can we please talk about this series?
Can we please talk about this series?
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sure, what do you want to talk about?
I don't really know what the Night King is after, or how Bran's story is going to wrap up. I miss Barristan ;(
im rewatching it right now, s2e8. it's a shame how horrible everything after season 4 turned out to be. anyone saying the first 3 seasons aren't entertaining are full of shit.
hypothetically if I start reading the books now without reading the ones that have already come out will it make sense?
Careful, Link.
why not? I know all the characters and what the are doing. can the have deviated from the plot that much?
no. way too many things they didn't put in the show. basically everything after season 4 is fan fiction. the first season is the most accurate to the books and even that leaves a decent amount of stuff out.
i've read a lot of things on the side though about how the show has changed. I can't believe the whole thing will just be gibberish to me. I want to know how Barristan plays out, seeing as he isn't really dead. And I want to know Jaime/Cersei fate, and the fate of the Hound.
There are a lot more characters then you realized.
I jumped right into Feast for Crows, I did not know what the fuck was going on. A lot of the characters are doing different things. There is also a lot more mystery and intrigue so half the time you are reading the books you don't realize how this applies.
My suggestion would be to just go back and read from the beginning. Maybe there is a good YouTube guide that can keep you up to date on what is going on. Maybe that would work.
The first two books are more or less identical. You might be able to skip Storm of Swords, but That's the best one.
There's not much on the Hound. Bringing him back on the show is an improvement since he's one of the best characters.
>bringing him back
after he is bested by Brienne, is his plot over in the books?
wiki summaries aren't good enough, by the fourth book there are just too many characters and too many things going on. the only book i'd say you can skip without losing too much is the first book. the first season is like 70% close to the first book.
As much as Lena has made the role her own, someone mentioned imagining Charlize Theron in the role, and I can't get it out of my head.
Did we start the Fyre?
Everyone shits on the newer seasons, but the truth is I never see anyone have anything position to say about books 4 and 5.
>I don't really know what the Night King is after, or how Bran's story is going to wrap up
No. You might just barely get by skipping the first two, although many character motivations will confuse you because they're different in the books, but the outline of events is relatively close. But three and on diverge too much from the show. Just read from the start. If you don't like them, stop reading. If you do like them, why would you skip two books?
>I know all the characters and what the are doing
Biggest cast in TV still leaves out a ton of characters and makes fundamental changes to ones that were included.
>Brienne of fucking Tarth
>Beating the Hound
book 4 and 5 are shit and wouldn't have worked at all for TV. i remember around the time season 3 came out grrm said something like affc and adwd had about 4 seasons worth of tv material by themselves. yea sure, they have that much material, but it's boring as fucking hell and wouldn't work on tv.
>i've read a lot of things on the side though about how the show has changed
Reading a wiki or clickbait article is not the same as reading an actual book. Have you ever done that before? There's a lot of content in there, you know.
What books are you even asking about reading? The show caught up and is fanfiction. You want to skip the books that the show was actually based on and read the ones that aren't out yet and are totally different from the show?
did the Hound and Brienne never even scrap? Is Brienne fanfic? how much of my life is a lie?
He's actually injured in that bar scene with Arya in the books. Sorry, forgot to spoiler tag on my other post, but:
a guy not in the show (Rorge or Biter, can't remember) takes his helm and goes around murdering, raping, and mutilating people. Brienne kills him later, but before she goes to an island with Pod and a knight not in the show and his horse is there, and there's a big grave digger pets a dog there. The head of the church says that he hurried the Hound after he found him in pain and goes into detail about him that only someone who knew him would know. Fans think the grave digger is the Hound, finally at peace and finding purpose. His time with the village folk is a nod to this.
Terrible except for House Codd. For me it would be
Still Codd, we have to be realistic
Brienne. She's loyal, kind, and driven; and while she may be a bit ugly in the face she's in shape and probably a good lay with thighs that would squeeze the life out of you. She'd be fun in bed and a good mother.
>Adventure pals
Oberyn Martell and Asha Greyjoy. For similar reasons as each other except Asha could also be a fuckbuddy for when I just needed to nut in someone that actually had a pretty face.
>Enemy House
Davos. He'll always tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
>Commander of your army
Stannis. Tywin is probably slightly better but can't be trusted.
