The Death of Metaphysics and rise of Soy as social subjugation in post-vaginal erasure

Are we allowed to hate this shit now Sup Forums's pissed off?

Giving it the soft treatment is intellectual suicide so can we all fully explain what we disliked about 2049, and why it fails on nearly every level worth discussing?

Attached: heat.jpg (1920x1195, 664K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>too long and boring
>feels empty and soulless
>protagonist can't act for shit, zero charisma
>meme cinematography

Are you asking for reasons because you can't think of any, or are we just pretending?

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>The Death of Metaphysics and rise of Soy as social subjugation in post-vaginal erasure

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I think I'll keep loving this and thank you for reminding me of it. Especially in light of the Oscars.

What's the story behind this photo?

I'm asking for reasons that I might compare with my own and discuss ideas.

why is this site so obsessed with being contrarian and counter culture? Just make up your own fucking minds and stop obsessing with what makes you look cool you stupid fags

Landis and his diverse troupe go to John Wick 2

You do realize we all know you love video games right? Calling anyone else Sup Forums at this point is just making it worse for yourself

Contrarianism is a modish intellectually exclusionary term that goes against the very idea of objective critique. Just because they're people here that hold an opinion you don't like thinking about doesn't mean they're doing it for to seem hip. Stop accepting product as product and start consuming with taste and erudition.

Was the child labour sequence necessary?

How did he find that thing?

More Leto needed.

it was Goose kino you fucking mongoloid

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when OP is literally basing his opinions off of what other boards think or what other people on this board think, i think the fucking jury is out that he isn't completely his own man when it comes to his taste

>Goose kino

Why is your language so fucking emasculated Sup Forumsillenoid? Is Groupthink your default processing setting?

because i can see whats kino with my own two eyes and you sir are a faggot!

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Neo-9gag response, get out of my thread now kid.

show us on the doll where BR2049 touched you

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This movie is great lmfao
lets all laugh at OP together
you faggot OP

This is what, the 29th thread you've made today? Why bother posting without your trip if everyone knows it's you?

Aggressively poor bait, take a (you) neophyte