Sup Forumsitician magicians HOLY FUCK ITS HAPPENING: the second thread ARCHIVE ME edition

any Sup Forums fags into the occult/magick??? lets praise KEK and aid our future god-emperor trump!


and more recently:
>meme magick

Let's see if we can get some shit going to supplement these #spiritcooking #pizzagate #pedowood faggots. Most of the research/doxxxing that's being done by FBIanons could be controlled opposition, so there is some truth when others say we should purely CONCENTRATE ON VOTE-WINNING METHODS. That's where we come in. We come up with new/better ways to influence the typical voters in the simplest way possible, all while maintaining a *HIGH ENERGY* symbolic traction.

>nigga what does this mean and what can I do? I want to harry potter???
>praise KEK whenever possible (as he is the fuel and embodiment of our movement)
>create/repost KEK based memes, hashtags, accounts
>innovate better ways to collect energy
>collect energy(positively argue with people, convince people, make subtle memes, jack off and then right when you're about to ejaculate think about CTR killing themselves)
>actively embody what we're trying to achieve(I WANT TO BELIEVE)

Basically what you've been doing but now with truth, meaning, and intent. There's a reason those powerful pedo fags love occult shit. If we get normal anons to collect energy autonomously(outside of magick, of course), then we are truly getting the votes without seeming too tin hatted.

hopefully there's some occult fags here willing to help me the ball rolling here.
all questions/criticisms are welcome, anyone that's really into the occult will probably call me out, as i'm not really inclined to a specific study. will bump with some ideas and pictures

Other urls found in this thread:

Sex magick is a valid form of magical practice. It is also a powerful system of magick that can add another powerful tool to your magickal armory. It is the art of using the orgasm, the whole sexual experience — for magickal purposes. It is not about getting better sex but using the ancient energy. The magick is extremely powerful and is creative. It is not for everyone, it is neither white nor black magic inherently and can be used for a variety of goals. Sex magick is a taboo subject and hidden in many magical writings.

The word Sigil comes for Latin sigillum meaning seal. Not a seal like on plumbing more like the seal a president or and king would put on document so you know they were from them. Magickally this is a signature of the entity or idea that we are attempting to manifest. Many religions use pictorial key to access the type of emotion that is required of their following. Many Christians look at the cross and see it as a sign of their God giving everything for their salvation. This is a tool to for manifesting an idea or attempting to control forces far beyond human comprehensions.

>check em

Raise KeK
Raise you faggot raise

hillary will win

Trump will win

I don't need to be in the occult when my life is complete


fug :DDD

>The book Symbols of the Goddess by Clare Gibson says that Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud recognized how a symbol has the power to evoke and influence our actions on a conscious and unconscious level. Take a moment and let that sink in. You’ve got possibly two of the most influential psychologists of all time telling us that a symbol can influence our actions. The author goes on to discuss how Jung noticed similarities of symbols used by all ancient cultures


Praise kek

CTR will win my dubs say so

KEK is for faggots. I'll stick with Jesus who has been bringing families together since 3500 BC. That's a bit longer then a pretend frog god.

MAGA have families Vote Trump! Go to Church for the fucking kids. KEK WILLS THIS NERDS


>just PRAISE KEK, even if you're going to shitpost. refer to KEK somewhere in your post.

>MULTIPLY your actions, if you're going to come up with one hashtag/pro-trump meme, come up with 2 instead. there's more of us if we try

>make/bastardize memes to include hidden sigils for normies (hahah kek is so funny whats that symbol in the background? oh ok cool xD what an ebic meme)

We love you KEK!
Praise him, for he is TRUTH.
Honour him, for he is POWER.
Love him, for he is JUSTICE.
The WILL of KEK = President Trump!

>top KEK dont let your kid get diddled by their pastor

I used to raid the occult section of my college's library before I graduated. I wish I could remember the name of the book - I'll try to find it.

The idea of this specific book was how throughout history the occult would be reintroduced and come into common practice among the people before the collapse of a culture or society. At the time, this idea creeped me out a little bit. It was around 2013 or 2014 when I read this. I wasn't big into conspiracy or anything and didn't practice the occult, I just found it very interesting subject matter. At the time though, the HUGE occult aesthetic in the popular and low-class arts (pop music, rap, etc) really got the cynical side of me to laugh.

I'll try to find that book, but now I think that it may hold some merit... Donald Trump sure as hell would bring the end of an era and restart the system... I think that is a good thing. Kek wills it.

repeating decimals are sums of geometric series

ramanujan shocked his colleagues when he said that a hindu goddess whispered equations into his ear.

the rabbit hole goes deeper.

>make sure you repost the other threads to the rest of the boards. people need to know. no matter how bad you might miss shitposting about your waifu

>help out in ANYWAY you can. you might think you're helpless because you're too scared to call a number that someone found on an archived website. just do simple shit like copying and pasting

>remember that KEK is the god of chaos. constantly spastic

I think this was the book. Can't confirm since I'd have to actually go get it and read through some, but I believe this was the one.

Oh shit, well according to these trips this was the book.


Interesting, I'm sure it has something to do with the physical embodiment in contrast to a spiritual representation. kind of like them saying "we're here and there's nothing you can do" even though there is. it's demoralization at its best/worst. yeah the esoteric culture devalued itself when it started to go on mtv more than anything. it's kind of like placing useful idiots in the way, people who think they know but they just take up the space. think of Sup Forums post 2006 hahahahahahaha

Made this, lads.
>Just like how the printing press brought christianity to the masses who couldn't afford a bible, your shitty printer can now bring Kek closer to you at the fraction of the cost.

Do these pedophile symbols have occult meaning possibly?

>I'll try to find that book, but now I think that it may hold some merit... Donald Trump sure as hell would bring the end of an era and restart the system... I think that is a good thing. Kek wills it.

man, so much is controlled and out of our sight, that it's hard to cover everything. you really never know who's on your side. you can only practice assumption. unless you're morally inclined to study a particular craft.

>the rabbit hole goes deeper.
this is why I made the thread. the occult is bigger than any pizza party, and if we concentrate on using their methods against them, we would have both the functional and theoretical outlines

/k/ Sup Forums and /x/ are converging.. What does this all mean?

checked and KEK'd. looks bretty cool.
and of course! but wow holy shit that's disgusting. even on money.


i was thinking of making a compilation of celebs/politicians who died inconveniently after referring to cheesegate, and making it like pro hillary [these are all traitors] or something like that idk

where's muh magickfags? praise KEK

I im gonna buy a 3D printer on black friday
who wants to buy a kek statue from me?

bump for KEK