It's another episode of Tripfags and redditors crying about shitposting in Capeshit and Star Wars threads and about the...

>it's another episode of Tripfags and redditors crying about shitposting in Capeshit and Star Wars threads and about the ebil poltards

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Other urls found in this thread:

is that lara croft?

Wait, did she die?

>it's a 12 yr old user thinks he's being ebin as fuck for posting gore episode


Best Sup Forums hours

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Why redditors always say that? Also, always cry about "muh edgy". Jesus, you smell like r/cringe or any other subreddit


>Hello there smoothskin, will you let me enter Tenpenny Tower?

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This guys calling the gore poster edgy are the same crying about Sopranos being poltard or ruining Rome threads

ebin dude, simply ebin

Jesus Christ, dude. How old are you? Crying about generals and using gore pics, you think you're actually shocking someone? You think people are getting sick and feeling uneasy?

You are the biggest faggot I have ever seen in my life.

>implying anyone here isn't desensitized to gore

based goreposter btfo roasties and reddit

>it's another Sup Forumstard is absolutely buttblasted and started spamming gore on the catalog episode

>be roastie
>date dreamy XXBadxBoyXX drug dealer
>so fucking stupid you actually cheat on him
>think you are smart enough to not get caught and the bad boy won't fucking kill you
>bad boy fucking kills you
What's some kino about the average absolutely retarded roastie getting what she has coming to her?

Why are Brazilians so violent?

On my way to post porn threads then

Awesome picture OP

>20 posts
>no webm
Man Sup Forums is really going to shit

if you're going to post porn at least post good porn

Say that to my face, you fucking pig, I'll split your head open in the fucking balcony.

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We race mixed too much, all the nigger and brown genes fucked us up.

Thats some impressive handiwork.

based MAGApede praise kek SHADILAY!

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you sure seem to know an awful lot about reddit user

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>As soon as internet right-wingers become the biggest goldmine of cringe content "cringe" becomes a bad reddit no-no word

Why is this?

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>Sup Forumsyp Gets banned for posting shit he shouldn't
>Goes into an autistic rage and starts posting gore
Fuck you people are embarrassing

Calling op underage for posting gore, what does that make you for getting upset about it, a fucking toddler? Lmao

You have to be a very sick individual to look/post pictures like this and not feel dead inside, while you berate people on the internet for visiting a website or liking a movie you don't like.

goreposters are literally subhuman, that's why they hide in the shadows under the name of anonymous

it's proof that psychopath subhumans post among us, and they're more often than not Sup Forumstards

lol gotem

where in my post am I upset? keep posting that shit I don't care, that shit is childish and this board is shit anyways

Damn you just ROASTED him

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>Tripfags, redditors and faggots are already butthurt
OP is 100% right

>Stop making fun of Sup Forums REEEE
>You're soy, hahaha soyboy, soy soy soy
I used to be deeply racist (especially in regards to Jews) but seeing how fucking annoying and horrible the average Sup Forumsfaggot is forced me to change my ways. Sup Forums cured my racism. I root for niggers, Jews, Muslims etc out of pure contempt for you people.

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Whatever she did to have that happen to her, I'm sure she completely deserved it.

wow your convictions are so strong, you are not a weak malleable man, ;)

what are some good gore kino?

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dude reddit knows where the money is, and they've done their network analysis

sorry sweetie

Sure xD upvoted btw.

>got erect from this

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You can't fool me that's the girl from Annihilation


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go see funkytown

Come on now...

The OP is the Stargate and The Thing user, he's the hero we deserve.

What's wrong snowflake? You triggered?

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>Revese image searched and the first thing that pops up is its origin from r/donald
fucking disgusting cringe tier shit

>hat of a conartist who is serving israel AND saudi arabia despite pol talking about THA JEWS AND MUDZLIMES
>the youtuber faggot who went on joe rogan to say "most muslims hate isis", despite pol talking about THA MUDZLIMES R ISIS
>the faggot who's party collapsed

oh right all you faggots care about is to be reactionaries to anyone thats not right wing, you have no convictions

fuck off into nothingness while circlejerking about pink haired obese women

>you triggered
how old are you

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I think it was a joke guys

you're a sick fuck

>>you triggered
>how old are you

why are you here on Sup Forums?

This would be a common site no 200 years ago, and yet it easily triggers so many soybodies.

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What kind of frogs are those?

Welcome to Sup Forums

giv mor gor pls

she has very good teeth, im impressed

It's been like that for a couple years now, where the fuck have you been? I can't be certain the year but cringe became normalfag tier sometime around 2013-14. It's something literal children know about and say now. My friend's little brother says shit like "that's so cringe" and "that's r slash cringe right there" and he's no older than 15.

it doesn't and it's pathetic that you actually emotionally triggered Sup Forumstards think gore is going to scare anyone away on fucking Sup Forums lmao

They got baited hard

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>visits Sup Forums but cant stand gore

how NEW are you? OP picture is very tame already

Green tree frog.

No idea friendo, but if you find out, let me know
the native pedophiles on this board are the only thing keeping us away from the neogaf/reddit annexation

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acid ? story ?

So i get btfo for 5 days for posting nintendo cardboard in /po/ but this shit stays up for dozens of replies.
Really, janny?

That user is redditor, dude, the 96

Thanks. I found one once as a kid outside and made it my pet. I would always feed him spiders I found and buy him crickets. It was cool to see him slurp them up
>These frogs are found in the central and southeastern United States, with a geographic range from the Eastern Shore of Maryland to southeast Florida, with populations as far west as central Texas, and as far north as Delaware and southern New Jersey.
Damn I can't believe I found one in the upper midwest

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because I have no family, friends or girlfriend.

is she ok

>every time I see one of these posts I play a little game where I try to guess how long the OP takes before he thinks he can start posting about Jews without immediately being identified as a Sup Forumstard

And it never works kek

You're about 10 fucking years too late to save Sup Forums, you tryhard newfaggot.