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Other urls found in this thread:'Amato

its 2018, when are straight white american males going to forget about this stupid show?

Why did Phil decide to kill off new jersey? I mean he was ok first then suddenly fuck new jersey?

Also whats your favorite part of the show


>Don't Stop
>Show stops


He wasn't okay, NY always held NJ in contempt. He just didn't show his power level until his guy was in charge.


>mfw brainlets actually think that Tony died

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An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, my arch-nemesis

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>whack the boss of one of the 5 families without consent from the Commission
>not expecting to get whacked

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If Vince Curatola's performance isn't the best in the show, it's at least in the top 5.

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this desu

Where to read up on symbolism in the last episode?

they were in a war. they even had the underboss' OK. nothing would come of it


>it's a johnny sack spends his time shitting on hillary on twitter episode

>brainlets actually think it matters if Tony lived or died at the end

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he fuckin choked on onion rings

Noah really was a piece of shit.

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>all of a sudden
it wasn't an instant revolve, it gradually happened

This. Especially if you looked up from your phone long enough to take note of the music.

Especially since it applies just as much (if not more) to Paulie as it does to Tony.


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He's dead, Jim. Chase's revenge for the viewers for finding Tony interesting. What a bitch.

>people actually think Tony was in the wrong because he was racist about it

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>Especially since it applies just as much (if not more) to Paulie as it does to Tony.


>I wanna join the army its good for my career
>Get helicopter pilot training
>Then work for trump

Did Sopranos predict a trump presidency?

Yes no one knew who Trump was until he ran for president

I thought it was a little farfetched that the mob would kill one of their own for being gay, but it actually happened in 1992. Still not sure about in 2006 though.'Amato

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Because Tony B killed Phil's brother and Tony wouldn't give up Tony B to Phil

It’s amazing how kids who grew up in the past 20 years can’t fathom someone beating someone to death for being gay. Gays are still executed in some places.

Ahhh forgot about that thanks

>Gays are still executed in the US in some states.
Fixed it for you. I cannot, as a faggot myself, understand why our leaders want to see us disarmed and completely helpless.
You know how much ass I lost because I carry? Fucking queers.

Just finished the series

Pls explain ending

I said don't stop, don't stop, don't stop talking to me. Stop! Don't stop, don't stop giving me things. Stop! Don't stop, don't stop laughing about it.

They whacked Tony.
Screen black, no sound, right after the episode where he remembers Bobby talking about how 'you probably don't even see it coming.' Also the Silvio scene when the guy at the table gets whacked and everything goes silent (but not black, because Silvio wasn't the target).
Further support is the guy at the bar credited as "Man in Member's Only Jacket" specifically And him going to the mens room before the final cut (nod to The Godfather, when Michael goes to the bathroom to get a gun to kill people in a restaurant).

>They whacked Tony.

he was killed. do not bother looking into it any more than that, just accept he died and don't read any of the shit david chase has said about the ending because he's fucking senile.

>NY Post
>Chase being a contrarian piece of shit.
Doesn't say anything.

t. brainlets

Then what happened? Can you search on reddit fast enough to make it look like you thought of it by yourself?

>listen to Vincent talking to Anthony Cumia

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What was his fucking problem?

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Gossipy Jew with no ethics. Chase was good about making everyone look awful.

Were we supposed to notice him breathing in the casket or was the actor so shit he couldn't hold his breath for two seconds?

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you saw what happened. what you saw is what happened. he didnt die. the show ended

Childhood was believing Paulie was the best character.

Adulthood is realizing Elliot Kupferberg makes more sense.

>I have no opinion about one of the most controversial endings of a show.

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>What is North Jersey worth?

>You know how much ass I lost because I carry?
Getting banned from school grounds really put a speed bump on your sex life, huh?

Double Down boys. Double Down.

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he was in the right the whole time

Joke all you want. Armed gays don't get bashed. The douchebags who convinced gays to cower behind police who rape them with plungers deserve what they get.

>tfw we get a prequel because a sequel is impossible

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What was the significance of Silvio ending up in the same position as Tony in the hospital? Were we meant to believe he'd recover like Tony, only to not make the same pitfalls because he didn't have Tony's bullish nature?

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sil was the acting boss while tony was in the hospital and he hated it

He seemed to enjoy it on some level, just his asthma kept acting up

Even if Gandolfini had lived, a sequel would still mean having to reveal whether Tony lived or died, and I think Chase has too much pride to unambiguously reveal it one way or another.

>whack a guy for whacking a guy

What a woyld

True that, well, not cameos on a mid-quel following some other character/family on the same timeline as sopranos.

he didn't. he told his wife he always considered himself a background strategist type

>>Gays are still executed in the US in some states.
Yeah I call bullshit. I'm from Wyoming (you know, the state with one of the most infamous gay murders in american history), and nowadays even people from here don't give a shit if you're gay. They might make fun of a guy for being a fruitcake, but that'd be the extent of it. Honestly if you're a gun guy they'd be just as likely to offer to take you hunting.

Maybe not formally executed but being beaten/killed for being gay isn't something that just went to bed because your anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise.