Lets go !
they're called Counter-signal Memes for Fashy Goys
but I'll contriboot anyway
Go to bed, Ghoul.
Personal favorite
Here's some OC for ya
that's a good one
I made this one a month or two ago when Hillary's "our kids are watching" ads were airing. Also inspired by the whole "refugees welcome" sign kid and "kids are taught hate" meme.
God I fucking hate commies
Well to be honest, communism is about no state or government or ruling class.
But since Socialism is the unavoidable prerequisite to Communism, this is usually what ends up happening. Commies vote Socialist and then the cycle repeats.
Yaaaayyy smugies! Smugies are the best GO smugies GO smugies! Counter signal ftw bb alright nice oc guys oh yeah don't we have the best memes folks, everyone I know says we have the best memes, very smart people are saying Sup Forums's smugies are the best smugies. Very smart people are saying this
Why does this always happen? Why do anti-government faggots always cling to communism?
>communism is about no state or government
But that's wrong. Communism is, by definition, Authoritarian.
Not OC, but bumping to keep thread alive.
OC just for you faggot
You really find this stuff funny?
It's just stroking your own ego and sense of self worth. It's like building a house out of foam and then being proud of yourself when you are able to nock it over.
>look at how smart I am gosh guys aren't we so smart let's congratulate each other on how smart we are aren't we smart for pointing out water is wet and fire is hot
You are pathetic
no it's not. I've seen people make these actual arguments within minutes of eachother.
>tell me I'm smart tell me I'm smart say water is wet one more time I'm about to come!
I go to my local grade schools and make complete fools out of the children there
I'm sure that's quite a challenge for you.
It's a hard fight but being the superior alpha male genius that I am I almost always win
Right, good luck with that.
Strawmanning: The Meme
Sup Forums is dead and this meme is the final nail in the coffin. Oh, wait who am I kidding?
This was never a place for civilized discussion of international politics.
>Actually taking Sup Forums seriously
Why are you so mad, what a shameful display.
please stop trying to make 'fashy' a thing, it's not.
Probably one of the few posters that don't take serious when you look at the political compass threads where people change their allignment on a moments notice.
>Fucking saved,
I was getting sick of typing that out every time
>I was getting sick of typing that out every time
Then why don't you leave and never come back
>audible kek
Woah there, let's not be anti-memetic here.
>never forget pol harbor
>6 quadrillion
The chosen posters have every right to live in this site, it's our ancient home
a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
Are you making fun of yourself?
mah boy
socialism = bigger government
Lenin: "The goal of socialism is communism"
Socialism = Communism = Big government
Leftwingers who argue otherwise are just trying to trick us because they know they can't defend their record
Jesus you're as bad as a Canadian you dirty rat.
But Communism's end goal is literally the abolition of states and property.
Socialism and Communism are different ideologies. Socialism is the prerequisite to Communism. When people say that "REAL COMMUNISM HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED" what they actually mean is that it's never been achieved because it always fails at the Socialist stage.
Communism is an unattainable ideology for Idealist retards and it will never be achieved because of this.
There are no references to history or nature that imply that the abolition of hierarchy and property rights works.
What's the right font lads
>every terrorist is dedicated to Islam
>all terrorist attacks being committed n the name of Islam
False. The vast majority of terrorist activity affecting the west these days is tied to Islam, but it makes you look like a retard to argue that non-Islamic terrorism is nonexistent.
i hate leafs more each passing day
how do we petition hiroshim00t to make this shit a permaban
Look, I am on the far right. Why are so many rightists retarted when it comes to this?
The goal of socialism is to achieve communism. Communism is a stateless moneyless society. That is the ideal. But what happens in reality is an oppressive government having arbitrary power.
It works forever, bitch.
This is pretty much it.
A lot of rightists ought to learn this in order to not make a fool of themselves when debating Communists
This one's pretty good
fuck you
go eat a shovel
this is the best smugy
this is one of my faves
End your life.
stroking the ego and reminding yourself that you're right is a good thing, you nihilist
fucking leaf
That's true, but what was the last event of international terrorism that you can recall without looking it up that wasn't islamic based? In any case, this board isn't exactly known for treating things too seriously or being open to correcting themselves, rather lettings things be and lashing out against those who tell them they're wrong.
This is a really great one.
>I took leaves off the filter for this
Are you slow or don't understand sarcasm?
Fuck you
Looks like Ano. Kek.
This is my favorite, actually one of the reasons I left the LP
Not bad.
fucking spot on m8. I used to have a friend who did that shit all the time. *used to.
I read this in Keith Olbermann's voice haha