It's yet another episode where the Congolese workers don't do their jobs properly

>it's yet another episode where the Congolese workers don't do their jobs properly

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He just wanted some damn gravel

how will Lao ever recover?

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These two belong in a sitcom

Is Africa ever going to make it, lads? Maybe Black Panther will inspire them to succeed.

Do Africans even give a shit about that flick?

They're too busy watching low budget African kino

>Is Africa ever going to make it, lads?
Not in the next few lifetimes.

what do you think the chinks at the work camp did for fun?

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If their own suffering and failures don't inspire them to do better some lame superhero movie isn't going to.

Gambled probably. Chinks love gambling.

somebody needs to find this FAST.

> savage films

not out yet

>be Chinese engineer straight out of good university
>get a high paying job in shithole African country
>work camp is filled with other male Chinese engineers and male Congolese laborers
>not a qt Chinese girl in sight
>only women are natives

What do?

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Only Basketball Americans - aka Fake Africans - care about it, actual Africans are too busy making magic powder out of albinos and genociding enemy tribes

Can someone give me the title of this? Last time I searched it, I couldn't find a download. I want to try again.

kek I wasn't aware of this retort; it's all so tiresome indeed

I'd watch that

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Black Panther

well done

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>mfw some chink tries to buy the rocks I'm trying to sell
They think I'm stupid like I don't know they are clearly buying my rocks to sell to other rock sellers for a higher price.

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johnny mad dog

Imagine being Lao Yang in this scene and having to be all like "damn, Democratic Republic of the Congo, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your natural resources and horrific lazy ass unproductive workforce. I would totally invest in you, both personally and as my government" when all he really wants to do is go back to Tianjin and eat a Pomeranian. Like seriously imagine having to be Lao Yang and not only live in that ashtray while those monkey truck drivers insult your race, the favorable government policy barely concealing the resentment and corruption and just live there, day after day, hour after hour, while they slack off from work. Not only having to tolerate their subhuman lifestyle but their haughty attitude as everyone on the site tells them they've STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SWAMBUTU BOZELE WORKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to live there and watch these ape-like chimp faces contort into a confused grimace when you ask them where their hardhat is. You've been working with nothing but a healthy stream of efficient insect-like slaves and whores thrown out by their peasant families for being female for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Sichuan. You've never even seen anything this tiresome before, and now you swear you can taste the beet liquor that has stained their uniforms as they adjust them and writhe suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in their "motivated" (for that is what they call themselves) performance, the performance they didn't work at all to achieve with their Chinese overseers in the previous months. And then the foreman calls for another load of gravel, and you know you could shoot every single person on this site before Eddie could reach you, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Lao Yang. You're not going to ruin your government's investments over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Empire of Dust you fucking newfag

I work at a small mom and pop Chinese restaurant and I can confirm they hate niggers.

All 3 of us often talk about how much we hate them.

It was funny as heck when the chinese boss came and told the camera crew to come to china and they had no idea what he was saying.

Is it good? Or do we like it just for memes


the last trend i witnessed when i was there was vampire hunting, like epileptic people getting lynched to death during episodes coz they were mistaken with vampires getting burned by the sun.
I am not shitting you.

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Its great because you have a strange relation between modern corporate china trying to explore maximum profitability attempting to work with post independency republic of congo who are just trying to enjoy a good lazy time unaware of the capitalist race outside their little country.

Not only Eddy and Lao are both interesting characters but the country they represent are also interesting on themselves.

I could spoil to you what happened since the documentary was over coz it doesn't end in good terms and what followed next was just natural given what you see in it china got tired of the congolese incompetence and dishonesty since workers used to steal diesel and materials then sell back to the chinese on the road, they ended up using chinese workforce from prisons and the deal about improving the local infra structure while they were there also hit a brick wall that to this day got fingerpointing all around, the chinks did sent money to local gov to improve roads and what not but thanks to corruption they never delivered but proceeded to blame the chinese for underbudgeting who replied by blaming them for overfaturation and thats where they are at

Yeah but they hate everybody though.
If they could have humans stand outside and the money come in by itself they would.
called out by based paranoid negro years ago.