What are some iconic swimsuit scenes I should be familiar with?

What are some iconic swimsuit scenes I should be familiar with?

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rather awful tbhwy

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lol at her jewy face

Jamie Presley is like Margot Robbie but actually has a female looking body


Attached: Wonder Woman 3x08 - Skateboard Wiz.webm (960x720, 2.98M)

Attached: Jessica Biel Bikini - Summer catch.webm (474x986, 2.52M)

this watch and learn sweetie

Attached: han.webm (1280x546, 1.3M)

Attached: Bo-Derek-in-10-Swimsuit.jpg (360x450, 17K)

How was this not the first post you fucking plebs

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Cutest ethnically ambiguous actress in the world.

Completely forget her name. But I bet she has a pretty butthole.

Not funny

that was my next post and now and now I have nothing in mind, maybe Halle Berry in Bond or someone else in older Bond's movies

This was 5 months after giving birth to her second child.

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That one chick in Weekend at Bernie's


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Attached: double digit surprise.webm (959x720, 1.35M)

how was this not second post you fucking low taste assholes!

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Name of actress?

what movie?

sleepless in seattle


Crocodile Dundee

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Connelly in The Hot Spot

is that Goldie Hawn?

Hogan left his wife and kids for that, Can't really say I blame him.

>not posting the .webm

Attached: 1413299922962.webm (700x388, 1.01M)

t. closet homosexual.

looks like a run of the mill roastie tbqh


what movie is this?

Attached: Pam Bouvier.jpg (676x1000, 107K)

Attached: biel jungle.webm (1280x518, 2.74M)

Isn't she 15 here? How did they get away with this?

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Very nice

Beach movie of a generation.

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(the rest of the movie is terrible)

Attached: Claire Danes2.jpg (500x648, 53K)

fast times at ridgemont high.

checked yourself

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It was 1994 and because she was 15 and naive enough to do it.

I remember that scene well

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She's in Game of thrones ffs use google faggot

Good fucking god was she attractive in her teens and twenties. Except for in My Name Is Earl.

You guys,I watched this and it's actually a way fun movie, and not just for tiddy meat like I thought

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Ericka in baywatch

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medium braaaap for her

Jesus Christ. Biel really is the fucking total package. I don't know how I didn't see this when I was in high school but she is ridiculous.

>believing hollywood trannies give birth

Good job Normie McRetard.

You had less estrogen in high school. Your poor lifestyle choices and the plastic in liquid containers + soy in fast food made you homosexual over time. Jessica Biel is a man.

Could you imagine a Margot Robbie head on a Biel body? Makes you think :thingking:

t. infected with Toxoplasmosis

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All hail based Timberlake and his Queen of All Pussy

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h-hey w-what about me

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I honestly cannot tell if people like this are serious anymore. The scariest thing is, they could be

Attached: Baywatch 2017.mkv_snapshot_00.08.10_[2018.03.18_07.58.27].jpg (1920x804, 209K)

Unfortunately, he's serious. Some people do think Jessica Biel is attractive. Its disturbing

Oof, you WERE making a joke. That's a relief, thank you.

You can keep going with your charade, if you want, but don't expect me to keep replying.

pure fucking kinikino, it's hard to find a scene that tops this desu

>But I bet she has a pretty butthole.

romantic as fuck user

Can't believe none of you faggots have posted this yet.
Then again, Sup Forums is full of fucking children who wouldn't know a good film if it stripped naked and fucked their mothers

Attached: if you dont know what this is your mother will die in her sleep tonight.webm (1920x1080, 2.18M)



Instead of bitching about nobody posting it, why don't you just post it?

I did you negroid, thats what the webm is

oof. made a lot of yogurt to this one back in the 80s

>why don't you just post it
he did you stupid nonce

You sure did, buddy, but you did so while bitching about it not being posted already. Try working on your reading comprehension before you graduate from middle school, because I didn't imply that you didn't post it in any part of my post.

>why don't you just post it
Welcome to Basic English, shall we begin? The phrase "Why don't you something" typically indicates a suggestion of an action that has yet to be completed.

I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that this board was occupied by actual idiots who can't read.

upset you're not the only one?

god damn. sauce?

Maybe you should grab a dictionary and learn the meaning of the word "just." Don't worry, I know that you're slow, so I'll do it for you:

simply; only; no more than.
"they were just interested in making money"
synonyms: only, merely, simply, but, nothing but, no more than
"she's just a child"

thats not a swimsuit. thats a fucking accident.

Post a scene pham.

t. fallen angel

i always laugh at this. what a fucking legend.

>being this much of a turbo faggot to not admit you are a dumbass who didn't watch the webm and just went right to bitching
both of you are retarded, but you're the dumber one

Do some cardio m8, that's definitely a lack of oxygen supply to your brain right there.

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Are you people seriously this stupid? I'm legitimately baffled right now. Is this board filled with ESL posters or something?

if you think everyone around you is stupid, then you're the retard.

now how about you "just" fuck off

Don't worry, I'm not discussing this anymore. Just because a mob of idiots can't comprehend what I wrote doesn't mean that what I wrote was wrong. Try rereading it a few times and maybe you'll eventually understand.

come back when you realize words have multiple definitions and the word just is virtually useless in any educated discourse

The proper definition of the word that I used was obvious from context. I didn't think that context clues for such a common word were so difficult for so many people on this board. I'll make sure to stick to elementary level English for now on.

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well you need to go back to school then, because every writing class since 8th grade teaches not to use garbage words like "just"

nuh uh

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This is an informal image board; not a writing class.

then dont get assmad your shitty use of a shitty, unneeded adverb, is not interpreted exactly as you meant it to be, but interpreted along one of the other 4 definitions