42 years old living in Arizona

>42 years old living in Arizona
>Discovered Sup Forums 2 years ago, lurking Sup Forums for 8 months
>Divorced wife 13 years ago(Won custody)
>Raising son alone for 13 years
>Turned out twinky and feminine
>Fucking jews put estrogen in milk
>Feel bad for writing this, but just hearing his voice makes me cringe
>Hangs out with small harem of beta grils
>Doesn't have a single male friend
>Tried to get him into clubs and sports but he wasn't as physically capable as other boys
>He turned 16 recently
>Been dreading this moment for years
>"Dad I'm gay"
>Try as hard as possible to support him
>Made a promise that I wouldn't be like my own douchebag father
>Sometimes when I drop him off at his bus stop, I see other fathers with their sons
>It's breaking my heart but he doesn't notice
>Mfw he's brought two seperate boys into his room
>Mfw made me buy him an enema kit
>It hurts Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


post pics of his boipussy

>>Mfw made me buy him an enema kit

>enema kit
ayo, ayo, now hol up

I wanted him to play baseball and be successful and have a wife and kids
>Le american dream meme
I feel like a fucking failure

I think you know what to do

lol well whyd you feed him jew milk you idiot

I'm not registered to vote...

OP here had to post from his phone to post a pic of him

Absolutle haram

Oy vey, is that homophobia I hear? You need to learn to be more tolerant goy.

I thought that you guys think that being gay is completely normal, maybe I thought wrong about you thinking that.

>Try as hard as possible to support him
You deserve it.

I dont think you understand

>Implying all Americans are for homos
It's like saying every Serb is in support of Kosovo being free.

Knock it off this isn't my son. I'm the OP

>Mfw made me buy him an enema kit
Oh god, I tried feeling bad for you but this is too fucking funny.

Sick digits tho, even if it isn't a get.

>Try as hard as possible to support him

You're doing the decent thing.

Now I know what an enema kit is, jesus.

I'm so sorry OP, but you can't give up on him.

So he's gay. so what? he can still be a man. If he is a reasonable person he can come to a compromise, tell him how you feel.

Maybe it is a product of contrarianism, tell him football sucks and guns are for crybabies and his counter culture nature might gravitate towards those things.

And with the gay thing, I guess you just need to look at from a new perspective. Can't think of anything more manly than fucking a bloke right?.

It's going to be okay. Keep that smile going and always show him that you support him.

he is going to get aids you know

OP here this is actually my kid

>Fucking jews put estrogen in milk

No, dude, that's not why he turned out gay. Blaming the Jews or the milk is just your way of trying to ignore your own culpability. Your son turned out gay because you failed as a man to raise your son right.

I'm the OP now

You can always inject him with male
Hormone supplements if you're desperate enough

It what gays use to flush out their poz holes

You need to cure him, homosexuality is degenerate and will lead him to self destruction, it won't be easy but its for the best.

Assuming you aren't full of shit, post face old man.

No such thing. That was taken from Americans.

>dad the social archetype set out for me in my fat girl dominated social circle is that of the gay twink

the more you read this the more true you will realize it is

I'll be your son I'm in Arizona

I'm 27 , straight , German/Irish , work my ass off and can't afford my marriage to my fiance who is a white woman.

How the fuck could he make you buy him an enema kit, let alone force you to do anything?

if I was one second faster kek

Hate to say, but kids learn from example most of the time. It is not too late play some sports with him crush puss infront of him he is young enough to change.

Make sure he practices safe sex. Show him a documentary about bug chasing, show him that it is wrong, and keep him from being a degenerate fag. He can be gay, but not a fucking fag.

>Fucking jews put estrogen in milk
Is this why I look so feminine compared to other Swedes my age? I consumed around 2 liters of milk per day from the age of 6 to 20.

>tfw single father living in AZ

Any tips on avoiding your fate?


on the bright side, he wont be screwed over by girls

Its too late for reverse psychology but thanks for this advice.

You need God in your life user. I mean that in the most sincere sense.

This! Why the FUCK did you buy it?

Tough love

Just send him here

Tell him you're giving him anti depressents or advanced acne medication or vaccines or some shit and infect him with testosterone ethanate. Maybe he'll stop being a faggot

Don't be a beta , plenty of sluts looking for a daddy too

>Don't worry, he can still be a good guy.
The homosexual community isn't exactly upstanding.

OP son here, fuck u cheeky cunt i said im a roo not a fucking fag

they are your genes.

that's why you don't have just one kid. don't put all your eggs into one basket etc. you having just one child makes you part of the problem that destroys your country.

alsoyep, definitely part of the problem

If either of my kids ended up being homosexual I'd stop supporting them right then and there. The minimum I will do is feed them until they turn 18, at that very moment I'm kicking them the fuck out. Do what I would do and just give up on them, you'll be doing society as a whole a favor by doing so.

I think I'd kill myself

you failed him

no way this is true

Help your son get a job while he's still in high school. Gotta have that work experience ASAP to compete in the job market.

The last thing you want is him sticking around your house until he's 30.

He will always be your little princess

Is a real faggot or is he a faggot by choice ?
Some betamales go fag, because its in that community the feel they will have the most advantages

I find hard to believe literal oldfags come here, this is an anime board with place to other discussions after all.
However if your story is true there's nothing to be done other than encourage your son to leave the house and make his own life, you don't want to see his lovers in your house, trust me.
The second step, you need to have another kid and pray for it to be a boy and don't make the same mistakes with him, that's what my uncle is doing after my cousin turned out to be an anus pirate

Why I will never have kids.
With my shit luck, all my effort and money will amount to the exact opposite of what I hope.

