Top 10 actors today? Ones that are relevant so no old timers like DeNiro and shit

Top 10 actors today? Ones that are relevant so no old timers like DeNiro and shit

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Michael B Jordan #1

Tom Cruise and.... uh...

I really hope he drops out of playing the Joker. He's too good for capeshit, especially that done-to-death meme character.

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Leo is like Keanu, they just get worse the older they get

Is Gilbert Grape his only good performance? I think maybe.


Paul Newman

No particular order

1 Tom Hardy
2 Michael Fassbender
3 Christian Bale
4 Joaquin Phoenix
5 Gary Oldman
6 Hugh Jackman
7 Jared Leto
8 Mads Mikkelsen
9 Ralph Fiennes
10 Javier Bardem

I haven't seen that one.

>Jared Leto
>Joaquin Phoenix

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>I've only seen Suicide Squad and Gladiator!

Even if that were true, walking phoenix is still really good in Gladiator.

>his worst performance
>his best performance

leto tries way too hard

Swap him with McConaughey

mcconaughey circled back and started doing shitty movies again. he peaked at mud
>ywn be as based as difatrio

1. Joaquin Phoenix (no contest)
2. Jack Nicholson
3. Gary Oldman
4. Michael Fassbender
5. Anthony Hopkins
6. Robert Duvall
7. Kevin Spacey (we're judging on ability, not actions)
8. Paul Giamatti
9. Christian Bale
10. John Goodman

Fight me

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But Keanu has always been shit. Likable guy, but he was never a good actor.

Oh I like you, user

Jared fucking Leto, are you kidding me?

I'd put Oldman in #2 desu

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>7 Jared Leto

1. Ryan Gosling

All you'll ever need

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There's gonna be another joker? The same series as justice league and batman v superman?

ngl i find Leo extremely attractive in this pic. pure dad.

I bet you don't think Kevin Costner is a good actor either you fucking brainlet.

Waco was the first series I watched in years, so good holy shit.

I really like Jake Gyllenhaal is that okay?

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Those faggots Jackman and Leto can fuck off.

>not rating Joaquin Phoenix
You are literally stupid. You are an extremely dumb person. Honestly you probably look just like Brock Lesner and save pictures of him because he reminds you of you, but you don't know why you do this nor can you see the resemblance between the two of you.

>no mention of Oscar Isaac
>no mention of James MacAvoy
>no mention of Jake Gyllenhaal
>no mention of Sam Rockwell
>no mention of Woody Harrelson
>no mention of Matthew McConaughey
>no mention of the goose

Jesus christ.

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This thread is lacking Based Willem

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Not really, no

Based Benico

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Top actor of our generation.

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He wasn't even the best actor in that movie

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This dude could not deliver a line if fucking Ridley Scott was directing him