Is Hilloligate real? Or are you guys are making shit up?

Is Hilloligate real? Or are you guys are making shit up?

Other urls found in this thread:

Weiner sexted underage girls, Bill raped people and flew to a sex slave island. The elites are fucked up people, so yes, it's real. Whether anything will come out of this is the question.

5 bucks for someone to have a sign at a hildawg rally saying
"Spirit cook me some walnut pizza"

Too late, I think they're done with rallies

Ten fucking threads about it.
How about you open one, and stop asking the world to spoon feed you information you could easily access.

Dumb ass. Do you make a thread every time you have to lace up your shoes, so someone tells you how to do it right?

>Bill raped people and flew to a sex slave isl

Is there substantiated evidence for this?

Learn to google

It's fucking nothing. fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

Also the island looks spooky af
Does anyone know what the other buildings are?
The only other I can make out from the photos is a tennis court

OMG I see a tennis court! that's code for a... tennis court. desperate drumpfkins.

alright, here's your (You), now fuck off

>said Tyrone as he posted on a website made by a white man, using the internet which was invented by white men, in a country founded by white men.

I am sure craving a pizza with walnut sauce right now.

That's almost as bad as pizza with pineapple, you fucking degenerate

>pizza with pineapple

It is called ananas and it belongs to pizza.

It's not real, drumpfos are just delusional as expected

It's disinfo crap and confirmation bias by anons with guilty consciences.

What gets stated:
>I'm bringing my kids up to the place to swim in the pool
What user hears:

What gets stated:
>Let's get pizza for lunch
What user hears:

What gets stated:
>Obama spent way too much for a hot dog event
What user hears:

Why is "raping kids" literally the first conclusion these gullible fucks leap to whenever they read anything? Really makes you think.

Shove one up your asshole, while you're at that
Read this.

Idk if it's pedoshit... but there's definitely something going on.

This. Good job on discrediting yourselves by projecting your perverted fantasies anons. Idiots.

We need to spread this stuff everywhere. Minority communities, especially the blacks, are very much into illuminati stuff and this will blow their fucking minds

I thought that this sex trafficking code thing seemed like newgfag bait and grasping at straws
But look at this fucking email:

>"The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems
> pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re
> busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it."

If these are not code words, then what in the name of fuck are they talking about?


Based Nippon, even if you are just a filthy gaijin English teacher

Yeah this is what I'm starting to think it might be. I also have yet to see someone give a source let alone a credible one.

Btw what about the young Hillary pics. Anyone was into this. I have seen pics of a young girl looking exactly like in the pics. Good chances they were also fake at this point

Tell me what this email is talking about then.

Pizza definitely seems like a codeword. "A map that seems pizza-related" sounds like some map he, or someone else, scribbled down to point to that hot pizza action. Or maybe map means cum, but no one would ever ask someone if they want their cum-rag back.

Okay that's weird.

Are you even real. We at Sup Forums approve only plain pizzas, with puff pastry.

It MUST mean child sacrifices. There's no possible way it could mean anything else on earth. Spread this stupidity far and wide to assure a Hillary win.

What could it mean?

People didn't automatically jump to those conclusions, you idiot. I worked as an intelligence analyst in the past and this is typically how it goes when someone discovers a codeword. One person uses the codeword in a context that makes no sense when you consider the innocent definition such as here:

and then you go back and look at other instances where the code-word was used but look at it in the non-innocent context. If the word is indeed a code-word then the pieces fall together and everything makes sense. When a codeword is used, there is zero variation on its usage or a discussion is never created around it. Everything points to this shit revolving around pedophilia, but you need a smoking gun to be sure.

But the issue with Hillary wanting a "hot dog with no bun" is the only thing that I wouldn't be so quick to say is pedo-related. Hillary is fucking weird and a hot dog with no bun seems like something her weird ass would legit order.

Well if I apply occam's razer I would they, they had a company/work retreat at a house in Martha's Vineyard and someone forgot an item there, a handkerchief with a print on it, which was found by the realtor who let the place to the office party and then inquired where to send the item to.

You know like also hotels do when you forget some of your stuff there.

But I am open for being corrected. What do you think they are talking about?

It could literally mean anything. It's code talk. to think you can break a code in 2 seconds with zero proof is laughable.

Ahh yes it MUST mean a Moloch rape-cult, no one would EVER print a map on a handkerchief!


>It's code talk.


And all the reasons to use code talk are bad.

...I never said it was child sacrifices.

Sagan said it best: extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Still applies even during election season.

