Vote Trump, get jumped.
nice double doubles
check em
>getting jumped in America
>not conceal carrying
big mistake friendo
Oooooooh nooooooo I'm soooooo scaaaaared
Better stay home on election day because of shitposters empty threats
bring it you fucking donut!
the fuck is wrong with those tendons?
We'll be waiting.
>mfw some faggot tries to jump me for wearing my MAGA hat and I blow him away with my CCW
>vote Hill be killed
>vote Kane you'll feel pain
I wish a nigga would
I hope somebody tries to jump me. Been dying to use these
Try me nigga
the palmaris longus tendon is a vestigial carry over from the 4 legged days, not everybody has it, in fact it's more common to not have it. it's a genetic trait
please please do this please give us a reason
I'm still registered to vote in my small hometown in rural East Texas. No one's gonna jump me there, though the darkies might get a sour expression on their faces when they notice my bright red MAGA cap.
I would gladly get socked in the chops if it meant making America great again
Hahaha yeah attacking the pro-Gun party, that's going to end well for you
You're like those two ISIS geniuses who tried to shoot up a Texas gun exposition.
Can't wait to see this faggot get shot
Don't forget to film who enters your local voting station, so later we can identify people who vote more than once!
CTR is getting less subtle.
lol at all these tryhard neckbeards. The only thing you guys are gonna do is pull out your phones and cry to youtube about how you're victims.
Nice try, Heretic.
Trump voters will be protected by Kek and Saint Nige (dbuh)
here's your (you)
I'm in a stand your ground state with a legal firearm. Jump me get shot :)
Liberals are out of shape welfare fucks. Bring it.
Let's place a bet
The stakes are your life.
Am I armed? Or am I not.
Really makes you think.
Yeah good thinking libruls. Go on promoting the act of unarmed assault on people in the country with the highest gun per capita ratio in the world, and where the individuals that own most of them are those belonging to the group you plan on assaulting. That is totally going to end well for you.
Vote Hillary, experience artillery
You are going to die, stop.
FoIA info
Mfw i lostmy id a fewdays ago and since voter id laws are raycis. I still got to vote. For trump.
Nigga how u gna know i vote trump?
What's wrong with your benis?
saw the trump sign outside your house.
>Getting assaulted in Texas
Just as dumb as this guy I found on jewbook.
>he fell for the Judge/Governor meme
Wait, so did I. It's fun as fuck to load up .45 acp, .45 colt, and .410 shells up in my Governor and feel the recoil rise every second shot.
The .410's are fun as fuck to feel the kick from right after shooting .45's.
vote Hill get kill
I will have an FN Five SeveN and 20 rounds waiting for you niggers.
Keep rockin' in that safe space, child.
Fug whatcha doin this deep innawoods?
Its the micropenis I am compensating for.
Just voted about an hour ago for Trump in Texas at a local church. Nothing but friendly old people there. They probably all voted for Trump. God bless 'em.
Comfy small town? Too bad the spics might turn yall blue
That was my experience as well in central TX. All old folks...talked to a number of them in line and all shy Trump voters.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having a micropenis.
more like a small city. and yeah that is my primary concern.
Yeah same central texas here as well. Only guy who was outspoken mentioned he was voting for Trump and the people assisting the voting seemed happy about it.
This is not a bet I would take, fäm.
Fact; if I'm not in my home, I'm packing heat.
>womanly manlet fist
Vote hillary, get deported.