Video by Harvard University:
Atheists actually believe there is nobody behind this design:
>retards think complexity aggregating over billions of years is impossible because their tiny useless brains can't comprehend scale
Why did everything come about to be the way it is?
It was always going to end up this way because our universe is governed by laws.
Do you think the laws are that way because why not? Why are our extremely comprehensive laws the way they are??
It sure is weird how mitochondria look and behave almost exactly like ancient symbiotic bacteria. Almost makes you think that life is descended from a common ancestor or something. 4 billion years is a long time. Well I'm out
If God made laws so things would turn out exactly like this, he must really enjoy our suffering
No use trying to explain science to a retard like you
Watchmaker fallacy through and through.
You'll find faces in the clouds because you look for them.
Things are the way they are -- tautology and all.
Can everything be by chance? Yes.
Can everything be "designed"? Yes.
Both are tautological.
Stop running to nonsensical ends seeking affirmation.
dipshits actually believe that they can't comprehend this picure
>implying God experiences pleasure
>implying God has emotions
>implying God even knows we exist
Arguments that specific religions have inconsistencies are not arguments against the existence of God.
Laws of physics have been consistent throughout observable time.
It's clear that since the start of that, that our universe had to stick to these laws. A tree was always going to follow the same growth pattern that we can define with maths.
Nature has a design, how can you deny that?
You seem to know, so why are those laws specifically those laws?
YOU are the retards. Notice that he is not OP. Notice that his questions don't even show whether he's religious or not.
Apetits are just as retarded and easily triggered as christfags
If you think there's a God: Good
If you think there isn't: Are you smart enough to fucking recognise the tragedy that will be brought on if you manage to shove this red suppository up the ass of every person you come in contact with?
Christianity benefits society, society = everyone.
I wouldn't even consider god an observing being, simply the means of the universe actually existing.
It says right in OP.... Harvard University is behind it.
>so why are those laws specifically those laws?
Anthropic principle, if they weren't we wouldn't exist to observe them
Still that only nullifies the "how convenient" argument. It doesn't do much anything else.
I honestly didn't even mean to keep that in the post, not scrolling fucked me.
The stuff I said before was what I meant from that question though.
heres the real truth.... God is a supreme being, or rather, THEE supreme being. More precisely, god is consciousness. ALL OF US ARE FRAGMENTS OF GOD. WE ARE GOD EXPERIENCING ITSELF SUBJECTIVELY. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DEATH. WE ARE ALL PIECES OF ONE.
Good god, people like you are dense. This isn't evidence of intelligent design.
If life wasn't perfectly complex, it wouldn't exist, and thus there would be no conscious mind to comprehend it.
If you want to debate the existence of god, you can probably argue reality in itself is evidence of god. But this is just stupid.
lol yeah.. this is just by accident!!!! It just happened!!!!!! wow, atheist are the dumbest fucking retarts in the world
Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
Earliest evidence of life on earth is 4.1 billion years old.
Photosynthesis shows up 3.5 billion years ago.
Multi-cellular life is 1.5 billion years old.
It only took 400 million years, during hell-earth, for life to figure out reproduction and DNA. But it took it 3.5 billion years to figure out cellular cooperation and sex?
Something's fucky with the numbers goy.
Either scientists have fucked up carbon dating, God is real, and/or panspermia is so rampant that literally every hospitable planet has life.
>Christianity benefits society, society = everyone.
Yep, so much so that christian society lost Constantinople, Lebanon, North Africa, and much of the Greeks territory to Muslims hundreds of years ago
Go away pantheist retard
You read the book by that dilbert guy?, it's pretty good, wouldn't go about basing my entire grasp of the universe off of it.
>tfw too smart to believe in fairytales
>Either scientists have fucked up carbon dating, God is real, and/or panspermia is so rampant that literally every hospitable planet has life.
Yep it's definitely one of these things, there's no other way around it. You should write a book on this you are a genius
>click on video
>shitty piano music
dropped within 10 seconds
If the laws of physics were such that intelligent life, or hell, even matter itself were an impossibility, no-one would be around to ask the question you are asking.
You are a puddle asking why the hole you find yourself in fits you so neatly.
If there was a "god" I figure it would be the math equation that explains everything. Grand unifying thing-a-majig
>Christfags actually believe there is somebody behind this hideous abomination
>denies argument by analogy with "watchmaker fallacy"
>argues by analogy with that lame puddle schtick
Still something made the hole
FPBP even though I fucking hate that meme.
>cretins kek
Meant for
>Still something made the hole
>>you can probably argue reality in itself is evidence of god
That is a work of Satan trying to shake your faith!
Which meme
there's more than one type of radioisotope dating than carbon dating you nigger faggot
>carbon dating
>going beyond a few tens of thousands of years
Go away
there's nothing unique in the universe, if live exists here it exists everywhere, stop being retarded
>tfw 4chanx lets you filter out posts by certain countries
just give me one second, you stinking leaf
We can't even get niggers to work together and they're sentient, how do you expect cells to do it when they're not?
We are a cell in the organism of God.
They don't want to be spoiled m8, they want to find the truth by themselves so there's no point in telling it to them in such a direct way.
Christians actually believe nobody is behind this
I should use that again. I forgot why I dropped it. They changed something and I stopped for some reason.
>it had to come from someone atheist idiots!!!
>where did god come from then?
sorry shlomo the white man is over your (((arbahamic))) religions
5 million USD, put shitty music to turn something that is supposed to be educational into
gg wp
this is what you want
>God needing to come from anywhere
>kid doesn't understand how xmas presents got under his chrismass tree
>santa clause is real
God literally had to cuck a jew to get his religion started.
