Did you hear about the person who supported legalizing marijuana, but didn't smoke it?
Yeah, me neither.
Did you hear about the person who supported legalizing marijuana, but didn't smoke it?
Yeah, me neither.
I don't smoke it but support it decriminalization. So there you go, now you've heard of someone
My boss voted for legalization but doesn't smoke or use it in any form. So there you go.
Hi randy fuck off
I'm in favor of decriminalization because I think it would boost the economy, eliminate the black market for it (making it safer for recreational use), and that people with minor drug offenses (possessing a small amount, not dealing) would be better off going through rehab than going to prison (sending people to prison for non-violent crimes is also a drain on our resources).
I don't smoke pot, though. Tried a few times as a teenager and it would always make me really paranoid so I stay away from it.
I have never used it, nor do I have any interest in doing so at any time in the future. I also can't stand stoner culture. That said, I would not be opposed to decriminalization.
I don't smoke it anymore, but support legalization.
hearty kek. fuck op and his faggy worthless thread
I don't smoke weed but if I want to I should be allowed to.
Have used it, but only because it's pretty normal here. Like the having your first beer.
That said, the rest I totally agree with. Fuck stoner culture.
I used to smoke while matriculating at University.
I graduated and obtained work as a federal contractor doing restoration work for the NPS. I maintain the structural integrity of antiquities basically. I work between 2 parks, the FDR house and Vanderbilt Mansions in upstate New York.
The federal government mandates a monthly drug screening, so I quit. Plain and simple. I advocate on behalf of both medical and recreational Marijuana use.
Far safer than alcohol, and less carcinogenic than tobacco...not by much though.
No you are bobandy. You fuck off.
I don't smoke and support legalization. OP BTFO.
>eliminate the black market for it (making it safer for recreational use)
Cause weed dealers and dealing is super scary and dangerous
Legal weed is a meme. Keep it illegal so more plebs don't find this wonder drug and invade my subculture.
I have not smoked for months now, but when I do have no control over it. I smoke literally it like tobacco, nothing is enough. I eat it, smoke it, make hash oil, mix it with alcohol to make green dragon.
I really hope do they legalize it around here when I get old as fuck, I cant imagine spending my free time sober tending my garden when Im 60-70 years old
I don't smoke it. I use too long ago. I'm for full legalization of all drugs
Youre the worst kind of stoner, fuck your elitism
Vape culture is retarded and I hate vapers, but I still vape.
Stoner culture is absolutely retarded, and I hate stoners, but I still smoke pot.
Cultist followings give us a shit name. I mean I REALLY hate vape culture. Just let me have my nicotine without smelling like an ashtray and fuck off.
No, fuck you pleb. I hate stoners but I love weed.
Voted yes because I use it to treat my insomnia and depression.
>Did you hear about the person who supported legalizing marijuana, but didn't smoke it?
>Yeah, me neither.
Let's assume you're right.
Since most Americans favor legalization, that would mean most Americans smoke the digity-dank,.
>m-muh subculture
If you aren't referring to your stoner culture (which includes other stoners) who were you talking about then?
You don't need to know because you're not apart of it.
I smoke it but oppose legalizing it.
Seriously, we're taxed to death on tobacco already, I shudder to think what would happen to the price of weed if they could tax that too. And it doesn't help that every politician who supports legalization is batshit insane. I like muh weed, but not so much I'm willing to vote for hippies and communists.
My girlfriend is that person. That dumb bitch is ok with everyone smoking but me. Fuck that.
lmao love this thread
OP: tries to imply the only people who support legalization are stoners
Sup Forums: too introverted and anxious to smoke weed, largely ok with it
Yes, that's how Democracy works
But Cali should still vote down that shit bill. You can do better
I smoked 100% legal weed 2 hours ago, i live in Washington state. I just hate your attitude
Also nice argument
That's me right here
Never will I touch that horrible plant again, never have I felt fear the way I did on that drug.
None the less, should be legal.
are you such a slave to pussy that you'd date a raging hypcrite?
Same here. Makes me paranoid and non-functional and "weak" feeling.
I don't give a fuck about it though. Smoke it i don't care.
Then get a medical card. Don't kill the program because you can't spend a Franklin to get it.
Weed is a great drug for introverts imo.
still not federally legal user.
more like 98% legal weed
Ever heard of Ron Paul?
I'm in Florida. To get a medical card you need to have it legal to use for medicinal use in the first place.
Nice blog post.
>look at me I just smoked legal weed
Well, I just smoked illegal weed at your moms house.
>paying a hundred for a medi-card
its like $30 in the valley man
He's the dealer
Don't leagalize. Decriminalize. Imagine what will happen to weed when Bayer/Monsanto Patent that shit. Imagine what the prices will be. Just make it no longer a crime to grow / possess.
Yeah, quite a couple people. I would point to libertarians as well.
>over 50% of Floridians vote to legalize medical
>needed 55%
You're laws are retarded btw
I'm sure the vote needs 60% to pass, regardless if the sum of yes votes are greater than people who vote no.
>trumpfags / the niggerking trumpfag himself
>supporting legalization of all drugs
Further proof this jackass just says whatever people want to hear, trump's following is comprised of religious white retards and people in general who oppose drugs vehemently hence why he hasn't said a thing about legalizing drugs in this campaign
i don't smoke, drink, or do drugs, but i support deregulating all drugs.
>1 Post by this ID
I'm for decriminalization, though I don't smoke it myself since it just makes me freak out/panic.
>your mom hahahaha
what year is it?
You hadn't heard it because you do not keep up to date.
"Pot users were much more likely to say they favor Proposition 64 — 72% did so. The survey found 43% have used marijuana for recreational purposes and 54% said they had not. Of the group who hasn’t used marijuana, support was split, 46% in favor and 48% against the measure."
You've just been BTFO, faggot.
I support legalizing it and I don't smoke it. Not anymore anyways.
Voted yes on 64 and C so we can legalize and tax the poor. I don't smoke so no fucks given.
t. saves lives of addicts buy legally selling medical marijuana
It's literally me.
I think stoners should be outlawed though.
Did you hear about the person that smokes it and doesn't want it legalized?
I'm against marijuana legalization because I still remember how my friend got weed overdose and how he behaved.
I know a couple people like that, they said they don't want to pay taxes for prisoners arrested with marijuana
>Neil Boortz
Most folks realize the war on drugs was nothing more than a sham. Legalizing? Not so much. Decriminalizing? Sure. Many can agree on that, unless you made a living being a law enforcement officer and got fed some bullshit data on the effects of THC on receptors in the brain.
There are exactly 0 conclusive studies indicating THC as a gateway drug to anything other than itself.
This desu
>tfw medical
both of my lifelong republican grandparents on my mom's side want it legalized and taxed so that they don't have to spend so much on prisons + extra revenue reducing deficit (and eventually income tax)