What do you think of the rest of Trump's campaign schedule?

What do you think of the rest of Trump's campaign schedule?

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wow it's fucking nothing. fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

That's a busy 5 days. What's Hillary doing, taking a nap and/or preparing to flee the country in case of indictment?

Iowa is in the bag. He should focus on PA.

Fuck your mother.

When he wins I'm going to buy all of his books.


My goodness... Those don't look like the normal swing states. What could this mean?

can you make a pic with trump and killarys? want to get a comparison

He's given up on Michigan? It seems viable.

Four states on two coasts in one day is impressive.

Why not have his final funeral party in a Trump hotel instead of the Hilton? Is he embarrassed about his own hotels or something?

She's doing rallies and coming unhinged at them.




Too much NC and FL, not enough CO, PA

I'm thinking about building a 10 foot tall Kek monument in my yard if he wins.

10 rallies. 0 in MI and 0 in PA.

should have 5 rallies in MI and 5 in PA.


I wonder what his internal desire are like if he's already throwing a victory party

I'm heading out to the Wilmington rally again tomorrow. Hopefully I won't get shit seats this time.

He's going to NV. Polls might be legitimately worrying...

Polls have Nevada leaning Republican or a toss up.

dude's a badass for working so hard, holy shit

>Donald J. Trump Victory Party

>7 rallies in 7 states in 2 days

Can this madman be stopped?

Anyone else invest in Kleenex?

>post yfw the durka attack thats planned will take out trump, and give obama the pretense to instill martial law.

we fuken lost boiz

>tfw could have seen him in VA beach, but had three exams on Monday

>Raleigh on Monday
>Will be in classes/work
>Can't make it

I just wanted to see him one more time before he ascended to the presidency.