You guys don't have shit.
You found code talk. congratulations.
You found shitty, ironic performance art. whoopee.

The claims are huge, but the proof is weak shitty accusations.


there's semen all over that handkerchief, hiro

Do you want to mell what exactly they meant by this then?

what was actually going on in that picture?

I don't know what it is. I have no evidence to support any speculation as to what it could be, and neither do you. Coming up with a conclusion first and then trying to bend the facts to fit what you want to find is not how investigation is done.

It doesn't matter whether it's pedoshit or not.

Why are they using code talk on hillary's private server?

It's definitely nefarious. It might be pedoshit, it might child sacrifices or even ordinary every day political corruption.... but it's definitely bad.

Bruh, speculation is the name of the game in politics. We aren't the FBI so we cannot go in the field and gather evidence, but we can speculate what may be based on the information given to us. When voting for politicians that is all you can do. When the evidence comes, it is always too late for your opinion to matter.

guys... was bill clinton molested by his mum?

"He was abused. When a mother does what she does, it affects you forever," Hillary said, according to the new book.

"He was so young, barely 4, when he was scarred by abuse and he can't even take it out and look at it," Hillary was quoted as saying in Talk's debut issue.

She did not specify the nature of the abuse but said it was the source of her husband’s infidelities. "I am not going into it, but I'll say that when this happens in children, it scars you," she said, according to Franks’ account. "You keep looking in all the wrong places for the parent who abused you."

think Hillary's letting slip why she thinks her husband married her there...

Someone normally sends this person pasta and sauce for Christmas every year (you know those edibles from Italy) probably bought on their holidays or another occasion. This time the box looked different what made the recipient of the email believe it wasn't pasta this time and lo and behold, this time the person send cheese as a gift for the holidays (you know this food made from cows milk)?

Now the recipient wants to wait until the children and grandchildren come visit for the holidays or few years, so they altogether can eat the delicious assortment of cheeses.

Jesus Christ man, what is wrong with you. Not everything has to be a grand conspiracy.

She was late by 90 mins for her last one and only spoke for 26 minutes.


You're claiming it's innocent. At the very least, wouldn't you agree that kind of nonsensical email is suspicious? Pizza/dominoes/pasta all seem like codewords. For what is anybody's guess, but they don't make sense in that context if it's their actual meaning

>It doesn't matter whether it's pedoshit or not.

Of course it does. No one cares about run of the mill corruption and money laundering. If they did, HRC would be in jail. child sex rings would be the kill shot. But Sup Forumstards literally have nothing.

>Is Hilloligate real?
Something is really fucky

Replace recipient of email with recipient of package/sender of email.

We still don't know. It's code for something.

The weird part of that e-mail is the dominos. Who the fuck plays dominos on food?

>But Sup Forumstards literally have nothing.

It's literally not nothing. It's definitely something.

We're not sure exactly what we've got. But the case for pedoshit makes sense of what is written.

Normal people aren't satisfied when you say "whelp we're not 100% sure, so it doesn't mean anything!".
We're going to offer them the one interpretation on the table that makes sense of it. And it's up to them if they choose to believe it.

>Pedo shit
It could easily be something like money

>Who the fuck plays dominos on food?
>>Who the fuck plays dominos on drugs?
>Who the fuck plays domination on food?
>>Who the fuck plays domination on children?

The sentence only works if the nouns are different. But we don't have a cypher to use.

So tell me what this means in that context.

May be the last year ther was a funny incident where the recipient of the package spilled his spaghetti (lol) while playing dominos with his grandchildren that Christmas, and he shared that story ("I spilled your lovely pasta all over the dominos we were playing, all the sauce too! You won't believe it, we had a good laugh. Needless to say I lost") with the sender of the package that year because that's what you do when you send thanking letters or mails to the ones who gift you something on Christmas, you share those little funny stories.

Then the next year, he referred to that incident from the year before to have a ligthearted ending to the email.

It's not up to anons to disprove a wild ass claim to you. It's up to you to back up your outrageous claim. Basic fucking logic.

>bill pardons a lady for racketeering
>she gets investigated for stealing street kids in South America/carribean
>clintons bail her out
>Clinton Foundation helps her build a fucking orphanage in Dominican Republic
>hati earthquake happens, she goes to collect "orphans"
>clintons help

b/tards figured it means bdsm and kids. This is really fucking stupid, just focus on real things and not this spooky ghost story.

He just claimed it could be money. Can it?

