What is the dumbest movie-related conspiracy theory / fan theory you've ever heard?

What is the dumbest movie-related conspiracy theory / fan theory you've ever heard?

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The ghost in 3 Men and a Baby

In Room 217 when some autist tries to say Stanley Kubrick is in the clouds. Never could see that shit

That Orson Welles was responsible for the Black Dahlia murder

That Ferris was never really there.

He was Tyler Durden and Cameron was the narrator.

That Sneed's Feed and Seed was once formerly Chuck's Fuck and Suck.

the idea that people are "paid" to advertise multi million dollar movies on some fucking anonymous image board rather than think of LITERALLY any other kind of advertisement that would be more worthwhile like holy shit

Remember when this guy killed two people?

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i'm up for all kind of autistic theories, i don't mind them, most of them are fun, but the aliens being demons in Signs is the most retarded shit i've ever heard

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he was so achingly handsome when he was a teen. too bad he married an ugly woman none of his sons will be as handsome as he was unless he impregnates another woman. what a massive waste of such stupendous handsomousity.

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sounds like something an ugly monkey would post

sorry, sarah jessica parker, but you truly are incredibly ugly and you've polluted matthew's genes and inflicted your ugliness on your offspring. my sympathies to your children.

Ive seen people going around saying Mad Max: Fury Road was good

Can you imagine such an idiot?

I member

Mad Max: Fury Road was good

Disney named a movie Frozen specifically to divert google searches for "Walt Disney Frozen" away from information about Walt Disney cryogenically freezing himself

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Kubrick moon bullshit
da joos control everything / cultural marxist propaganda / white genocide bullshit
the existence of online shills
Disney buying Black Panther tickets

no it was a long boring orange chase scene and you're dumb for thinking otherwise


actor cast as max was ugly and handsome nicholas hoult was covered in makeup he did not look handsome in the move. movie was awful.

but it's not a theory. It's literally true. Maybe im falling for the bait here....

This level of samefaggot shilling

And MB killed two people and got off

didn't work apparently

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Paid shilling, by far. It's impressive tinfoil.

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Mike Stoklasa was murdered and replaced by a lookalike. Star Wars is a big propaganda tool and he singlehandedly made people doubt its legitimacy as a cultural icon so he had to be taken out; he also had other "innapropiate" opinions like the rapey stuff in plinkett The switcheroo happened in half in the bag episode 46 Warm Bodies and Movie 43. For a quick reference, real Mike had thicker facial hair and his face was "too big for his head", nuMike has a bigger head. This episode seems like it was old Mike's final appearance, and the shills superimposed a digital layer of nuMike to ease the audience of the transition. Go watch the episode without sound RIGHT NOW and look at Mike's weird skin and face, pale visage and overall "uncannyness". It seems like something went wrong with the digital trickery (or they were afraid it looked too fake) so they edited it to only show a small part (the rest of the episode is uploaded elsewhere not on the official channel). Another last appareance of oldMike is him at a convention, again removed from the official channel. When watching all the episodes in order it seems like (((Jerry))) Bauman is in on it, unreplaced. nuMike will shill for feminism or whatever establishment friendly agenda is needed with no problem. One assumes this is the reason why Jessi no longer appears. Rich (used to be more babyfaced) and Jack (now always shaved), replaced too.

the kino thing is that it's true irl too


white genocide isn't real but it's a good thing

That CIA crashing was part of his master plan

>t. damage controlling shill


He insulted him a little bit

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There is a hanging corpse in the Wizard of Oz

i seent it

lefty loony tune detected!

Reddit definitely has shills. I don’t know if they’d bother with Sup Forums.

Jews controlling Hollywood

The "minator" was even dumber.

The hoverboards from Back to the Future really exist and are playtoys of the rich.

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bigger luke

>Buenos Aires was an inside job.

A midget hung themself on the set of Wizard of Oz and they accidentally got it in the background of one of the shots.

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Astroturfing is a well known marketing technique.

He asked about conspiracies- not obvious facts Hollywood is perfectly open about.

yeah well known by Sup Forums autists.

Childs being a Thing the whole time too. I'm pretty sure people believe this stuff because they feel it makes them smarter for 'getting it'.

This copypasta would work better if the last line were fixed; Jay always sports some facial hair and Rich is even more babyfaced (aka "fat") than before.

Anyway, the dumbest theory I ever heard was that the two guys in the Blair Witch Project set up the entire thing to murder the woman.

No seriously, go read up on it. Marketing is fascinating to learn about.

Faggot opinions don't matter, faggot

You are a battery

angelica made up all the other rugrats to talk to because she was being sexually abused by her father.

''such and such character isn't actually real'' is the worst shit ever

bump for interest

''such and such character isn't actually real'' is the only hope Star Wars has left.

I think we have a winner!