Brit/pol/ - Pakis jailed for rape edition

>Rotherham child abuse: Eight Muslim men jailed for raping and sexually abusing white British girls

>Tory MP Stephen Phillips resigns

>We will achieve Brexit, even if it takes an election, a purge of the Europhiles or 1,000 new peers to get there

>High Court ruling on Article 50 will not blow Brexit off course, Theresa May expected to tell EU boss Jean-Claude Juncker

>Work on eight Type 26 frigates to begin in Summer 2017

>Priti Patel got a 'major wrap over the knuckles' from Theresa May in aid funding row

>Greens back Lib Dem candidate against Zac Goldsmith in byelection

>Outrage as Great Ormond Street hospital worker wishes illness on Brexiteers’ children on BBC Question Time

>Three left in UKIP race as Peter Whittle withdraws

>If the Brexit process is put in the hands of Remain MPs, the whole referendum was pointless

>Former UK Army chief: Trump ‘might make the world safer’

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The OP encourages non-Brits to post ITT

How many have been jailed overall now?


is he /ourguy/?

Trump has no chance right? people here are deluded

Glad all the retards saying Brexit is over are gone now.

Why can't we do this?

All the high court have said is May cannot use Royal Prerogative to trigger A50, and that the MP's have to vote on it.
>There are 650 MPs.
>One represents every constituency.
>Over 80% of the constituencies voted for leave.
>Therefore, they should all vote for leave.
>If they do not, they will lose their jobs, and we have a constitutional crisis on our hands.

This entire thing has been blown out of proportion because May wants a populist movement to sink her teeth into, and she wants a scapegoat for her future incompetence.



Pakis OUT

What the fuck is that cancer

Invasion/'refugee' update...

On the way to Italy right now.

ETA 2 days. they will be sorted out then sent to the allocated countries.

wft im pro choice now

how many bongs?

How do we bag jobs like this?

Enemies of the state these groups

That's some golden satire right there.

I like it

Chemical castration can be reversed with a pill.

Here's the British red cross 3 hours ago.

>the Argos
>sorted out and sent to allocated counties

I assume it will involve collecting a numbered ticket and then being told to go to either country A, B or C


muh human rights

Why the fuck are there so many thirsty white bitches after brown dick in Rotherham?

look at all these syrians

Last four or something polls have him winning new hampshire

>Rotherham child abuse: Eight Muslim men jailed for raping and sexually abusing white British girls

Sageer Hussain, 30, of Clough Road, Rotherham, convicted of four rapes and one indecent assault - jailed for 19 years

Ishtiaq Khaliq, 33, of Cherry Brook, Rotherham, guilty of one rape and three indecent assaults - jailed for 17 years

Waleed Ali, 34, of Canklow Road, Rotherham, guilty of one rape and one indecent assault - jailed for 13 years

Masoued Malik, 32, of Bridgewater Way, Rotherham, guilty of one rape, one count of conspiracy to commit indecent assault and one of false imprisonment - jailed for 15 years
Asif Ali, 30, of Clough Road, Rotherham, convicted of one rape - jailed for 12 years

Naeem Rafiq, 33, of Clarendon Road, Rotherham, convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit indecent assault and one of false imprisonment - jailed for eight years

Basharat Hussain, 40, from Goole, convicted of one indecent assault - jailed for seven years - to run concurrently to previous 25-year sentence

Mohammed Whied, 32, of Psalters Lane, Rotherham, guilty of one count of aiding and abetting rape - jailed for five years

Swebrit back in for the evening. Saw the news about Parliament needing to vote on triggering Article 50. What the fuck is going on? WHERE IS MY FREEDOM CUNTS?

Also 10/10 on the jailtime, would like to see the police who covered it up get time too though.

Ok then, fuck the chemical part.

But there's a silver lining.

>posing with a tomato in front of dozens of cameras and pretending to drink a pint

Abortion is good. Needs to be much more of it.

Brexit will be watered down. Say hello to the EEA

There's no doubt that Brexit will still happen, it's just that the Lords and remain MPs can add shitty amendments to the bill which will require us to stay in the single market.

Hopefully mummy May will win the appeal.

I hate abortion.
This is why Christianity is so important, where it disappears, which it has done all across the Western world, people start justifying the murder of a child to suit their own needs.

Slags gonna slag

I'll be surprised if he wins but not totally shocked. I hope he wins anyway.

Where is Poseidon when you need him

Boat is perfectly upright.

white women are sluts. I was on a train earlier and they was a group of them behind me all drinking alcohol

ffs, not one of them is even syrian. They're all niggers from the horn of africa

>She reads maps
WTF, i'm shill4hill now!

It's pronounced Ar-goose.


A reel human been.

Anyone watch Newsnight? I loled.

>22 women and 4 children

they get to chose which country they want live in.

It's then up to 'that' country to reject or accept.

>mfw the nig nogs wouldn't be crossing the Med if it wasn't for the guarantee that a ship would pick them up

We wouldn't have a migrant crisis if we told them to fuck off.

Excellent news. Europe is never going to unfuck itself until it reaches breaking point so bring 'em on.

