Actors who have overstayed their welcome

>pic related, Mark Hamill

The virtue signalling from this old fuck is nauseating.

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The joke was that it was from a series of tweets hinting that Luke was that character's father. He did one for Ridley and Isaac as well.


Yes, Sup Forums, everything is virtue signalling.

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>Virtue signalling

Why are you lot so easily upset, ridiculous and predictable? It's like you have no self awareness

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I thought Sebastian was his son. This guy has a really weird huge family.

Nice virtue signaling. Also cultural Marxism.

You have to go back "based Kekistani"

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That tweet is basically this

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Man I'm pretty sick of all the black panther threads and shit like that, but constantly talking about pol is a different side of the same coin.

I ate a bacon quarter pounder for dinner and I think I'm going to have some ice cream for dessert.

That wouldn't work though? I don't know what you have to fuck to produce a subhuman homo erectus mutant like Booga.

Good job user, enjoy your Friday. You deserved that burger and that ice cream. I hope you have a lovely darn weekend.

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begone boomer

Has anyone else noticed that liberals like to "infantilize" black men when trying to show how not racist they are? He's referring to him as if he's a little kid in this tweet.

This is what these faggots look like

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Thanks, man. I hope you do too.

Mark Hamill is a talentless cringelord that needs to go away

>be nice
>"oy vey virtue signaling!"
Hamill is annoying as fuck, but so are you. If he likes Boyega let them be cool with each other.

You know what, I'll give you praise for not using that one cake picture that you guys usually use.

It's still dumb because you can cherrypick cringey people from any group(Sup Forums does this too, I know) but at least you went with some variety this time.

It's called White Savior Complex

t. Pic related

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This isn't just a case of "being nice", this is patronizing as fuck. I'd be insulted if someone talked about me like this.

holy fuck you guys the joke is that he repeatedly, publicly hints that all three main characters are luke's kids. you can easily find many more instances of this "infantilization" for daisy ridley.

It's his birthday


Did those cases also make it to the front page of Reddit with tens of thousands of upvotes? Did they go viral all over facebook in left-leaning groups and pages?

Even if this really was just coincidence and Hamill had no racial reason for tweeting this, all the people sharing or upvoting it all over the internet sure as fuck are doing it to virtue signal. Those examples also have no context, yet everyone outside of here is eating that shit up.

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what do you mean "even if it was a coincidence"
"FINN" and "SON" are capitalized in the fucking tweet. he has jokingly "slipped up" at public events and called them "my son" or "my daughter," it's a running joke at this point.
what fucking reason would he have to stop?

Can you imagine living in the shoes of a Sup Forumstard, where your life is completely over, but you still don't realize it, because your rotting brain is clouded by delusions of grandeur. They should be shot like a sick horse out of their misery.

No reason.

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> not everyone wants to be BLACKED, fucking retard

should ship him back to Africa

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These are not lefists. They are liberals. There is a difference and I hate them too. I say this as an anarcho-communist.

Mark Hamill does those tweets for literally everyone. The insecurity levels are alarming.

All his talk about diversity sounds like "please hire me"

>actor is friends with actor he works with
>get angry

Why are pee/pol/ so fucking pathetic?

> -dad

What did he mean by this?

>the amount of rage in this thread

Wow I can just hear the soy gestating in the bloated guts of the cuckolds typing these posts.

Hmmmmm, yes, yes. These poor cucks and their soy ingestion which increases their estrogen levels, muhahaha. How unlike me they are.

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>dude im a communist LMAO

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>On December 17, 1978, Hamill married dental hygienist Marilou York in a private civil ceremony.[87] They have three children together: Nathan (born 1979), Griffin (born 1983), and Chelsea Elizabeth (born 1988).
>John Adedayo B. Adegboyega (born 17 March 1992), known professionally as John Boyega
yeah truly mind-boggling

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Why do soyboys get so mad about getting called out?

I totally agree OP, John Boyega has overstayed his welcome.

Overweight crybaby.

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>so long it doesnt even fit on one like
Classic right wing autism

>hastily shopped left meme
wow the right truly can't meme

Why are the kikes still pushing for this ugly subhuman nigger? Jesus christ he's clearly not human.

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So mad lol

Damn you two are really triggered, huh?

>I say this as an anarcho-communist.
say this loud please and tell me you dont sound like a colossal faggot,
your father must be destroyed :.(

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fucking CRINGE


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Doing that's still overstating his welcome because it's fucking retarded.

It's "overSTAYing his welcome".
I've seen too many people incorrectly typing out phrases recently and I feel like I need to start doing something to stop it.

It's literally a guy wishing a happy birthday to one of his costars. He did it for all of them. It doesn't even mention race!

What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?