What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Castlevania-Netflix-Logo-and-Vlad-1-750x422.jpg (750x422, 63K)

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It was adapted by an edgy fedora-tipping atheist.

Other than not using Vampire Killer or Bloody Tears, nothing.

too short
makes ricky gervais look tame by comparison in its jabs at christians

youtube.com/watch?v=5_Q1rXhHL6g this

The animation isn't great and I wish it had a stronger aesthetic presence in general, but it's not bad. It just feels like a longwinded prelude -- because it pretty much is. That wouldn't bother me so much if season two didn't take a year to come out.

It wasn't Debiruman.

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It was okay. The Trevor/Alucard fight was fun



Without Kanomi's hand in it, the show is practically fan-fiction. Also

These, and the fact that they never go to the Castle.

One assumes that's what they're building up to.

>What went wrong?

Nothing, it was fine. Lets just skip ahead to the Symphony of the Night season so we can get to the Shmoo grinding.

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Why would you even build up to it? That's stupid. Just show the Castle in the first place.

Castlevania III features a lot of adventuring. The issue isn't that the series doesn't open with the castle so much as it doesn't really offer much adventure in its place, so it feels like a long pilot.

>get the jewel fist for increased rare drop rate
>back and forth the one room to spawn a shmoo every second
good times

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Redpill me on Castlevania, Sup Forums, which ones are worth playing?

Rondo of Blood

Vampire Hunter D already exists.

The original, III, IV, Bloodlines, Belmont's Revenge, Rondo, X68000/Chronicles, Symphony, the GBA and DS games, ReBirth.

Felt like it was trying way too hard to say something about the church and painting them as not just a corrupt power but the reason everything bad happens. They spent all that time hyping up that one priest as some powerful personality and big bad but then just kill him off to some random demon.
Trevor just came off as a knock-off Jack Sparrow.

Most of them. Just avoid the N64 games.

Tried to make Dracula into a dindu. But because that's fucking impossible if you actually detail his exploits, they skip the bad stuff and open the show up with him being a quirky nice guy, then try to use that to make you sympathize with him when humans rightfully try to fuck his shit up.

It was super obvious it was a single movie cut up into episodes as an afterthought. They should have just left it a movie instead of pretending they planned on it being a 30ish-minute per episode series the whole time.

It sure feels like it's missing a sufficient climax if you look at it that way.

babby's first exposure to edgy animu

>no Grant
>Dracula dindu nuffin
>Ralph is an asshole
>too much time spent in dipshit village and town
>Ralph takes fucking forever to use the VK
>no Grant
>church = EVILLLLLL
>oh wait except for that one dude we needed to make holy water
>no rearrangements of iconic game BGMs
>no Grant

Trevor is the same hard-drinkin shape-tongued uberbadass Ellis puts in literally everything he writes.

Way too much human vs human conflict at the start. If they wanted to take that angle I think it would have more impact if you introduced that AFTER we become comfortable with seeing demons as the big evil the heroes have to worry about. Reveal the church as being the instigators after the fact so it actually seems interesting instead of giving it all up right at the start.

Nothing. I love these demonic animes done right. Berserk, Hellsing, and Castlevania do them right. Fuck those pretty boy demon shows.

That's because of the shitty cliffhanger ending, but if you cut the opening and ending out of every episode and play them back to back you'll notice how they just flow together without missing a beat.

There's no denying the first seasons was once a single movie.

They should have just released it as a movie length pilot instead.

Curse of Darkness

There's going to be more, right? Is there any news about dates?

You mean Lament of Innocence

Shouldn't it be? Historically it's a very early, significant edgy manga.

there were so many fucking quips and jokes I thought I was watching a marvel capeshit movie

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What attack is that?

crissagrim sword, it basically trivializes what was already an easy ass game, it hits shit like 5 times per swing or something and has the fastest swings of all the weapons so its basically a short ranged machine gun, it can kill the final boss in like 10 seconds


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There wasn't an internet for every sperg in Burgerland to keep track of everything being animated in Japan in real time back in the day. Devilman was simply the only violent anime available to be exposed to for a lot of people.

>not heart of fire
for shame user

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not just violence, also sexual shit, it was literally the moment that some kid going through puberty realized he loved anime and became a weeb.

Still though its not as edgy as genocyber or MD geist

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Nothing, it was the best thing netflix has made in a while
>if you criticize the church or dont cater to my beliefs you are a fedora neckbeard
Kill yourselves, only retarded dickless nerds use that shit meme and its a surefire sign of reddit newfag cancer

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Criticizing the church is fine, it's canon that the church ostracized the Belmont family despite them knowing what is up. Problem is they are doing a whole "Church shot first" and "Dracular dindu nuffin" spiel at the same time, pretty much saying everything evil in the worst starts with the church.

>posting shadman for maximum b8

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Well, I find it more important to save your image and repost it later than it is to jack off to shadman, despite how much I jack off and how turned on shadman's content makes me. don't get too caught up on what someone has to say.

reminder, that if you like Castlevania you should watch dante's inferno anime based off the game

I can’t wait for a Devilman/Castlevania crossover

The PS2 games were the same garbage as the N64 ones. Made by the same people.

>christfag btfo

It adapted the retarded classic Castlevania story instead of LoS which was a lot more adaptation friendly and is pretty much based on Dante's Inferno.

I like them both, the more Castlevania we get, I'm happy with. Trevor taking no shits from Alucard made me happy, he was always my favorite Belmont.

Castlevania isn't anime.

90% sure that's what the original plan was, then they cut it up and called it a season.

it was already doomed to be inferior to vampire hunter d: bloodlust

The fact that you made this thread. Show is great you soyboy.

Nothing desu, it was great and cant wait for the sequel

Too short and i wanted more.

There's 8 more episodes on the way this summer. Forgot the source, but I read from an online article.

When the criticism comes off as lazy and detracts from the rest of the story, I'd say it's a fair point.

I've never laughed so hard and quickly stopped watching something in my life.

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shut up

Talking heads exposition.

Alsot this

1 million of hours worth of exposition, a plot which only makes sense if you're willing to accept that 90% of the population of Wallachia is retarded, that priests are the mafia (despite the fact that things they consecrate kill demons, proving that they're in fact right) and that a man who drinks blood, can turn into a flock of bats at will and is in communion with hell dindu nuffin and was just trying to science, the ugly psuedo-anime artstyle, the fact the plot moves at a crawl, the edgy comic book writing with endless 'wit' shitting up every exchange of dialogue and the fact that by the end we've barely even set the scene.

This was ass. Why can't they just go to the castle and fight Dracula? I felt like Milhouse waiting for Poochie to fuck off for the entire thing.

cry more

>mfw pleb christcucks criticize the writing in Netflixvania

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I want to drink Sypha's beer!

Whenever I look at this image I don't know whether to see it as left to right or right to left. As a side effect, I have no idea how to respond. Have a reply all the same.

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It's right to left for manga.

The thing is that Netflix didn't make it, just like they didn't make Live action death note, just like they didn't make devilman. They just love to slap their names on shit that they distribute.

It's fucking Trevor, retard. A much better name

those latino quotas for fucking eastern european nomads LOL

when is the new season?

It felt like there was not much interest put on it, as if someone was commissioned to do a Castlevania animation series and they just did it. Easy plot, easy dialogues, easy violence... I saw no major flaws and it is a competent work, but it doesn't really give you a reason to care about it. It's just there.