ITT: Movies that couldn't be made today

ITT: Movies that couldn't be made today

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Same thread every fucking day

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are anti racist movies with black and jewish heroes not acceptable these days?

And it was just 10 years ago

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Can't allow satire of racism, as it might simply promote/normalize racism for being entertaining.

they say nigger and faggot in it tho user

it's very clearly racist, and at least problematic

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It says the no-no word over and over again

It has a white man dressed as full on native american. Highly problematic.

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While modern sensibilities are "anti-racist", they treat the matter like a too full cup of acid. Gotta be careful! One spill and someone gets hurt!

Back then, it wasn't about making race into a delicate taboo subject, it was about removing the idea that race is even important. Which is the exact opposite of what is popular now.
Back then it was "Heh, nigger is just a word used by assholes decades ago"

Blazing Saddles was about mocking everything. Nothing is worth getting upset about. Chillax. We all pawns in game of life.

Now, it's not enough to say that. You need to go above and beyond and whip yourself bloody.

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Birdie Num-Num

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Another time

"The Party" , a great 1968 comedy starting Peter Sellers, directed by Blake Edwards.

The thing is this guy wasn’t Indian. He was literally painted brown and that’s not ok. Here’s why

>mel brooks

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I'll say 90% of the movies made before 2010, but I'll argue you could even find movies in the 2011-2014 that wouldn't sit well with sjw nowadays.

It's almost as if America got cucked in late 2008. Wonder what happened?...hmmm

Because James Woods got blacklisted or what?

Hillary lost?

>Promotes discrimination against poor working class White Americans.

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>the black and the jew are good people and everyone else is dumb
seems like it could be made today

Because Hercules is white.

That's literally the opposite of the movie's message

>discrimination against poor working class White Americans is no longer allowed
What fucking planet are you posting from?

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