You played yourselves
Congratulations Sup Forums
It's like McCarthyism without the class
It's nothing like McCarthyism.
You're not even a real country.
the russians are backing trump because the russians don't want to be involved in a de-facto WWIII scenario started by a psycho lunatic
>this is the "bombshell" that Rick Wilson was talking about
>I-it's the Russians!
>they're everywhere
>they're rigging the election against m-me!
>No! Donald Trump is an ignorant racist
>you can't rig it to make Hillary win!
>voter fraud doesn't exist
The doublethink is strong in her. Probably due to her losing her marbles. Its ok though. Trump will win against the system, against her, and make America great again.
Trump putting NATO at risk, top lel
what about Obama supporting a coup against Erdogan and Turkey that backfired.
>accusations of Russia influencing US elections with little proof
sure sounds like McCarthyism
>candidate openly admits wanting to engage in total war with other country
>other country says that they prefer the non-war candidate
>hurr-durr other country is interfering in our politics he wants the non-war candidate hurr-durr
americans are this retarded
Truth, McCarthy was vindicated by history.
That's because McCarthy was right, and this is bullshit to divert attention from the assassination of whistleblowers.
how the fuck do you have internet?
It's virtually a fact that the Russians were responsible for the email hacks with the intention of tampering with the elections.
There is no evidence that voter fraud has ever occurred on a substantial basis that could sway an election.
God forbid you let those pesky facts get in your way though. easier to just greentext.
You'll grow out of it perhaps. Enjoy babby's first election.
>The Russians have no reason to want to avoid WW3.....
This was mostly correct. For some reason liberal academia still spreads lies from the Cold War. After the Soviet Union fell, records were released that confirmed McCarthy wasn't crazy.
>virtually a fact
why cant the gov just give us proof?
1 post by this ID
Yes, it would be terrible if we had a friendly relationship with the only other country on Earth that could annihilate the entire planet we currently live on.
i figured i'd see a leaf on this post considering how shit it is
its only ok when hillary does it
enjoy the 0.02 shekels transferred to your account
Thanks for correct my record ;^)
Seriously though, nice trotting out of the Clinton campaign argument. It holds as little basis in reality as Anthony Weiner being a stand up guy.
At least he did keep enough dirt to drag away your skag of a candidate in chains. It will happen, even if she can somehow pull a win.
She'll be inpeached. She'll ring down everyone around her, thereby imploding the Democrats. There will be a super majority of Republicans with pres Tim "I know nothing" Kane, until the rise of 3rd parties into prominence.
Stop focusing on shill threads like these, Sup Forums needs you to focus on redpilling society.
>This is their "bombshell" story
Is that all they had?
daily reminder that the jews want trump to win, but they only say so publicly in press aimed at fellow jews
Friendly reminder that they even have "proof" of the WMDs.
Attribution of a cyber attack at this level is nearly impossible, especially if you're trying to differentiate between a state actor and a well funded adversary.
In any case, the motive was clear: to call out the American hypocrisy that is "democracy." I honestly don't care if North Korea were behind it, the contents of the emails and their implications for the foundation of our democracy will always be more troubling.
the Jewish Press literally endorsing trump
This is an easy question to answer, unless you're fucking retarded bases blue-pill.
The Russians don't want war either, but they are tired of our shit. They will not back down. bestest way to avoid war; support a candidate that's NOT arming ISIS.
> lib-cucks
Check em!
I'm Russian
Fucking disgusting, especially polish edition
>being this much of a putin dick sucker
Is this what the cold war felt like? All this Russia fear-mongering?
By the power of Kek I claim thy steaks!
Every non jew lead country hates the US for a raisin you ass-clown. Even the US is tired of it's shit. Go bend over for your terrorist neighbor.
>Sup Forums defending Russia
>kept pushing the subversion meme for years
>fall victims to KGB's Putin and become tools for a subversion scheme.
And the key to reform the US politics scene is by electing someone who will make the world hate the US more. AYY FUCKING LMAO
>trumplets logic
Where is Vlad the impaler when you need him
most actually like us, senpai. It's called criticism, you'll face a lot of it when you grow up and enter the workforce. It doesn't mean you hate someone.
>Russia is backing Trump but also if Trump is elected he will start a nuclear war with Russia
pls nuke them already and sorry for the sixty gorillion
Sup Ahmed?
but if kek is a god of chaos, doesn't he WANT all out nuclear war with Russia?
>Americans whining about people tampering in their elections
I hope after Hillary wins Russia ''liberates'' you by which I mean bombs your cities and kills your leaders while installing a puppet.
Then you'll get the full course American treatment,as you've generously given so many times to others.
What? The "coup" in Turkey wasn't actually just a purge?
They must not let you guys out at all huh? I remember seeing the email about ordering pizza for you nerd virgins cause it was gonna be a long night. We know what it means now.
I'm astounded that Newsweek still has enough readers to break even
enjoy your hot pockets loser
plenty of us have been saying this from the beginning
Sup Forums is not one person, nor do we all support trump
Govorit Moskva
Putin's endorsement means more than that of the entire (((Press))) put together
Hello Kevin Ivanov
I don't think so. Nuclear (and later biological) war would mean destruction of our civilization as we know it, and Kek now lives second life only thanks to internet. Also, there's a high chance that final war will bring more order in the end. Literally no-fun-allowed post-apocalyptic future.
Don't you something better to do like collect the pieces of children who have been bombed?
Considering how much of Sup Forums wants to unload on Putin's chest, I doubt many care.
Nah, causing butthurt to Sup Forumsacks is more entertaining
>says Israel
Shill thread / Let it slide.
What would you know about that?
Interesting article, thanks
it was
Hillary and obama did nothing but stirr up shit for Russia and their allies
I find it hilarious that people believe that russia and its #12 GDP is "threatening", or even relevant in this election
It does not require lot of economicsl power as we have seen.
t. Pierre Petrov
this is not credible source
Also a quick reminder that Israel is #25 GDP
And yet... is more credible, amirite? kek
The alternative is a pointless war with Russia with the possibility of nuclear devastation. You seriously think I or anybody else gives a fuck about these baseless accusations about Trump & Russia?
I find it pretty interesting how American politics flipped so quickly on Russia.
When Obama stood for election he mocked Republicans for worrying about Russia. Now the Democrats are scaremongering that the Republicans are controlled by the scary Russians.
There is no cognitive dissonance either, the same people who mocked the Republicans are now claiming that Russia is the greatest threat to America.
Why aren't average Americans picking up on this?
>power as we have seen.
Seen where ? Russia cant influence anything, they dont have money, they dont have projection, they dont have allies
The reason they're under pressure isnt because they're a threat, it's just because they are the easiest target of the Saudi-US axis
Israel lost a fuckload of relevance the last few years because their relation with the US went to shit, guess under what president
>Why aren't average americans picking up on this?
Because they don't give enough fucks. Its a lot easier to not exert effort and live in a comfy fairy tale land. Basically lack of redpills.
>fronting like you don't love casting others as commies
>Israel lost a fuckload of relevance the last few years because their relation with the US went to shit
People are stupid and they can't even remember what they ate for breakfast