Riverrun sounds comfy as fuck. The sound of running water everywhere. Very soothing.
Qyburn, in case I need to cheat death.
Whatever Qyburn could stitch together.
George fired his editor after Storm, and it shows. Feast' s only problem was that it was boring and resolved almost nothing while opening new threads. Dance was better and blatant fan theory bait. I liked the Tyrion chapters and Barristan is fleshed out, and I also like anything Stannis in there, but otherwise I wasn't too hot on Dance.
Sandor Clegane is living as a monk and at peace. The Hound is lining the roads with hanged corpses for Lady Stoneheart.
>There are people who are just finding out about this series
I remember before this came out, the first season with barely any viewers or hype, discussing everything with Sup Forums for years, what was it all for?
Is this what it feels like to get old?
the hound and brienne did not fight. the hound was really fucked up in the tavern fight (the one in s4e1 where arya gets needle back), and soon after he got an infection and arya left him for dead, then she sailed off to braavos.
he's alive though, so it's similar to the show in that regard. a septon finds him and helps him heal, and he's currently just a gravedigger on a place called the quiet isle.
Prime Sharon Stone fits her looks the best of anyone I can think of but Lena's mannerisms are hard to seperate from the character for me now. One of the only show actors that's had this effect on me. The others being Rose Leslie and Liam Cunningham.
>Everyone shits on the newer seasons, but the truth is I never see anyone have anything position to say about books 4 and 5.
I will. Book 4 is fantastic and on par with the first three easily. Book 5 is mostly good but has some pacing problems. At their worst they're nowhere near as badly written as the show. people just meme a lot because they're mad at George for not writing them, and because not every book can do what Storm of Swords did.
I honestly came in late, around season 4 or 5, but I've read all of the books since.
>did the Hound and Brienne never even scrap?
> Is Brienne fanfic?
She's a POV character in Book 4 but she's somewhat different from the show. Book handles her conflicts with her role in society much better and makes her a more three dimensional character.
Jerome Flynn is the only Bronn I can picture.
>I remember before this came out, the first season with barely any viewers or hype, discussing everything with Sup Forums for years, what was it all for?
I too remember just hoping the trollocs wouldn't look too fake.
i remembering seeing the first trailers for game of thrones and thought it looked stupid as hell. looked like some really cheesy lotr rip off. the incest shit and jaime pushing bran out of the window hooked me immediately. wasn't expecting that.
>Wife Brienne
>Tywin a better commander than Stannis
Remember when some of the first scripts and clips leaked and we were all kind of worried about hokey stuff like that confrontation between Jaime and Eddard over him not being in any tournaments, and Dinklage's delivery?
We were innocents then. The knights of summer.
rose leslie doesn't really look like book ygritte. she has crooked teeth and is kind of an uggo in the books, even jon doesn't find her that attractive, he just likes the poosy
Wives are for more than giving you boners. The question wasn't who was the hottest, or who'd be your ideal concubine. You need someone you can trust with your household and to care for your children, and with a personality you can at least tolerate if not learn to love.
>Tywin a better commander than Stannis
We don't see enough to say for sure. I'd guess they're probably around on par with each other, but Tywin keeps winning while Stannis keeps losing, so if we go by results... Of course, Stannis also usually has a much worse starting position than Tywin. It's a tough one. I could see the arguments either way.
But in any case, Stannis can be trusted. Tywin cannot.
>Wives are for more than giving you boners. The question wasn't who was the hottest, or who'd be your ideal concubine. You need someone you can trust with your household and to care for your children, and with a personality you can at least tolerate if not learn to love.
uniroinically lollys stokeworth
Was getting caught part of his plan?
>>Wife Brienne
She would give you strong sons.
I think she's cute in the books, just not classically beautiful like Rose Leslie. Nonetheless the performance made her Ygritte for me even if she doesn't resemble the character as much as could be hoped. Same for Lena as Cersei, or the show's version of Bobby B.
I watch seasons 1-3 once a year. I get that people say the show now sucks because it absolutely does, but seasons 1-3 are great television.
She's mentally retarded. You really want to marry someone that has to be supervised as much as a toddler, and who might give you retard babies? And she could never contribute at all to managing a household.
