Is this still the best MCU movie till today?

Is this still the best MCU movie till today?

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yeah, though cap 2 is close and avengers 1, despite having middle school dialogue and sentiment, had a really good plot and a lot of good ideas

I think the main reason iron man is so good is because it was just favreau before "big marvel movies' was a thing, and "big marvel movies" have to be childish and quippy and beta-male pandering

No. The official Sup Forums list has two above it.

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>open image
>black panther
>close image

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Thor Ragnarok should be under Iron Man 2

The First Avenger is WAY too low on that list.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is, seriously

Why is age of ultron so low?
I'm tired of that movie being underrated as fuck.
Ultron was not comics ultron but he was still a great villain.

It's because Whedon put too many quips in

Irons mans success allowed every other film to be made afterwards

therefore its objectively the worst film.

Whatever happened to Bruce Banner's dog?

>not Winter Soldier
wtf is wrong with you

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these films are comfy as fuck. sure some of them are nothing special but they are fun to watch. however infinity war needs to be good because Ant Man, GOTG2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor Ragnak, & Black Panther were all very bland in one way or another. they are starting to bleed together and they need to change things around.

Cap is in Infinity War, It'll be fine.


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Iron Man followed by Iron Man 3, though the last comic book movies I watched were Captain America 2 and GotG 1, which were upsetting enough to make me give up.

>Iron Man 3

Better than 2

M8 I don't have enough time left on this earth to explain all of the things wrong with Iron Man 3. At least 2 was trying.

>GOTG 2 and BP bland

those movies were so different

>2 was trying
Lol okay buddy

no. it's good-tier MCU but standards were lower back then and Iron Man had the novelty of being a good superhero flick that wasn't about one of the handful of A-list superheroes (or a team). nowadays it's not special and suffers from Favreau's blandness as a director

much like the first Avengers. not technically that much worse than Age of Ultron, but significantly better for its time just for the novelty factor.

>I'm literally the only person who prefers IM2 to 3, and even thinks 2 is nearly as good as 1.

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>black panther that high

Yeah no, it was a pretty average marvel movie.

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Agreed. I think Iron Man 1 is great but Cap1 was easily my favourite MCU film. Now I don't know but it's definitely better than any of the Thors or FUCKING Homecoming

Because it was pretty shit user. It was Whedon at his most self indulgent and showed how bad he was at needing to actually introduce new characters or concepts in a movie where the heavy lifting hadn't already been done.

Half the shit Ultron does happens off screen and this was supposed to be the introduction to the infinity stones and he fucked that up too.

I rewatched that movie recently and yes I agree with your statement OP.
>Tony building the proto-iron suit in a cave
>Great chemistry between Tony and Rhodey1.0 (I am fine with the current one, but the old one is better)
>Pretty good villain
>Badass showcase of the suit's weaponry.
>Just the right amount of 'seriousness' and humor.

All phase I movies have their own 'identity'. But after the Avengers it's pretty much way too similar. I guess it's inevitable with their shared universe model.

Why is Black Widow posing so ridiculously? Looks like she's about to squeeze out a turd.

You're not alone.
Alright, I'll bite
Iron Man 2
>Solid Development with Rhodey
>Happy Got Some Screen Time
>Mickey Rourke Found his acting groove again, even if his material was dogshit to work from
>Only major complaints are the thin "I'm dying" Arc and all the commercials for Avengers tie-ins

Iron Man 3
>Completely Butchers Extremis
>Completely Butchers the Mandarin
>Film is rewritten halfway into development to because Shane Black can only direct buddy cop movies set during Christmas
>Tone deaf, IM3 is literally the beginning of the Quippening of MCU movies
>As a result, the few scenes with potential, like the mark 42 showing up all beaten up or Tony's PTSD freakout at the shake shop fall flat
>Literally retarded "save the president" b-plot for rhodey, since the Extremis subjects aren't enough of a threat to actually take Tony and Rhodes teamed up
>Blows up his suits, doesn't even use Extremis to just fix his heart

I could go on ad infinitum about this Iron Man 3, and every time I look back I find something new to hate.

Captain America 3 is arguably the best if you like weight in your comic films

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not that fellow, but I would rate it pretty highly, the ending was disappointing (hurr everyone punch each other), but I liked the setting of an exotic culture with it's own rituals and whatnot, wish they would have done more stuff with that

>those movies were so different
bland in one way or another. GOTG2 is eye candy loaded with bland quips. BP has really bland action and main character. BP main character was so fucking boring. Michonne Michael Jordan & Lupita were all more interesting then him. Thor Ragnarok was eye candy with bland quips. They can get some stuff right but other stuff falls flat. I'm not saying they were terrible movies its just that they are becomming more average to me the more films they release. if Infinity War isn't game changer and is another bland Age of Ultron type film not sure how long i will continue to watch new ones. especially if they kill off Cap, Tony, or Thor.

Oh I didn't know the quality of a movie depended on how faithful it was too a comic book

IM2 is great, definitely has some good ass lines and the most emotion out of the iron man trilogy.
Rockwell and Rourke were great

Jesus Christ. Imagine what kind of embarrassing person made this image...

>Poor, inconsistent soundtrack further muddying the tone
>Almost all dialogue scenes are done with the patented Shane Black shot-reverse-shot camera work
The film is shot and edited terribly too, thanks that's one more I can add to the list.

This, Cap 2 and GotG are both top tier, everything else is not even close.

>Ultron was not comics ultron but he was still a great villain.
The movie was good, but Ultron was pretty mediocre as villain, but yeah underrated as fuck and probably the most memorable OST so far.

Fuck yeah.