My parents say I'm a scumbag and I can't blame them...

My parents say I'm a scumbag and I can't blame them. It all started when I was 16 I started to do drugs nothing really serious in my eyes but I smoked weed every day for about 6 month's I've try spice a couple of times and it made me really aggressive I fought 3 guys on the street for no good reason only to prove myself. Before that I was a heavy drinker at age of 14 but it was normal in souroundings I lived in. I neglected school and faild 3 year of my study. I'm 18 now with no directions in life and no plans I'm seeing 2 shrink s now and I think everything they say is bullshit so they can make money. I did some horrible things for a kid my age and honestly I feel old I feel tired my parents where always great to my but I let them down I'm so sorry for them but I see no way out I'm drunk almost every day of school and can't connect with anyone i feel dead only thing that keeps me alive is booz and weed fuck Sup Forumsros I sometimes ask myself how did it come to this, how did I become this pice of shit I had a life some other people could only dream of i had girls I fucked a girl at a very young age but I feel so empty only thing that drives me forward is hate and I love it no matter how edgy it may sound. I'm drunk right now and I'm asking you guys for help I've been lurking for 3 years now but I've finally decided to open up so please help me. Any advice is helpful.

Just stop. I know it's hard. Switch to kratom and weed. Alcohol is a shitty drug. For now you should use weed and kratom to kick booze, then quit weed for a while to prove to yourself you're in control. Simple just stop. If you didn't want to you wouldn't have made this post.

You can start over anytime - find an alcholics anonymous asap. Find God asap.

Have had friends recover from this - but you have to make a choice to clean up. You may feel ashamed but there are people who will help your ass. You just have to choose to get the help.

You can do it - just make yourself go do it. If you wrote this it means you are partway on the road to recovery.


Kys. pol is not your blog

you gonna make mexico pay for that text wall?

You're only 18, jesus christ you're still a baby. I'm a college drop out and just wondered around from menial job to job without a purpose accomplishing nothing but filling my head with whatever knowledge interested me and spent rest of the time pissing my time away playing video games.

I turned it around just this year, turned 25. I took it day by day, slowly, and worked consistently to live the life i want to live, and be who i want to be.

read some books, and work to better yourself little by little, and slowly but steadily. You're ONLY 18. You can turn that franchise around, just start today, and remember failure is only failure if u don't learn anything from it and do nothing.

fuck off back to Sup Forums

Consider suicide.

Fuck school, OP.
Quit it and get your own life on track. Do psyches, you'll figure out what to do.

Join the military. Hopefully you have one and it isnt a bunch of faggots like ours now.

You can't change the past. If you're young and still in decent health, that means you have something that literally billions of people wish they had. Many old people and sick people would trade places with you in a heartbeat, to get a chance to start right from where you are right now. Where you are right now seems shitty, but it really isn't shitty at all, unless you really fucked your health up permanently, which I hope you didn't.


Loves about fucking tons of bitches until you find the one that stick.

you fucking babies.

I have some tips of you, since we are of close age.

1. Start using punctuation and make your text look readable and good. Punctuation and separating different ideas should make it.

2. Get used with the idea that you are a degenerate. You have nothing to do about your past, yet you can do a lot about your future. You can impose some restrictions, you can talk with your parents whom you have disappointed. You can start telling them the harsh truth: that you have been a degenerate seeking for validation and to plough whores thus headed on the wrong path.

3. Learn something from /pol, besides "we are anonymous" xdd mentality. Learn to better yourself, start pushing yourself onto achieving some targets, dump the others, start being a recluse if that means bettering yourself. Let yourself be scorned by others if that makes you stop being a degenerate druggie.

4. This seems to be meddling in the previous point's ideology. Do not care about the others. They will change if YOU start changing. The druggies who behave like negroes, swear and curse will turn into smart people with whom you can play board games, discuss history, politics, music (I am talking about good music, not negro or hipster garbage), books and philosophy. Most of the smart teenagers are into memes and go on Sup Forums and reddit. At least in Romania.

Sail safe, sail far, fare thee well on thy path.

You're on the road to heroin. Don't fall in the heroin trap like I did. Stop now, go to rehab, pay attention, give a shit. Its school for addicts like you and me.

Or kys its easier

An hero.

Stop being a pussy and quit drinking. Buck the fuck up, be a man and stop fucking crying. What the fuck is with our youth where they're just simply fucking pussy faggots who suck pussy farts for sustenance.

I'll tell you the same thing I tell my drunk friends who succumb, kill yourself.

Odi si u vojsku, Ante. Ovo ti je najbolji savjet sto ces dobiti odje

You're 18 and still just a baby. All the doors of youth are still open for you if and only if you're willing to work hard. You need to really reach down into yourself and find something that would make you happy in the long run and chase that goal like your life depends on it. The vices will never fill that hole in your soul and you know this.

Now suck it up and work hard you little bitch.

i was at the same place as you are, had a great life. then it all went to shit, enjoyed perfect physical health before that, i'm still a wreck but i'm recovering.

give yourself a bigger purpose, set a goal if you want to survive this. do something great, turn it around.

definitely quit being an alcoholic. work on regaining your health.

i know it's a tough fight my friend, but before you can rise, you have to fall.

all you have to do, is to find a purpose for yourself, a goal that preceeds everything else.

don't fear death, life does not end, it only changes shape.

what you have to realize is that happiness comes from within. when you're happy again, you'll find love.

look into things like spirituality, read about buddhism, suffering and desire. practice emotional self control.

you have to break your own conditioning, then you'll realize that you can do anything.

There are lots of people like that in the motel I live in. They scare the shit out of me.

You're scary OP.

this road leads nowhere faggot

you need to buck up and get your won place if this is the lifestyle you're gona lead

also, don't fucking neglect school, trust me

>Diaspora traitor advice