>I think she's cute in the books, just not classically beautiful like Rose Leslie. Nonetheless the performance made her Ygritte for me even if she doesn't resemble the character as much as could be hoped. Same for Lena as Cersei, or the show's version of Bobby B.
she's definitely a better version of ygritte than the book version. rose leslie stole every single scene she was in
is LF or Varys still alive in the books? because then I also want to read it for them
Of courshe!
They are both still alive in the books and substantially less retarded than their show versions. Littlefinger in particular is having the time of his life. He's got Sansa thinking of him as her father and is rapidly getting a stranglehold on the Vale.
Is the night king bran from the future then?
It's been a while, but I don't remember book Ygritte quite so fierce and ballbusting. But yeah, Leslie did a good job.
Agreed. Ygritte honestly just annoyed me half the time in the books. Though maybe that's fitting, young love being what it is.
> rose leslie stole every single scene she was in
I'd say that's not hard when you're acting opposite Kit Harrington. But then, their scenes together were some of the best acting he ever did. I guess in retrospect it's because he was barely acting since they were actually falling in love on set. Weird.
yes they are both still alive. book-LF is much better than the meme version in the show, he's not an idiot in the books. varys is also much better in the books because his masterplan isn't as simplified as it is in the show, the show version doesn't make any sense without aegon.
nice. what is going on with the faceless men?
No, bran is the Night King from the past.
>It's been a while, but I don't remember book Ygritte quite so fierce and ballbusting.
If anything she was a bit worse IIRC.
>nice. what is going on with the faceless men?
Arya is still training at the House of Black and White and has turned into a nice little psychopath, but going by preview chapters she's probably going to get in trouble the the high priest for murdering on her own time again and burning an identity for it. The priest in the book is a different character from the one in the show though. They just call him the Kindly Man. They don't do names at the House of Black and White. The Waif is another priest there, not a rival assassin.
The Faceless Man that was Jaqen H'gar at Harrenhal is currently in Old Town, having stolen the identity of a novice Maester for unknown reasons.
>Tywin, 45,000 men and all of the gold of Casterly Rock
>Stannis, like 10,000 combined men at the start of the war, had his downs but is back up several thousand with many more on the way
Also still alive
>You need someone you can trust with your household and to care for your children, and with a personality you can at least tolerate if not learn to love.
You don't want a wife that will protect her family with poisoned double daggers?
Touché. Though to be fair Tywin is dead because he was a terrible father, not because he was a poor commander. Stannis is better at that than him. Especially since he isn't the kind of person that would burn their only child alive like in the show.
Literally the same, albeit with more detail. The books are currently on that part of Area's arc.
she's training there, that's pretty much it. some parts of what she goes through in the show are in the books, but she's not having daily fighting sessions with the waif. the waif in the book is like a deformed 35 year old woman that could possibly be a child of the forest. jaqen isn't training her either, the kindly man is (not in the show). the jaqen that helped her escape is still in westeros and he has a whole sub-plot going on in oldtown and no one really knows what he's doing. the faceless men are nothing like what they are in the show, they are much stranger and no one really knows what exactly is going on with them.
Double Dagger would cuckold you constantly.
>literally the same
I'm pretty sure we'll never see a retarded assassin duel with the Waif somehow lead to "And now, a Girl is No One" then her walking off unscathed.
But how can Bran be the night king and bran at the same time.
This has to involve time travel
>tfw marathoned GOT for the first time about a month ago
>tfw missed out on literally years of memes and insider jokes
About to start a rewatch. I marathoned it pretty fast so it all kind of blended together. However, from my memory, I feel like seasons 2-4 were great, especially the stuff with Tyrion. After that there were some cool moments but the writing really took a dive. Season 7 was my least favourite. The pacing was way too fast and there were way too many leaps of logic. What is the consensus from those of you who have been watching from day 1?
Yeah it was just an anecdote. Seriously though I think it's more the point that Tywin isn't really a commander, he has a whole war council that he presumably leans heavily on, and he still gets outfoxed by a 17 year old
If we're being real, you want Stark.
>the waif in the book is like a deformed 35 year old woman that could possibly be a child of the forest.
She's not a child of the forest. Her growth was just stunted by a poisoning attempt as a child. Children of the Forest aren't just short humans. They're kind of hard to mistake in the books.
garbage at this point, it's turned into a feminist series.
oheythere i'm the kang in the norf
5 seconds later
fugg the norf, fugg my bro robb
Well, up to where the book leaves off is the same in the book.
