JUST IN: CNN's latest Electoral College map shows gains for Donald Trump



>There are very few things that the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns agree on these days, but one point of total agreement is that this race has tightened over the last 10-14 days. That tightening is reflected in our new CNN "Road to 270" map.

>The latest snapshot of the Electoral College map heading into the final days is a little more favorable to Trump, but Clinton still holds a clear advantage.

>What's changed?
>-- Maine's 2nd Congressional District moves from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
>-- New Hampshire moves from "lean Democrat" to "battleground"
>-- Ohio moves from from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
>-- Utah from "battleground" to "lean Republican"

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The way I see it florida and nevada will determine this election. Especially florida.

Then you're an idiot, Trump can win both of those and still lose

He needs NC,FL, and NV and then one more state to win.

Florida is red screen cap this

NV would be redundant if he managed to take PA or CO.

Calm down fag I know. I just think it's already likely for trump to get nc, nh, and Maine's second district.

NC blue is a meme. Virginia is a far more interesting question. Will Trump convince enough government contractors that he'll give them work, or will they think he'll stiff them on deals?

If Trump gets all the yellow states, it looks like a 269-269 tie. The vote would go to the currently majority Republican congress. This has only happened two times before, 1800 and 1824.

This would make this election the most interesting, controversial and fascinating presidential election perhaps ever, and it will probably be highlighted for centuries to come.

He's not taking either of those before he takes NV

If he doesn't have NC, FL, and NV locked down, he isn't taking NH


He's further ahead in nh than florida, nigger. Have you been paying attention.

Isn't Florida a historically democrat state? Pardon me if that's idiocy

Won't happen, in that sencario, Trump get's Maine's 2nd

And if it did happen, the democrats would get the VP most likely and control of the senate

>If he doesn't have NC, FL, and NV locked down, he isn't taking NH

South Georgia, yes. But it's been a swing total votes for decades

Have you, because he isn't.

Fbianon said Maine would come into play and he would win on the announcement of Nevada

Honestly now, how likely is it to happen? Memes aside, and all. How doable is for Trump to win?

Florida republican fag here.. just voted for Her.


>rcp florida average: clinton + 1
>rcp new hampshire average: trump +2
Fucking kill yourself.

Electoral split is very unlikely. If trump wins NH, he is winning ME2, which brings him to 270 exactly

Florida democrat fag here.. just voted for Trump

How's it feel to have your vote be made completely worthless by mine, faggot?

he has 30-40% shot atm. If momentum continues over next few days it could tip one or two states and push it over the edge. Could then put more ads into other states that are closer.

Nah, it's historically the one that fucks up the election. It helped elect Bush (R) twice then Obama (D) twice.

I see
30-40% is a shitty shot though. Brexit was like 49% and we didn't believe they could make it. 30-40 is just too little

Did you actually look to see what polls they are basing it on?

NH is being skewed by this poll on RCP


Trump is not +5 in NH

Sup Forums needs to be realistic, if they want trump to win they need to understand they are underdogs and need to get out the vote.

As mentioned, he needs to win a lot of states that are close. But if wikileaks, fbi, and other things help push 1-2 states to solid leads, he could focus more on states that he's behind

and cnn and fox news feed just killed in florida as voting is going on. nothing to see here am sure.

Not 30-40% of the popular vote in that state, only a 30-40% likelyhood of that state going red.

You dummy. New Englandsrs WANT their shitbag kids to die from heroin overdoses.

That's why polls use averages, fuckhead. Trump still leads.

So Trump is basically not going to win, right? I don't want to get my hopes up.

On the flip side, Omaha could go blue, giving shebeast one more ev, causing a tie again. If that happens expect the rest of Nebraska to burn Omaha to the ground.

On the contrary, it's very much a horse race. He's an underdog, but he has many viable paths in an unpredictable election year.

I'd say 40% Trump, 60% Clinton with regards to actual odds.

>269 tie

It would be a glorious continuation to this glorious election! The true logical conclusion.

Utah may be leaning Republican but that's because it's going to McMullen

McMuffin has been collapsing in polling. Utah has fallen in line.

it would be a disaster if its an electoral tie because there's no doubt that trump would lose the popular vote by 600k+

Keep pushing

I grew up in Norfolk NE. I'll swing back north with torches.

but I think its much closer than 40-60 with the advantage still slightly to Hillary

though it could easily go Trump's way as well since he simply has far more energy behind his campaign and his people are far more likely to get huge parties out to vote rather than putting in one lazy depressed vote or not voting at all which will happen to Hillary support.

the thing is I think that Hillary's support is too spread out to be put to effective use outside of places like California.

>AZ is a battleground but CO isnt

>implying WI isnt a battleground
>implying PA isnt a battleground
>implying MI isnt a battleground
>implying VA isnt a battleground
>implying CO isnt a battleground
>implying AZ IS a battle ground

trump landslide incoming

Trump is leading NH according to every poll except one, where he's tied

He's taking NH

Every single poll I have seen, every single news channel I have seen in the past couple of days says Trump is ahead in NH.

>implying Arizona is a battleground
What the hell is wrong with people


Oh no, it only went blue for Obama. The problem lies with South Florida.

>inb4 Cubans

Not really, it's the huge influx of predominantly democratic leaning Puerto Ricans flooding Orlando and Miami. As well as other new comers from L.A., the eternal Jew and the 4th/5th gen Cuban Americans.

If Florida doesn't go red this election then it will most likely remain blue for the foreseeable future.

>voting for Hillary

I mean I would forgive you if this was 12 and you voted for Obama but Hillary? Confirmed troll. No conservative in their right mind would vote for literal antithesis of their political lean.



Colorado is a Californian colony

Manifest Destiny is going in reverse now that it broke against the Pacific coast.

>NE2 a battleground

I know it's one EV but nowhere since the conventions has it ever not been red


Floridans are just so retarded. What an ass-backwards state.

Can't wait till this Floridan DNC shill I know who voted for Her a.k.a. "Mom" like some mommy fetish gets BTFO.