Is Sup Forums going to shit?

>porn/blacked threads
>countless capeshit threads
>reylo general
>that one artist who makes 10+ anti-BR2049 threads a day

How do we fix Sup Forums?

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Make people watch Training Day


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It's impossible as long as people keep going to basically the same capeshit movies several times per year. Just got to ride it out

You ever had your shit pushed in?

Because that's what posting on modern day Sup Forums feels like.

Make a /dis/ board to contain all capeshit and star wars garbage and contain the paid shills by disney that endlessly make those awful threads here

>being this jealous of marvel movies
sorry you cant appreciate kino

fix it fast it's causing problems for me

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>going to shit
It's been utter shit for at least four years, where have you been? If anything it's getting better recently, due to original content like sneed

The flood of sneedposting last night was a step in the right direction desu.

Sup Forums is all good today, OP
it's Saturday
shills have the night off
check the catalog
here's the reason why it goes to shit from time to time
Subject: [Bold, crass statement designed to draw attention] Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:49:21 No.95949114Body: [Expand on bold claims. Touch on how many people are looking forward to Infinity War and how many people like ‘yourself’ are emotional about this 10 year journey. Make sure to include some coarse language and meme pointers to blend in. Familiarize yourself with the current trends and memes on the board, they change often, and incorporate one if possible. Finish off with an anecdote and a few lines about this being a defining moment in film]

Replies: [Use the 10 different internet connections provided to you to reply and agree im a quick manner. Make sure to switch between IP addresses to avoid users detecting our social marketing initiative. Create a few conversations with yourself (and with outside agreeing users) on different IPs to give the illusion of real discussion. Try different writing styles with different accounts. Establish the thread as being very positive towards Infinity War early on, herd mentality is a very easy manipulation tool.

Most importantly, reserve a few IP connections to “bombard” dissenting users, creating the illusion that they are in the clear minority in their opinion.]

Notes: [Make sure to enjoy yourself, log your hours, and upload full copies of the threads to the marketing server for future analysis and record keeping. Social Marketing guides for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be found in package 2.a. Guides for Reddit, Tumblr, Sup Forums, and other popular discussion websites cam be found in package 2.b. Any additional platforms may be covered in package 2.c or 1.e.

We would love to hear your feedback on this initiative, please provide continual fredback to your supervisor when possible.]
Anonymous 03/15/18(Thu)02:51:53 No.95949168
How to delete?

His shame-filled blinking here makes me feel sad.

I like Marvel movies because it looks like so many people involved are having fun. The actors, the writers, directors. Everyone is making money and having a great time. Meanwhile, I work an office job for about 9 hours a day, roughly 11 if you include the commute. I'm overweight. I'll have to be doing this until I'm 70 or longer most likely and I probably won't even live that long realistically, so I'll legitimately die, maybe even in my cubicle and if I don't the healthcare costs will erase all the money I made up to that point anyway. I don't have much free time for anything else and I'd be depressed if I could even muster consistent extreme emotional responses anymore beyond just "existing." But when I see a new Marvel movie for just those few short hours I'm somewhere else. I'm Tony Stark or Peter Parker. I'm on an adventure. I've been following this cinematic universe for most of my adult life and just wish it would never end, because I know my misery won't.

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>>that one artist who makes 10+ anti-BR2049 threads a day

He truly is an artist

Is this pasta??? this is the most pathetic manchild shit ever

absolutely, marvel movies are fun and they allow me a window into a universe i dreamed of as a kid. Running around the house with mommy wearing a cape. imagining what a movie with all my favorite super heroes would be like

More like 7. Once people stopped trying to out Patrician each other and post 3x3s and charts to get people up to snuff it just became a circlejerk of new/popular media and people's reactions to just those things.

more reyposting to be honest.

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>I like Marvel movies
stopped reading right there

The guy that constantly makes word salad BR2049 threads is fucking insane

When Hollywood starts making intelligent movies again I'll stop shit posting.

Check back in 2031.

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You both may as well still be children. You like something because it's "fun". What kind of priori is this? Its devoid of any intellectual grounding, simply catering to your emotions, and that's the worst kind of entertainment you can consume

>needing a movie to be intellectually grounded to have fun
>having fun is bad
No it isn't, thats why we watch movies to have fun and be entertained. Marvel and disney movies do that the best.

Filter out words, phrases and posters you don't like
Don't come here every day
Remember that the asshole of the internet will always be coated in shit
But most of all, don't make threads complaining and whining about easily avoidable things


>people like this post on Sup Forums in 2018

What are your most filtered words right now Sup Forums?

>How do we fix Sup Forums?
ban whites and phoneposters

We just need to sneedpost until the jannie and mod are worked into a seethe.

being this angry because I enjoy a fun film and you don't

but why?

>leaves out all the Sup Forumstard bullshit other than the blacked threads
Sup Forumstards and phoneposters need to be purged

I want you to die in real life

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Why isnt that mongoloid posting Blade Runner threads 30 times a day banned for spam yet? Its literally the same shit over and over

More brap posting

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>going to

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No one you replied to seems angry.
But it's probably because you're lowering the collective taste of Sup Forums

maybe your taste sucks and you should learn to relax and enjoy good things?


