believes this film to be a masterpiece and those that claim it don't believe it: soy consciousness is deterministic , falling for the fad feels good to soyboys.

watched this the other day, Joi was far less important than you fags led me to believe.

Because it's an objective with an emotional payoff...welcome to the world of cinema, n00b.
>autistic reticence
Because the protagonist doesn't walk around sharing his inner thoughts like a stage production. kek.

Word of advice: stick to (at most) two five-dollar-words per sentence. Any more reeks of pretentiousness and tryhard superficiality.

The protagnoist is Denis' puppet and his empty inner life is painted as existential malaise, a soy sentiment that you grow out of in adulthood- treating isolation as a serious theme makes for unintentional comedy and there sure aint nothing uglier than fake introspection lauded as detached character study. You are clearly too young to understand some of these ideas so I suggest you mull over them a little before you end up articulating soy shit or another one of your pre natal reddit ethics .


That the soy spirit for you, obsessed with phantom pussy

the film was good