Here bro I'll catch you up on some vintage memes.
>Double Dagger would cuckold you constantly.
>The Faceless Man that was Jaqen H'gar at Harrenhal is currently in Old Town, having stolen the identity of a novice Maester for unknown reasons
huh I remember reading that somewhere, that's interesting to me. I think it might be the same reason Sam is there, to get info on the NK etc.
I guess Tywin is still alive, or do I have that wrong? It sounds like the show went full retard around the time of Tyrion's trial.
Tywin did nothing wrong that I can besides (understandably) underestimate Robb. You don't expect a 16 year old to be that good at strategy and tactics, even if they have great advisors like Brynden Tully and Roose Bolton, they'd likely be too stupid to listen to them. Robb wasn't.
Also after, my favourite episode is Blackwater. That may change on a rewatch. My favourite part was Cersei just getting drunk:
>“If the city falls, these fine women should be in for a bit of a rape.”
remember story times with Old Nan?
Tywin dies at the end of Book 3. There's lots of theories as to what the Faceless Men want in Old Town, from them trying to steal info on dragons to them somehow being part of a plot by Euron to take the city. (Euron in particular is totally different from the show version. He's a psychotic corsair mystic with severe bi-polar disorder).
Seriously though, is there anyone that doesn't believe that either Cersei/Jaime are Aerys', or that Tyrion is Aerys'?
If it is Tyrion then supporting evidence is
>Strangely described blond hair
>Black eye which might be purple
>dragon dreams
>Him and Jaime killed each other's fathers
If it is Jaime/Cersei then supporting evidence is
>Cersei is crazy
>Him and Tyrion killed their own fathers
It totally seems like something that George would drop hints towards without ever intending on actually revealing it
>My favourite part was Cersei just getting drunk:
That scene was taken almost line by line from the books, incidentally. Lena did a great job with it.
>Seriously though, is there anyone that doesn't believe that either Cersei/Jaime are Aerys', or that Tyrion is Aerys'?
Yes, everyone with a brain that understands literary irony.
tyrion killed tywin in the same way in the books.
there is no white walker night king in the books. the only night king in the books is this story
the white walkers are also nothing like what they are in the show. they're like eerily beautiful ice elves, not demon ice creatures.
>remember story times with Old Nan?
I am rewatching as well. Her story about the walkers and the Night actually scared the shit out of me. I thought wtfff
So you are saying that doesn't sound like something George would write?
the last one should be euron is daarios
No point in reading the books, at all. The writing is somewhat mediocre. They might be better written than the series itself, but the series, as books, will NEVER be finished. So it's pointless to even start.
Let me tell you about Cleganebowl.
Personally I've always theorized that the White Walkers are just the hybrids and the real Others in the books are those ice spider things. Humans just assumed the ones that looked like them were in charge.
>posting shopped images to fool newfags and dumbfags
Oh user
>So you are saying that doesn't sound like something George would write?
Yes. Too hacky. It works better if the children Tywin preferred and doted on (as much as he was capable) are the failures and the one he shits on is the one that turned out just like him. No need for who-fucked-who crap.
I am not a newfag I have watched the show since last summer, but I am a dumbfag. Fuck this, I believed this
That pic is a shop but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it still turned out to be true in the show. Sounds like a D&D twist.
I say two characters that are very close either killing each others fathers or killing their own fathers and never knowing it seems like something George would totally do.
Especially with all the none is as accursed as the kinslayer stuff
>Personally I've always theorized that the White Walkers are just the hybrids and the real Others in the books are those ice spider things. Humans just assumed the ones that looked like them were in charge.
i always liked the idea that the others are ancient starks, sort of makes sense with the stark house words, it makes them a literal threat
I will forgive all season 7 & 8 crimes for Cleganebowl.
I still remember the exact moment when Sup Forums fell in love with Burn Gorman. All the way back when we thought he was meant to be the deserter called Dirk in the books, and not "Karl". This nostalgia almost hurts.
The Hounds warhorse also washes up on the island where the Gravedigger is.
Sandor Clegane is still alive but the Hound is not. Hes buried by the wandering brother and his helm is left on top of the grave, but its stolen by outlaws who report the Hound around Saltpans