Sup Forums-approved youtubers
Other urls found in this thread:
Him running off to Hungary is pretty pathetic tho, desu
The first couple pinkguy songs were alright, but he's got the same slow boring beat in every song.
his "trap" music is similar but he is the true spiritual lyrical miracle and his vids are 2 damn good
Kike Circumvich
Milo Yiddopopolous
Lauren Southern
ITT edgy youtube whores who appeal to millennials.
Pretty disappointing, i was expecting at least a a decent song and a skit to go with it, and this is just a lazy freestyle on top of a photo
wait what? can you explain? i dont follow ramzpaul news normally
>was expecting
>browses Sup Forums (and internet in general)
your point?
you're a failure at life and should kys because you waste time on internet websites arguing with people you will never meet in real life thinking your opinion has some worth
desu i can't tell if you really mean this or it's some kind of sick roleplay to make others puke from disgust
I'm surprised no one has brought up the MAYYNNN STREAAM MEDIEERR guy yet
Fill me in. Why is iDubz pol approved? I just assumed he was like all the other slightly edgy jewtubers (h3h3, filthyfrank, etc).
seek help
>acting edgy on the internet
Sargon of Akkad
Turd Flinging Monkey
I'm amazed how there are so many white women who like Idubbbz when he says nigger every other video, tore a Quran in half, defended the confederate flag and made fun of rape
>slightly edgy jewtubers
is that how realists that say things how they really are called? instead of being fake and positive towards everything so they won't piss off fans from all categories
(h3h3 is a piece of shit though)
you do know that 95% of women are redpilled right?
about 30% of those put on a show for appearances but deep down they're redpilled.
He redpills the masses
Tyler dropping redpills every day.
others should be seeking my help
1) He is right about everything
2) He is never wrong about anything
3) This includes the elections, because let's be honest, Trump is a fucking clown and you know it
4) Devon is the giving tree, you did nothing to deserve his amazing content
5) Get off his living room you stalker
is funny how they criticize him for being a sociopath while Chris Ray Gun is copying his formula of being suicidal
This is not even remotely true, go talk to a woman user
Id say about 15% are low-tier redpilled and hide it
Its nice to enjoy something that's not Hollywood movies or TV.
Well, until the advertising-revenue bubble crashes and all the YouTube "artists" lose their source of income.
My contribution:
Yeah you're right, cooking dead rats and cakes made from vomit definitely isn't edgy at all.
well in Portugal women are pretty normal here but from what've seen, in the US they are pretty fucking delusional
he and frank actually do unknowingly help a lot
having anti-pc humour is how the ride starts
Wow I'm voting for Hillary now wow
Killer keemstar
best youtuber ever
History Buffs is great too.
You probably don't even realize how many women you talk to on pol alone. You're just naive.
Fuck off CTR shill. Trump loves Israel.
the only true autist hero
still sage tho
Keem is a completely unselfaware narcissist, but he's entertaining in how often he completely ends up proving exactly what Colossal is accusing him of.
On that note, Colossal is Crazy imo.
Aaron Clarey:
>not posting reviewbrah
Of course he does, he's descended from the Ashkenazim Jews of Bavaria.
He sometimes picks waaay to easy targets and those intros where he plays a entire fucking song seem like a try to get more viewtime in a greedy way.
Otherwise I can say he is doing pretty good content
clarey's words are redpilled and he gives solid advice but the way he delivers it and his overall persona is gay as fuck. hes like a mini bill burr
He's an attractive guy and women having things like standards & principals only apply to uglies & averages.
Chris ray gun isn't bad. Hasn't done or said anything yet thatd make me dislike his stuff.
Molymeme isn't bad if you like things really making you think.
Yeah but Stefan is a Jew, so if you have any integrity, you won't watch him.
why is it good to support israel?
This, i literally started out by making nigger jokes on Sup Forums
Weve done polls, also youtube is able to indicate how much of an audience is female
Less than 8% of pol users are female as well as people who watch Idubbz and filthy frank
Don't like Molyneux when he talks about genetics and race, because he doesn't cite proper studies and grossly/inaccurately represents genetics as if he doesn't understand it properly. doesn't make me think
t. guy studying genetics
he's a bitchboy to sam harris but his videos on cenk are usually fine,
although he actually thinks hillary is a better candidate
>I hate blacks
>I hate spics
>I hate jews
>I hate chinks
>I'm voting for Donald Trump
>Implying this isn't making fun of Trump supporters by calling them racist.
Is this the "All Star" covers guy?
he also has incredibly thin skin
I really doubt that you had any poll with a sample size any where close to large enough to give an accurate picture of the demographics on pol. What makes you think that any of the women on pol would be interested in opening the poll thread and contributing to it?
its the daily show with mr autist
>he also has incredibly thin skin
yeah but he's an alpha though who supports clinton
>red pilled
>knows how to build shit
>trump suporter
>thin skin
pick 1 brudda
He makes fun of everything, don't be a little bitch.
>when the fetal alcohol syndrome hits
Ah alright, I thought it was this guy:
But he's way fatter now that I see him again.
I'm not butthurt about it. Just saying he's not redpilled, but a liberal who's job/shtick is to play an edgy character saying the worst shit he can think of.
Basically, if he says or does something, it's likely that he actually thinks the opposite.
he's downsyndrome retard man who has retard strength AND doesn't lift natty.
absolutely unredpilled.
>picks easy targets
>oh no, someone replied to my video who doesn't agree with me
>proceed to make 3 follow up videos about it cause butthurt
Bearing, cos he's a cunt.
>When your wife calls out your son's name during sex
Trap Dumplings has both the best lyrics and beat he's ever done
smejma king is god, severely undersubbed
What, he's here?
i'm surprised no one has mention sam hyde and million dollar extreme
we all know sam the shooter is red-pilled
He's a fucking liberal faggot and this is all satire. His character, according to him, is everything a person shouldn't be.
He's still funny, tho.
This tbqh, just wish he would stop being a pussy about getting shat on by youtubers and instead just come out and say "fuck you bunch of faggots keep doing dumb gay shit so I can keep making money"
Wish he'd learn how to fuckin read too, and to stop acting like DramaAltert is made up of anyone more than him and literally like 2 other people at max.
Here's my contribution; Historia Civilis
The Rubin Report is a good show.
The fuck is wrong with his face? Is this how inbred jews look like?
>these 12 year olds who think Filthy Frank is redpilled
I knew all this extra traffic on Sup Forums would bring retarded kids.
This board is too young and/or stupid to be aware of Sam "Better Dead than Red" Hyde.
Try harder