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We either need /film/ and/or for all capeshit and star wars-related content to be exclusive to Sup Forums. I can deal with sneeposting and the rest of the shitposting but the amount of capeshit/SW crap is just overwhelming.

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Newfag here. This doesn't even seem like the television and film board. There's no discussion, just memes and shitposting. Was it always like this?

2016 honestly killed this place

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I do, but if that's what you want, why are you suggesting people should enjoy crap same-y movies made for 15-year-olds that got old with their formula halfway through Iron Man 1?

>anti Sup Forums anons are worse than Sup Forums in the long run
>let's let reddit run free on the site, what could go wrong

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Came here in 2014, eh?

Damn since when did reddit admit that jews control the world and hate niggers? Pretty sure saying stuff like that there gets you banned

That's why they come to Sup Forums to do that

Stay delusional /leftypol/

Sup Forums became the fastest moving board exactly because it's full of redditors
They even have a permanent reddit thread there, every Sup Forumstard was cancer before, and it's even more cancer now
Cry all you want Sup Forumstard, there's no escaping reality


>muh leftypol boogeyman

Sup Forums has been shit since 2012, newfag.

me and my dad don't really see each other that much, maybe once a month at most. he goes to church and i dont. he sees my brother and i dont. i dont really have much in common with my dad. back in 2008 Iron Man came out and everybody said it was good. so i went to his house for dinner and we rented the dvd from blockbuster. end credits scene is Samuel L Jackson talking about a team. we have been watching these movies ever since. go to the theater or buy the bluray and watch it. he likes watching them and i like watching them with him. its something we do together for fun because we dont really have much else to do together. sure we watch other movies too but i feel like the marvel films are always go to films. i know i will miss watching these films with my dad when he is gone. and i will think about how he would've enjoyed seeing them with me when he isn't there to laugh at the quips with me. we have fun watching them and im glad i have something we both enjoy to do. he isn't perfect dad but i just want to tell him how much it means to me he watched all 18 of these dumb movies with me. i don't know if i will be able to watch them without him...

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>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

If you didn't notice the thread is crawling with them
Just look at how many idiots are defending Sup Forums and their cancerous behaviour

anti-Sup Forums spammers are worse than Sup Forums

There would be no anti Sup Forums spammers if Sup Forums contained their cancer you fucking idiot
Sup Forums was always present in this shit board, but only after they became an everlasting presence that it went to shit

>t. Sup Forums
nothing is worse than Sup Forums and how they constantly spam against marvel movies like this thread

You crybabies are worse than Sup Forums

OP here, I've never posted on Sup Forums in my life. You don't need to be a Sup Forumstard to know that marvel movies are formulaic garbage.

>poeple trying to fix the problem is worse than the problem
>Sup Forumstard logic

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Keep crying that will surely fix the "problem"

this is a legitimate shill post

Someone is always going to point out your bullshit. no matter how much you want to make this another safe space for your miserable concepts
There's nothing you can do about it

Okay so you are going with the crying route. Got it

Fuckin looool

Lotta soy in this thread...

Interesting, banned for call out this redditor crying about Sup Forums and also for posting "spam" in reylo

But Sup Forums = reddit
They even have a permanent reddit thread there

> Is Sup Forums going to shit?
It has always been shit and always be shit so become a turd my friend and float with us in the bowl.

A community is what its members are.

Getting rid of the the tumblr fags who infiltrated the mod team would be a good start.

>that one artist who makes 10+ anti-BR2049 threads a day
But he's 100% correct. His execution is wrong, but even if he presented well-reasoned argument, it would be lost on the easily-impressed drones who praise the flick.

Mods are neither Sup Forumstards or tumblerinas
They just do/ignore what brings the most influx of people to this place
The reason for that being gook moot only caring about money

>>that one artist who makes 10+ anti-BR2049 threads a day
Unironically based

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Sup Forumstards were so happy with moot gone
The fucking idiots

Look don't put us in a position where we have to kill your dad with meme magic just to get you to stop giving these people money.

Its been shit even before all the Baneposting maymays from 6 years ago buddy.

Living rent free in your head

its always been shit but thanks for finally smelling it


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>implying Sup Forums hasn't been shit for years
the only half decent threads left are cunny and waifu threads

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Found the soyboy

Just stating a fact
Sup Forums is always wrong

ez on the soy there bro

>Henry Cavill is behind the soy meme

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i'd swallow a load of soy to see new capekino early

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Sup Forums is always right

Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with soy?

>Get rid of all political discussion unless it's genuinely a theme of the film or series
>enforced limit of one thread per title, unless the discussion topic is sufficiently varied
>More actual discussion of film and tv instead of irrelevant shit


>trump will save us! maximum shill mode on for him
>elect the biggest jew puppet that ever was

>trying to pre-empt being marked soy by posting dishonest propaganda

Vilenueve sycophant FUCKING DETECTED, stay away from my thread.

Drinking the stuff daily has that effect on you

Oh noooo that sucks

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Autoban anyone who has posted on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/ during the last 48 hours
Autoban phoneposter
There, the site is fixed

We aren't

Way to expose yourself ReviewScrew

did you fucking think before you posted this? this strain of logic is fucking retarded lmao

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It's true. You crybabies won't stop whining