thoughts on louie?
Thoughts on louie?
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Great theme.
the scene where the hungarian lady plays violin with louis' daughter is one of my favorite moments in tv
The show? The greatest comedy of the decade.
The man? True genius.
Think he's still alive?
Is it just me or is there a lot of his stuff popping up in YouTube's recommendations lately? I've rewatched a lot of interviews and audio clips by him this past week.
It's just '''you'''
I Love You Daddy came out?! Holy shit, i gotta see this.
Yeah... I'm thinking he's back.
The nightmare episode is the most accurate representation of a dream state I've ever seen.
>Think he's still alive?
Louie itself was a great show and while most people disagree i think it became great when it stopped caring about being a comedy.
He's slowly plotting a comeback
Sober up Szekely
He will soon reappear with no extremities claiming that he's sacrificied them to be allowed back in the business.
It'll work.
Louie is a great show and Louis CK doesn't deserve to be #MeTooed on the same level as Weinstein or Spacey. Hopefully he'll be back in a couple years tops.
Find honest work
I don't remember it even being a full-blown comedy. It was always all dramedy-like.
Hi Israel
I appreciate all the bumps my man. You did good on the last Louis CK thread too.
I miss him as well, just double check what you write before posting since you are making it way too obvious that you aren't native english speaker.
great show, horace & pete is amazing too
1 and 2 were the funniest, but s3 was probably the best and his directing had improved. it had the best balance between comedy and drama. later series went a bit more drama than comedy.
i think just some leaked screeners bud
What if Louie's comeback movie is a live-action Yotsuba adaptation?
Kys shill nigga
stopped watching around season 2. became too melodramatic, preachy, and unfunny.
CK stands for "Cuck King"
Well there's always Bazinga Bros.
When was the last time he was seen in public?
He can't hide forever. He has to jerk off sometime.
>He has to jerk off sometime
no one here believes that's what any of this is really about.
>be me, louis "Cuck King"
>laying in bed with my wife, cuddling her
>decide what could be better than this
>lightbulb moment
>i decided to call up my favourite bull and have him creampie my wife
>the bull is over within5 minutes
>i prep the bull ready for my wife
>he ploughs her for hours
>best sleep i had in my wife was when i was in the closet, sound asleep, woken up more refreshed than ever
>>best sleep i had in my wife
I never got any of the apply of this story, objectively it's almost the least interesting of the bunch. This, though, gives pause and invokes a strongly compelling urge to maybe read a NYT article or two, for fun and education? Ya lol fuck that.
Q predicted this
Ultimately, is Michael Richards' being a racist on stage more career imploding than what Louie C.uck did? Well, the generation that got mad at Richards will be dead before the one that's mad at Louie. And I think that says everything of importance regarding the topic.
MR was a staged '''event'''
Fuck off Szekely
Are you aware who the Székely people are, user? Even if you were talking about his grandfather, only the "Schweiger" part of his name would be ((())).
the difference is that Michael Richards was garbage outside seinfeld and Louis CK is on top.
Post a better set, ever
a literal rapist
I'm a tourist and am not aware of this term, though clearly I still have a finger in the pulsing areas. Explain please.
I used to like Stanhope. I think the time of "the great american comedian" is gone, but he's the last one.
The cuck king's real last name
>When was the last time he was seen in public?
So any, even subtle hint that the guy isn't utter garbage will illicit a negative response around here? Reminds a guy of where he is.