Fucking hell, these 'Tsar' jobs are nonsense as it is, and he's given one about London nightlife to that fat fucking dyke? Expect lgbt nightclubs and Muslim appreciation nights coming to a Wetherspoons near you soon.

Look at this map. According to RCP, Trump is now winning the polls, even on RCP that has been skewed towards Hillary all season by assuming 2012 turnout demographics. 270 to win. All he has to do is flip Florida and its over. And there's absolutely no chance he's not taking Florida according to early voting stats. Even the polls show him up. I don't know why it's still blue on their map. They can't bring themselves to accept reality. Trump has already won. Turnout on the day will be a landslide they can't even imagine.

>Only Connect host Victoria Coren Mitchell takes over the reins of the satirical current affairs quiz, with comedy writer and performer Andy Hamilton and Conservative MP Tim Loughton joining team captains Ian Hislop and Paul Merton to poke fun at the week's news

Iiiit's another "Token Leave Supporter get sneered at" episode!

>128 people
>22 women
>4 children
They mean 102 fighting age Muslim men right?

Thing is these retarded open borders lefties are causing this problem,all the time you rescue them and let them stay more will make the dangerous trip right behind them.

>it's just that the Lords and remain MPs can add shitty amendments to the bill which will require us to stay in the single market
I disagree, if they do that, the Tories will lose all of their Brexit voters, and they will vote for UKIP instead.

Everyone knows that a good leader needs to be able to identify fine produce, experienced in cartography and lift a Guinness. What could possibly go wrong?

He has a chance. He has to win Florida, North Carolina, Nevada and New Hampshire to do it; all of which are true tossup states.

I just don't get HOW these people nab these jobs

£35k a year to say 'yeah let's put a tranny nightclub here, yawn, is that the time, call it lunch?' 2 days a week.

>Have I got news for you still exists

It's largely Labour that get mocked on these shows these days

Alright m8s, fact check me on this so I don't go embarrassing myself using this as an argument IRL.

So basically, the legal case against Brexit got passed because parliament is supposed to have a vote against any measures that would alter rights for the country's citizens, that being Brexit in this case. May's been blocked from invoking A50 without parliament approval because of some EU Human Rights laws will probably get destroyed.

So, usually we let parliament deal with all this shit because your every day man doesn't have the time to vote for or against various legislation which may infringe on our rights, however as Brexit is a big fucking deal, the people were asked directly instead of through their elected representives (Their MPs). With this in mind, can't it be argued that the role of parliament is completely moot in voting for A50? MPs exist to convey the will of their constituents, though in this case they are completely unnecessary as we have skipped the middle man (MPs) and asked them (The constituents) directly through the 23rd referendum.

They've instilled in the public a feeling that you must go to the ends of the earth to save one child's life, that nothing is more important than the life of a child.

Yup mostly from


Israel has got them as well...

He was (just) leading in Florida yesterday and there was a sudden Clinton surge there today. I fail to see what could have caused a surge for her considering the awful week she has had.

Done with the bbc...

The sooner the fee is delinked from the content they provide the better

Combination of modern nihilistic underage sluttiness, and predatory coercion, blackmail and drugging. They're still victims of paedophilia and extreme racism at the end of the day.

Open borders lefties are also causing their own destruction politically.

what the FUCK

they're staying

get used to it stormweenies


There's only a handful of Tories that will cause problems, e.g., Ken Clarke and Ann Sourby. It's the Labour, Lib Dem, and SNP MPs which you should be worried about, and then there's the Lords, the Tories don't have a majority in the house of Lords.

>Victoria Coren Mitchell

Fucking David Mitchell...

>17% women
>3% kids

If you even believe their numbers.

What percentage do you think are doctors, engineers and astronauts?

Brought a smile to my face, thanks user.


I think one guy said he's worked his way around a ford escort before...

I think he said Ford anyway

Liveleak comments are always fantastic.

just stop paying it, they won't do anything except send nasty letters

>a sudden surge
Now where have I heard that phrase before...

you upset because why?

Well there's at least 10 Labour MPs that will support it at least... SNP drones and Lib Dems will definitely try to block it.

>you upset because why?


Be honest, who do you likely think will be chosen by America on Tuesday?

you not know?

Trump 100%

>however as Brexit is a big fucking deal, the people were asked directly instead of through their elected representives (Their MPs). With this in mind, can't it be argued that the role of parliament is completely moot in voting for A50?
I don't think you could make that argument, as the MP's duty is to represent the constituency to which it serves. For example, London MP's should have a say in something, which the constituency they represent, does not want.

Is this man redpilled?

There's the Scots cucked by the snp again. Referendom, referendom, we must avoid a referendom.

Honestly I have no idea, I think Trump has a very good chance though

I think there are too many normies/non whites for Trump to win


Trump for sure. Not because he's the best person for the job, but i want to see the radfems meltdown, particularly here in Sweden.

8 hrs ago

(no women)

Is the European/UK population that low?

Trump because I believe in the monster vote meme.

looooooooool so??
fuck white people. when it happens to you it's a problem huh? devils

Why do so many people watch Sky News? Whenever it's on I give it a chance, but it's so sterile.

It's like an invasion of black zombies.

there was the black church that got burnt down by a supposed trump supporter, and also the woman who supposedly got raped by trump as a 13 year old