Where at in az old man ?

Could be the enviroment

Tfw if your kid goes to central hs , boy or girl , they I'll become a faggot/dyke, and be culturally enriched by the scum of the earth

You still have balls.

Produce another.

This one is a failure.

Affected by the environment. And with all the estrogen mimicing weed in your aquafresh country, your kids may suffer the same fate.

>Divorced wife 13 years ago(Won custody)
like no shit he turned out like this. Faggot has got mommy issues.

>Mfw made me buy him an enema kit

and nigga fucking kind of shitty parent are you for letting you child boss you around. Like fuck you are no parent your trying to be your childs friend so fuck you for failing as that ya dumb queero

My brother used to be based, and was a survivalist and martial artist, but then turned twinky and faggoty, became a genderqueer, hates Trump, and is an overall faggot now. What happened, Sup Forums?

>>Mfw made me buy him an enema kit
>>It hurts Sup Forums

Try inserting it more slowly.

Is he the only gay in the village?

Testosterone isn't going to make him not gay you fucking retards.

The solution is driving a dog into his rectum. The dog will scratch his anus, making anal sex impossible.

Really though OP, Just be proud of your son. He'll get married, and might even adopt a kid.

It's not his choice, you're a good man, i feel your pain

>I consumed around 2 liters of milk per day from the age of 6 to 20.

LIKE I said , I'll be your son.

I'm straight and German Irish, let me inherit your house and I will hold it over his head till he dies for being a faggot

>42 years old
>on Sup Forums
gee you're bigger faggot than your son

Same. I fear I'll work so hard, and give all I can. Just to have my kids turn out to be fucking pieces of shit.

If I had a gay son I'd just end up spending all day ripping the shit out of him for it exactly the same way his legit friends would. I wouldn't give a fuck how in particular the poor lad gets himself off, bring 2 different boys into his room at the same fucking time if he likes I don't give a shit good on him.

He's got your genes ya prick.

excuses, excuses.

>let me inherit your house and I will hold it over his head
How strong are you??

Bullshit, I recognize that gay porn star
That's Jesse Starr

Buy him an Amazon Gift Card and tell him to go wild, Dad-kun. You won't want to know what else he puts up his butt.

t. boipucci supplier

You're doing your best though. Hopefully he will grow out of the flamboyant twink phase. Nobody irl likes a flamer.

In fact, the only problem is to make him understand that he must reproduce himself with a white gril.

The fact that he'll take take thousand of cocks in his ass and AIDS is finally secondary...

Fuck that other user posing as me. Now I'm on my sons bfs phone. This is my boy. It's the most masculine pic of him that exists.

feed him roids. He'll still be gay, but at least he'd be a badass top, rather than a faggot bottom.

OP here, this is my "son". I can't bear to imagine how many cocks he's probably sucked.

My dad caught me with a pack of cigarettes once when I was a kid.

He sat me down and made me smoke the entire pack.

I never smoked again.

>Be proud of raising a degenerate scumbag
I want /r/thedonald to leave

>it hurts

Well guess what? I hate to tell you this, but its your fault. You raised the kid and you are the main person responsible for how he turned out. You can't blame the jews for putting hormones into things---you have to keep your kid away from the jew hormones. You have to be a good enough parent to make sure that your kid grows up the correct way. Its 100% your fault and 0% your sons fault, and 0% the jews fault.

If you realize this, perhaps you can turn things around and make the rest of his life better.

By the way, being gay isn't the worst thing that your kid can do, despite what people on here say. If I were you, I would try to explain to the kid that if he is going to be gay, he should at least try to not sleep around and become a slut. At least try to get him to have a respectable life as a normal (not promiscuous) gay man.

OP here, pic of me with my kid

When did you move to Canada, Bobby?


>>Mfw made me buy him an enema kit
You. Are.



Become a Muslim and honor snackbar him for being a dirty homofag. Then you can't go to jail because it's part of your culture.

>It hurts Sup Forums

Grow the fuck up kiddo. Support your child. Don't be a fuckwit.

Did he catch you with a bowl of eggs too?

I have a feeling OP abandoned ship.

listen just because he is a fag, doesn't mean that he is a total loss. Many fags go on to be decent people. For instance if you can influence him to be like milo yiannopoulos, or dave rubin. That would be great.

Ultimately though you cannot control people and how they live their lives. I hope that you find a meaningful way to come to terms with this.

Or when he turns 21 just host a party for him and his gril friends, maybe he will get too drunk and knock one up in a fit of drunken heterosexuality.

Just support him desu senpai.

Degeneracy is unavoidable at this point. Might as well accept the nu-wave.

this might be worth looking into, get him to a doctor and say he's sluggish, feminine, lacks energy

probably get him some testosterone

Hurry, there is a cure to his homo, but you have to do it right now:
You must inject him with your hetero sperms. These will be absorbed into his bloodstream and destroy his gay cells, replacing them with proper male sperms that will grow and replace his sperms.
Most importantly, you have to use anal sex as the method of transmission. Doing this will prime his cells and make them malleable for the transmission of masculine sperms.
He will probably hate you at first, but keep doing it until he gets very straight.

Hahah nice.

>>Mfw made me buy him an enema kit

This is what happens when you raise your child around Australia

honestly I bet if you let him know that you accept his gayness, but wish he'd be a bit more manly, he'd be willing to compromise as he grows out of his teen phase.

>*breath in*