Makes you think.
One post by this ID
Retards fall for slideshill threads
>Atheist country
>Falling apart before our very eyes
Ill tell you what, all the stuff that has happened recently has made me believe that there definitely is something that works as a force in the universe, and that it may indeed, have a plan.
So I unironically say that I have come to believe in God and its partly /pol's fault
you cant blaim Sup Forums for that shit, you listened to idiots and its your own damn fault.
>if they weren't we wouldn't exist to observe them
>so it's not relevant they are tuned to our existence and observation
nice proof faggot.
yfw in this video "walking protein" is fake. actually it moves like a fast opening helix ("feet" go same direction)
it was all part of god's masterplan
Thank you for Leafing the Record
Correlation doesn't imply causation.
If you only behave yourself because some book told you so and you expect some kind of divine reward you're a piece of shit to begin with.
Literally what the fuck am I looking at and what is happening.
lol why does this particular generation of autistic neckbeards absolutely believe they figured out what 6000 years of humans before them couldnt?
>4 billion years is a long time.
it depends how you're using them.
i bet that if you start jacking-off nonstop in the next 2 billion years you won't evolve into hermaphrodite.
something that is happening all over your body in every single cell
it's all chemistry dude. nothing complex about it
>i bet that if you start jacking-off nonstop in the next 2 billion years you won't evolve into hermaphrodite.
bulgaria, why...
Atheism was a very good trick the Jews invented.
>>Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
lmao. and the ultimate jewish trick right here.
If God is real then Yakub is real.
Answer me this. If all matter was in a compressed state for the big bang to happen then how did it get there?
How did the first organism form in the "primordial soup". That is where we all came from right? How?
Maybe our simple minds don't want to be deluded by the wild conjecture and "theory" you use to describe our universe.
I think religion helped humanity through it's mental adolescence, a common thread woven to connect early human consciousness to where we are today. I query whether that guidance is any longer necessary for the more attuned humans we see today and certainly going forward.
TLDR religion was a crutch to help grow and evolve our consciousness, a role that is arguably not needed any longer.
You said it yourself, the "designers" are from Harvard University.
>Answer me this. If all matter was in a compressed state for the big bang to happen then how did it get there?
we dont know and we dont need to know, we have some good guesses tho and "god" isnt one of them.
>How did the first organism form in the "primordial soup". That is where we all came from right? How?
go look it up, however this is another subject that we dont know all about in science.
Answer me this. Where is the actual proof of a god that can be tested and verified using our best methods of figuring out if they are valid or not?
There is something behind this design. It's called physics/nature. Stop anthropomorphizing natural phenomenae too complex for you to understand
Damn, atheists are cringe-tier. Even the simplest cells that exist in nature are astronomically complicated. And don't even get me started on DNA.
Darwinism works by making tiny incremental changes over time. Which sequence of changes do you propose that would make the first living cell?
Admit it, it takes just faith to believe in God as it does to believe that life just magically poofed into existence. How is this any different than creationism?
>t. Spirit cooking Trannyfucker
The truth about atheists is just that their spirits aren't ready to comprehend a designer. The were probably little deer or fish in the last life. While most of Sup Forums was this
i want to thank you for posting this
Can't you go to jail for posting that?
The trick here is that many theists believe that all people believe.
Why is it so hard to say "gee I don't fucking know"? Why do you have to "believe" in something?
If there's a God he's fucking retarded and a shit engineer. What kind of fucking clown would put a vagina a half inch away from an asshole, and rip the two apart popping out children.
Dumb as fucking shit.
You should report me
no atheist believes that "life just magically poofed into existence", magic is your thing.
faith is believing things without a good reason, i dont do that shit, i believe things that can be demostrated and tested.
Unlike you, i have the balls to say "i dont know".
This is a philosophical question, you dolt. Science doesn't concern itself with why, it concerns itself with how things came to.
this lol
>let's make reproduction incredibly messy/dangerous/painful and let's make men attracted to each other's assholes
>I don't know thus it was this magical being
Excellent logic
>astronomically complicated
>And don't even get me started
>I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about so I spout meme words
For things so complicated we are doing a fine job finding out how they work. All it takes is some thermodynamics and some understanding of proteins.
you're a fucking retard.
you are moving the goalposts. Atheists claim theists are retards, and then when you call them out on their shit, and bring up the immense complexity of basic life it suddenly becomes "we don't know".
If you don't know, then believing in godless origins is FAITH
what is it with you stupid theist fucks going "HURR I DUNNO SO NOBODY ELSE CAN EVER KNOW JUST ADMIT IT THERE'S A GOD"
>time accounts for complexity
>because I said so and matter just slaps itself together to make more and more complex designs for no reason
>like molecules needing to reproduce in the RNA world because molecules have needs
why do atheists pretend they're smart?
If you claim that you swam across the Atlantic ocean with no assistance in 2 days, then saying "I think that's probably bullshit" is also "FAITH".
no credible atheistic scientists BELIEVES in a godless origin, they just take the best guess that they can, and until they find out more, they have the balls to admit they don't know yet. jesus fucking christ what is it with you sub 130 iq retards
I think they are literally unable to imagine a person who doesn't believe. They need this ultimate truth to hold their hand.
>faith is believing things without good reason
>I dont know dumbass i dont have a reason
>I don't understand how a line of self-replicating molecules can still exist some time later while the ones that don't mysteriously disappear