Last time I saw him was on his rape boat with Jerry drinking coffee on netflics.
fuck off nigga
and take your fake commie propagandist 'comedian' with you
Come on man, I didn't even know his last name. I may be a fake commie propagandist, but I never gave you even the slightest hint I was. I think you suffer from a little bias, or, or, a lack of proper outlet for your towering wit.
what is the subtle hint? you don't even know louis ck's name. im not a poltard and I think what he did was daming as fuck. one racist explosion on a heckler is a lot different than being a serial fetishist exposing yourself to women on a whim as a standard thing. the memes have been around a lot longer than the accusations, and im sure plenty of accusers stayed quit during the whole shitstorm.
go kick rocks Szekely
quit samefagging retard
if you think im samefagging fine. you're right im a total pussy idiot mr pepe samefagger
I honestly don't know what I'm talking about. But I think I have done some good. I've tried to be annoying but not totally idiotic and make slightly leading comments in the spirit of coming to deeper understanding. I think this is what trolling can be. I'm deeply saddened by Sup Forums. There used to be something brave and honest on Sup Forums years ago. It left. Without leadership, Sup Forums spawned Sup Forums. Anyway. This nigga is fuckin off.
so that's how you kill a thread
He'll most likely get writting work under pseudonym, but i doubt he'll get to perform on cam.
youtube only recommends based on what you've watched
so you probably watched a lot of black dudes banging white chicks
i never liked this fat disugsting pig but i bet he will be back. maybe sooner than people think
I felt like Louie took himself way too seriously. To some extent I blame the internet for holding him up as some modern day genius filmmaker comedian double threat. When he was really just a seinfeld era observational standup who finally had a critical but not audience hit (with his second tv show) in Louie.
In the end he wrote Pootie Tang and congrats for that. It is a late night B movie classic.
Part of me wonders if his whole reinvention as this self serious auteur was because people really just knew him as a Chris Rock writer who wrote a classic but unsucessful blaxsploitaiton parody movie.
His FX ratings were never good. He got his HBO show Lucky Louie becuase of HBO's relationship with Rock. Rock hired him on to write Pootie Tang.
In a way Louie owes most of his career to Chris Rock. Probably never even had the decency to trap him in a corner and jerk his meat to him either.
His episodes where his younger self and his friends start smoking Marijuana and the stupid stuff they went through and did was a great story. Also loved the episode where Robin Williams guest stars funny they both were going to a funeral.
He wanted to be like Woody Allen and he had a good go at it. Some Louie episodes, some Better Things and Horace & Pete were genuinely poignant. I think he is successful at being 'more than funny', and he's raised the bar for a new wave of shows, like Atlanta.
I was driving the other day and wondering if that episode actually existed or i had made it up, i forgot to ever check on it.
Thanks user.
>His episodes where his younger self and his friends start smoking Marijuana and the stupid stuff they went through and did was a great story.
Interesting that you say that was a best episode. That story was a prominent part of one of his early half hour comedy specials. Late 90s maybe? back when he was trying to be Seinfeld.
So anyway, I'm in England right. Any of you in the audience ever been there?
>audience murmurs, slight disdain
I know I know, it's horrible place. White indigenous European males everywhere...
>audience boos, hecklers shout from the back of the hall
So yeah, I get to my hotel room, guess what I see on the TV?
>audience silence, puzzled faces everywhere
They have a channel right. Multiple channels! Guess what it's called? B...B...C.
>crowd goes wild with applause
Imagine that, millions of white women all at home staring at the BBC, morning noon and night!
>crowd goes ballistic, people are literally hugging and praying in their seats
An entire nation tuned into BBC! We are all slaves to the BBC on our televisions!
>crowd begins chanting BBC! BBC! BBC!
So you can imagine my disappointment when this 'BBC' featured no updates on any interracial breeding grounds
>crowd stunned to silence
But you know what I say? Let's go to England, with a million black men, and let them fuck every white woman in sight!
>crowd goes insane, starts burning down the auditorium, african drums start playing
>crowd begins burning British flags, storms out of the auditorium chanting in unison
Can't wait for the next season!
>and he's raised the bar for a new wave of shows, like Atlanta.
I find it weird that there was such an explosion of Louie-Likes instead of CurbYourEnthusiasm-Likes.
lmfao his daughters know he used to rape jerk off to women dozens of recorded times
>Louis C.K walks on stage
>"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, you are in for quite a show tonight"
>"Before we go any further, let us turn off these accursed lights, damned these inventions of the white devil, and return to our natural blackness..."
