A love letter to cinema

> A love letter to cinema

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> a character study

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>a triumph

Attached: clintmad.gif (240x228, 905K)

>a tour de force

Attached: 12786374847.png (785x757, 121K)

> not frogposting

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> the film we need right now

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>The fire rises

Attached: 1514074263923.png (402x398, 126K)

>the film he we need in a world gone mad under Drumpf

>the juxtoposis of full penetration

> grab your popcorn

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literally this

also nice digits

>It will keep you on the edge of your seat

Attached: 12370921739012.gif (280x296, 1.61M)

>the women have small breasts are are unruly
>the men orally capitulate and quip thusly
>blacks avast! hee haw, shuck and jive! donald glover turns in a command rapped performance
>lena dunham forcefully feeds a breeding pig her pudgey sisters porkish miasma AND THATS A GOOD THING DRUMPF?

>Why Paramount's 'Black Hot Wheels' will define a generation

>a movie which America desperately needs

>from legendary director __________

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>Two paws up!

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>greta gerwig desperately seeks approval and we shall give it! 5/5 PORGS UP!
>this coming of age slave docudrama perfectly encapsulates millennial desperation in a heartfelt and open minded plea to the Trump administration during a time of war

>from the guy's who watched shrek 2

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>the perfect comedy for the current era

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Dumb frogposters

>"Funny, smart, and above all else, heartwarming"

Attached: fregg.png (450x401, 6K)

>a thrilling adventure

Attached: 1521144323584.jpg (330x245, 66K)

>It's good

Attached: 1508992503091.png (645x729, 81K)

>movie about cycle racing
>review on the box says "a tour de france *****"

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>A love letter to Sup Forums's "Television & Film" board!

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smart dumb frogposters poster
dumbfuck animefag

Attached: meshootinganimefags.jpg (2560x1600, 973K)

>A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

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> Riveting

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Fun for the whole family

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> an instant classic

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>Five out of five stars

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>check your brain in at the door

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A thrill ride a minute.

>pure adrenaline

Attached: 1518387870187.jpg (992x1176, 95K)