>basic fucking logic

It could be a book/ journal, whatever with sensitive material. Doesn't mean that material is child porn

I am not claiming it's innocent. I'm stating there's no evidence to indicate what it could mean. It could mean something. It looks "odd" at most, but then I've known plenty of people who type odd shit. I could speculate wildly if I wanted to. But I don't see enough connecting threads to give a clear indication of what it could be. 99% of the things I see people trying to push sound much more obviously like confirmation bias and wishful thinking, going far out of their way to stretch any mention of food or other activities to preconceived conclusions of human trafficking and rape cults. If you want to try and dig deeper and look for actual connections, that's one thing, but the rampant amount of shrieking that's going on on this board over it and their attempt to push it to the media before having any sort of actual credible evidence whatsoever is disappointing and irritating. Sup Forums is getting completely swallowed up by threads about this shit that's pushing every single other important topic related to foundation investigation out, and that's dangerous.

It's like saying "john needs to prove he stopped beating his wife." He keeps talking about pizza in a weird way.

Faulty premise will never reach a true conclusion. Damn, I wish US public schools weren't so shitty.

ya'll need to watch this. she talks about the clintons about halfway through.

>It could be a book/ journal, whatever with sensitive material.

Why not just call it a book?

It could literally be anything. Let's waste on lives on guessing games. We don't even have the fucker here to play 20 questions with so let's just speculate wildly.

probably some truth to it, but Sup Forums being autistic as fuck about it. you get called a shill for even the slightest opposition or questioning.

Possible, but that is just as much of a reach as saying it relates to pedoshit

The point is it could be a thousand different things. There's no evidence to prove it's the one thing you think it is.

oops forgot to link vid

considering how he asks whether he'd be better at dominos "on" pasta or cheese i'd say if they are code phrases-which they may not be-they're drug related

Hive mind has its upsides, but when it locks into group think fallacies it becomes a huge liability.

Jesus, this shit again? She says whatever her handler tells her to say.

No it's not.
Jeez, sometimes the stubborn autism here really gets on my nerves.

>It could literally be anything. Let's waste on lives on guessing games. We don't even have the fucker here to play 20 questions with so let's just speculate wildly.

No, it can't literally be anything. You don't have to waste your life on guessing games. Leave the thread if you want.
Leave the guessing to the people who want to guess.

Motherfucker how should I know. It could be sensitive information they have code words for. That doesn't mean it's a child sex slave

It could be drugs, who knows?

>The point is it could be a thousand different things.
Like what? Name one

sure maybe she sucked about 5,000 dicks too many and has brain damage. but it's a good listen anyways.

explain this please

> With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping
> up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to
> the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes:
> We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be
> Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and
> almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in
> that pool for sure.

>Motherfucker how should I know.

It doesn't make sense to have a codeword for "book"... Therefore it almost certainly isn't talking about a book. That's my point. There's a finite number of explanations that make sense of what we've got.

>It could be drugs
Yea, i think that's a more reasonable possibility.


making shit up

this is a campaign to make Trump supporters ridiculous

>No, it can't literally be anything.

yes it can.

A map of Iran.
A map of Haiti.
A map of Fort Marcy Park.
A map of child sacrifice spots.
A map of Italy.

literally anything.

Maybe those names refere to trained sealions or seals rented from a zoo who are able to perform tricks in the pool and in that way provide entertainment.

But I have to say this email really is fishy.

Insider of CTR tell people child sex rings are common with the politicians in DC

Clinton fucked Huma

The fucking CTR shills are out strong today.

How is that pizza related?

So, Klaus, how is the mandatory, Merkel-supported cuckoldry in your country? Send pics of your wife's tits, I'd be happy to claim her from the savages.

Stay schizophrenic my friend

Memes aside why would you wanna fuck a kid?
Is it because they're feeble and helpless? So are regular whores really.

That's pretty accurate.

I feel like it was planted almost

They're making shit up. Just salty trumps not going to break 240 electoral votes come Tuesday even with clinton losing every state she isn't a lock to win.

Does this mean Hillary is going to win according to bible prophesy?

How is pizza child sacrifice satanic ritual related?

>Using Latin alphabet witch was invented bye white romans.
>Using Engilsh language that was invented bye white brits.

Read the leaks yourself. It's clear there's fishy shit going on with kids considering that they're speaking about them in code and have had ties and connections to sex traffickers and convicted pedophiles.

She is literally the whore of Babylon.

Hahaha no ones getting paid here so why the fuck would we follow some protocol? What the fuck are you even arguing for right now? Getting people to not look into these emails or what?