>All lights in the theatre are turned off, but bonfires are being lit on stage and in the audience
>At this point, all the blacks in the audience have started chanting "cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck..." silently at first, but growing steadily louder
>At this point Louis has stripped completely naked, and a massive cauldron is brought on stage
>"This cauldron contains a sacred Nubian concoction made from excrement and semen of Black Men, and the blood of white male babies, it gives me crazy sexual power, sometimes I even ingest it"
>Louis covers his whole body with the foul substance, his little white dick getting visibly more erect
>At this point, the chanting has grown quite loud..."cuck cuck cuck cuck..."
>Louis starts pleasuring himself furiously, his eyes turning back in his head as the becomes more and more ecstatic, the chanting growing ever louder
>Some white people look uncomfortable and disgusted and head towards the doors, but they are locked
>Finally Louis reaches climax, and as he comes he is handed a big horn, resembling a BBC
>At Louie's signal, Zulu warriors emerge from the shadows of the theatre, slaughtering every white male with spears and stone knives
>All the white women in the theatre are being dragged towards the stage, where dozens of black guys await with throbbing erections
>At this point Louis is being DPd by two black bucks, and panting, he reaches for the mic...
>"Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters...I bid you the INTERRACIAL BREEDING GROUNDS!
>louis walks onstage dragging his 2 preteen daughters with him while theyre sobbing
>the girls are crying and begging louis to let them go
>the girls are uncontrollably sobbing at this point and begging their dad to let them go as a mob of african americans has gathered in front of their stage stroking their dicks chanting deep-jungle african tunes
>louis throws the kids into the black mob
>louis's phone rings and its his accountant asking him if he should put "mexican jewish" as his ethnicity in his forms cause thats what his papers state
>louis unzips his pants gracefully and eagerly spreads his asshole for the bulls, unfortunately no one takes advantage of him as theyre too busy devastating his kids's orifices
that lady was a top tier waifu
"I've always said it's time to exterminate the white race. I mean just look at white people; they're bland and plain and they all look the same. Now if you want true beauty you look to the black people. That's why I want nothing but black dick for my daughters. Nothing will do for me but colored grandbabies. If my daughters fuck white guys, I'll disown them, that's how much I hate white people."
-Louis CK, SNL Monologue, 2013
"Raising kids right is hard, you know? My younger daughter used to be pretty rebellious, bringing over all these white boys to spite me, she expected me to accommodate these lily white runts in my own damn house, once she brought over this disgustingly white kid, he looked like a god damn poster boy for the Hitler Youth! You could just see the latent racism and privilege dripping from this cracker's lips, it made me want to puke."
"So, there I was on the couch watching BET trying to ignore this little white shit when he sits down with me and asks to switch over to the football game, this blew my fucking fuse, I launched my fist at his square aryan jaw, broke it clean in half, then told this gringo fuck to never speak to my daughter again if he doesn't want his legs broken too, my girl learned her lesson after that little incident, she knows only black males are welcome to eat at my table."
-Louis CK, Louie Season 7, Episode 16, 2012
Is there an actual chance he'll make some crazy comeback with some standup where he pokes fun at what made him have to recluse and fade into obscurity? Or will he not even risk it?
Or will the country never not be sensitive about it.
Given the Nancy Pelosi spergout, I genuinely can't say if this is made up or if he actually said it.
>Louie season 7
It's just Sup Forums doing what it does best: lie
"I would like to end on a more serious note tonight, and just really beg everyone here to please, just wipe the white race from this planet. This isn't a joke, this isn't a part of my act, I am just asking each and every person here, if you know a white person, if you see a white person, please kill them. If you are a white person, please kill yourself. I don't know how much longer I can go on knowing that the scourge that is white males exists on this planet."
-Louis CK: Live At The Beacon, 2011
totally agree, the two episode arc with the librarian is amazing, and the scene where they eat at some fine food place is probably my favourite scene of the entire show. Something about the photography, the music, the way the camera constantly moves and the food that looks fucking delicious ! love it