Sounds like they have great reasons to have foodstamps!!!
Sounds like they have great reasons to have foodstamps!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Food is absurdly expensive, and only getting more expensive.
The government has been paying for my food my entire life, and it's because they've done nothing to make it affordable.
The government artificially raises the prices of crops by paying farms to burn excess. They also give out food stamps because food is too expensive. It's a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit.
Let's reck this parasite
Fuck you, I'm in college and live on $20 a week for food. It's piss easy to do if you aren't a moron.
A SINGLE dip in my entire life span.
I'm voting Trump, but he isn't going to do anything good for food prices.
> My son's father
Is that some sort of reversed cuckery ?
She's a degenerate divorcee who's milking the guy for child support. That's a blatantly obvious inference.
She is saying she is working poor. Not sure how that is being missed and I don't think a person needs to be wrecked for that.
The reality that gets lost in the partisanship is that a large portion of welfare users aren't classic welfare queens but use it to supplement a low incoming life.
She states she is working her way up. This is what we want and I don't see why that is an issue. Also due to welfare reform in the 90s you can't live on welfare forever. You get kicked off eventually.
All this graph shows is poor countires have malnutritioned kids and well off countries dont.
Wow really noodles my noggin
>sons father
What did she mean by this?
it means she and the father (black) arent married most likely
this is how they fucking talk
Welfare recipient here, you can
Or she's married to a cuck
tripfag cancer end your life
foodstamps are FOREVER BITCH
>tfw live on welfare and exploit the system endlessly and mercilessly, even pretending to be part aboriginal for extra money
>tfw i wouldn't mind seeing all welfare abolished completely forever because that's more consistant with my political beliefs
guess what normies? if you have a stupid easily exploitable system based on your feelings you have no right to complain when someone takes the tax payer for a ride. i don't need a job so i'm not working i drink bourbon and watch anime all day instead.
i don't care I'm not a poor piece of garbage, you're just tripfag redditor scum
Are you saying income went down because food stamps went up?
Nigga what are you trying to prove just fucking say it
There we go
>I'm not a poor
She ether cucked someone or she is divorced.
Income spending*
Food stamps are basically an example of a communist regime taxes its people so much and that they have to go in lines for bread.
I don't know how any one person can be this bad at understanding graphical depictions of statistics.
That's a feat.
The sales tax here is over 25 percent. I see no reason why a self respecting citizen shouldn't use his abilities to their full extent in order to legally reclaim his illegally stolen money.
>food is expensive
Only if all you eat is fast food
>Can spend $50 a month on food
>Homemade frozen dinners and soups
You should even be able to spend 10 a week. Unless you like to eat alot, there's no reason.
It's not about legality. Legality =/= morality. But you should certainly use government goon's own shit against them.
>food stamps are somehow an issue
Alternatively, you can just make a lot of money and not care what the cost of your food is.
I eat out generally at least 3-4 times a week.
it becomes an issue when you're using food stamps but then you're spending 100s of dollars on drugs
Food is cheap as fuck in the US you moron.
Lel I just bought everything to make chicken soup including herbs, veggies, chicken/stock and noodles for 19$. Feeds a family of 5 for 2-3 days. What a cunt
I wish I had food stamps tho teebeehaitch
Legality is the basis of a civilized society. Laws are (loosely) based on the morality of the society.
Aren't food stamps given out depending on income? I wouldn't think someone who has a low enough income to qualify has 100s of dollars of disposable income.
No, food is cheap in the Netherlands
>Laws are (loosely) based on the morality of the society
You've never been to law school apparently.
I just lost 500$ in taxes on my last check.
I don't make a lot if money, but the difference between 1100 and 1600 on a check means a lot to me. And then I see people who mock tax payers while breaking us, I don't like it, nobody does.
I can't even take advantage because they discriminate at the welfare offices.
EBT food isn't paper money retard. It's kinda like a gift card. You can only use it in stores that allow it. (Most grocery stores)
Until you persuade someone going into a grocery store to buy it from you for slightly less than its nominal value.
What that user means is people will prioritize getting high over buying food, then go hungry and demand that taxpayers pick up the slack for their degenerate lives.
Latter day Danegeld.
Have you Americans ever though of not being fucking pigs and making food instead of buying overpriced packaged shit??
Yes friend the fact that different societies have different laws is in no way related to those society's morals.
>Women/gays/etc have more (legal) rights in Western societies than Islamic ones but it's not related to the moral difference in those societies at all.
>The change of morals brought by the weakening of religion had no impact on laws at all.
>The civil rights movement in the US did not bring any legal changes.
>look at all these bubbles!
>oh you didnt see the tiny bubble that proves my point? What a retard!
what a shitty thread
Legal positivism is the utterly dominant legal philosophy among lawyers and lawmakers in the West.
You'd know that if you'd ever been to law school.
How people as dumb as you can breathe and blink at the same time escapes me.
When I was in grad school I had to get food stamps because I was getting paid very little from the university and it got to the point where I sometimes had to go months without hot water and would fucking wash by heating up water on the stove.
I was living off of mostly rice and couldn't afford meat and when my advisor learned about it she told me to apply for some assistance. With food stamps I was still broke as fuck, but I was able to buy meat more often.
I was already working full time and going to school full time and I ended up having to take on an additional job as a tutor to even get ahead of my bills. So, yeah, there is a real need for food stamps.
Did you even read my post?
Or do you just shitpost endlessly and reply with non arguments?
You spouted some empty rhetoric that has nothing to do with the fact that lawyers and the people who make your laws don't understand law to have any necessary moral connection to anything. And that's because it doesn't.
It was law and completely legal what laws were enacted in Nazi Germany in regard to Jews. Law has no necessary relation to morality whatsoever - law is commands issued by a sovereign backed up by force or the threat of force - coercion and sanctions.
>law is commands issued by a sovereign backed up by force or the threat of force - coercion and sanctions
And how does that contradict what I said.
I said that law was loosely based on the morality of the society which you can easily see if you study history. Sure there are some exceptions which is why I said loosely but in general law does evolve with changes in the morals, customs, traditions, etc. of a society and it's just idiotic to say that law exists completely outside the society that created it.
>my son's father
>And how does that contradict what I said
Because the *THESIS* of legal positivism is that *THIS*:
>I said that law was loosely based on the morality of the society
is *FUCKING WRONG*. Holy shit. Go to law school or fucking read what's linked to you. Don't spout off at the mouth when you're completely unfamiliar with what's being discussed as if you knew anything at all.
>food stamps are a long term thing for people
Umm I've been on foodstamps
But I managed to use them and not have to keep them because I got out of that situation
Single white male
>my son's father
>lets just disregard historical facts because it contradicts my theory
my parents almost always cook at home but then again theyre not from the u.s. originally
*Contingent* truths are not *necessary* truths you unread dipshit.
Law has *no necessary connection to morality whatsoever*. The fact that laws may appear to address moral quandaries some or much of the time is *irrelevant* to the fact that law *need have no such contingent relation at all* to actually *BE* law. Holy shit you're dumb.
Did I ever say that law NEEDS to follow morals to be law?
I just said that HISTORICALLY law follows the morality/customs of society.
You can't say it's not true.
I'm saying *it's irrelevant*, because *it IS*.
>tfw have a job but still poor enough for food stamps
>tfw too proud to take the help
Basically true, they subsidize crop insurance, which pays out based on average land yield. So if you are close to the yield payoff threshold, you are incentivized to "burn" crops and get below the payoff threshold so the insurance pays for the average yield.
T. Farmer